Well-Known Member
I noticed the same thing about the dry sift rosin. It looked waxy which equals terps. When I make BHO its either budder or honeycomb/crumble/wax. No more than 130F degrees and tasty as fuck!
I am skeptical of the organic claim. Alcohol is distilled. Distilling is condensation and separation of items in a liquid. Yielding a pure product. From my research organic and non organic alcohol are no different, other than the fact you can feel better about the way one was created or what it came from. I see it as a marketing ploy more than anything. Which I'm sure a lot of people would be fine buying because of the organic label.
What would be interesting, but I believe I already know what the outcome would be, would be to do a side by side lab analysis of this "method" using non organic and organic alcohol to measure what if any differences exist. I doubt any other than the "feel good" about using organic instead of non organic effect.
In a way, akin to the marketing term of "natural" as it applies to food labeling.
So as it seems to be, you are just washing/dewaxing a product with ethanol that was made with "organic" ingredients. Nothing new, just with a different label.
Almost like if I were baking banana bread but the only difference is I used two different brands of butter. One being hand churned, and one being machine churned. And lets say I was going to sell them at a bake sale. If I labeled one of them saying made with "hand churned" butter and no label on the other, and placed them side by side which one do you think would outsell the other? Identical taste, nutritional value etc... Hand churned would win hands down. And I could probably sell it for more too.
Essentially it's all PERCEPTION.
I noticed the same thing about the dry sift rosin. It looked waxy which equals terps. When I make BHO its either budder or honeycomb/crumble/wax. No more than 130F degrees and tasty as fuck!
You may want to turn that temperature down to between 95 and 110 F max. All of my books regarding terpenes, essential oils, and herbology clearly state that above 110F you start losing terps very fast and others start to become damaged and oxidize. I am sure if you keep it 110F or lower you will notice even more terps in there.
There are 144 different known terpenes in cannabis. Some of them will float and some sink. Some of the terpenes are more volatile and evaporate more easily.
If you try a lower temp, let me know if you notice a difference.
I have to agree with you even though I don't want to. At least when it comes to comparing 99% iso to grain alcohol and 200 proof organic ethyl.
I don't like using the grain alcohol due to the high water content unless it is only for winterizing an iso oil. This is referring to using 192 proof polish vodka. The product came out great, just a pain due to the water.
As for the 200 proof organic ethyl. It does a more dirty extraction compared to 99% iso. This may be good, but it may be bad.
You are right, it does just give me a sense of confidence for long term use when using the organic alcohol. Less concern about harming myself or my patients. This is referring to years of use. My patients and I have used 99% iso oil for over 5 years daily with no problems, but what about 15 or 20 years. Just makes me feel more safe that it is all organic. It does make me more proud to speak of my product being all organic also. Realistically, I don't think it makes a difference as long as it is being made correctly.
As for 99% iso, I must admit, it has produced the more pretty oil I have ever made, but I can't say it was any better other than the looks and easy to work with.
My biggest complaint with the 99% iso and other solvents is the stink. I don't want to be breathing that stuff, I know it is bad to do so. It is a lot more fumy than 200 proof ethyl. I feel a lot more safe using the 200 proof ethyl for the indoor purge just with a fan and no heat. It does not stink up the house. I feel that it is far less explosive and far less dangerous when it comes to inhaling the fumes.
In my opinion when it comes to the solvent being organic, like 200 proof ethyl. It is mostly because it is more safe making the product vs. the safety of ingesting it.
I am kind of an organic freak. However, if it were an emergency and I needed to make a large quantity of oil, I would not hesitate to use 99% iso and the rice cooker method. Especially for a short term, 1 to 5 year use.
Unless you made the ethyl yourself with potatoes or grains or what not. Then it's not organic.
If you have skill enough to clean a dry sift to purity, a wash is pointless. I think the visual differences between iso and ethyl might have to do with ethyl's stripping power which could increase CBN in the final product. And of course neither should be used for tincture or oral ingestion, only organic i.e., grape, cane or corn etc. I do not believe ethyl is organic, food grade sure, but its compound is not organic as the aforementioned. Kleenxtract does not promote the term organic in their literature.
I feel the same about rosin when using kief as starter material, no need to wash or rosin press at high heat for extended periods, just get good at sifting and try to keep the plant whole. Its understandable humans feel the need to deconstruct to begin again. Cannabis in its era of embrace is going through a deconstructive phase which is a biproduct of ingenuity and desperation. It occurs in art, music and the food world. Hash oil is fun, but as a daily driver I wouldn't recommend it.
If we are to use the word organic, might be best to keep it on the real and stick as close to flower as we can. Rosin has attempted to do just that in the big picture, but you can't escape its novelty and now the ingenuity/desperation collide. Those organic qualities which informed rosin when it started are lost now, too much heat, too much degredation, too far from the source. Its why deconstructivism in most art sucks, same with music and cuisine. A decade ago in the food world that's what you had to do to get on the map is be defined by your creative ability to deconstruct which isn't about the food, its about the chef so that got lame real quick and now nobody gives a fuck about scarmbled egg nitrogen cubes.
Ethanol is produced both as a petrochemical, through the hydration of ethylene and/or, via biological processes, by fermenting sugars with yeast. How about you tell me the carbon source of Kleenxtract's ethyl since you have endorsed it. If you trust their word without the company mentioning yeast or sugar in their literature, your faith is your business.
Ethanol is produced both as a petrochemical, through the hydration of ethylene and/or, via biological processes, by fermenting sugars with yeast. How about you tell me the carbon source of Kleenxtract's ethyl since you have endorsed it. If you trust their word without the company mentioning yeast or sugar in their literature, your faith is your business.
Pure 100% (200 proof) Organic Ethyl Alcohol. KleenXtract meets or exceeds the stringent specifications of purity by the USP (United States Pharmacopeia), exhibits odorless, tasteless, and colorless characteristics.
I doubt transparency as regards the company you endorse, their MDMS doesn't read as transparent. They are simply a cannacentric chemical provider who did some leg work to find a low price wholesale source for ethyl. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon, ethylene's hydrate is ethyl alcohol. The term "organic" could also apply to ethyl produced from ethylene considering its carbon makeup. Its none of my business why or where you produce hash oil using solvent, but the term organic doesn't make ethanol any less a solvent. We enjoy alchohol for its polar relation to cannabis, but consider hydrogen bonding which causes pure ethanol to be hygroscopic to the extent that it readily absorbs water from the air.
The polar nature of the hydroxyl group causes ethanol to dissolve many ionic compounds, notably sodium and potassium hydroxides, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride, ammonium bromide, and sodium bromide. Sodium and potassium chlorides are slightly soluble in ethanol. Because the ethanol molecule also has a nonpolar end, it will also dissolve nonpolar substances, including most essential oils and numerous flavoring, coloring, and medicinal agents.
As was mentioned earlier in the thread regarding inorganics, I feel the motive in dialogue here is to frame the usage of the term organic in an intelligent albeit scientific light rather than communicating with one another from a sales-pitch mindset. My point is that ethanol is a component in most malt liquors, but to brand a malt liquor as organic is absurd considering its effect. For what its worth I would never "smoke" oil from a grape source, the term organic in such regard is redundant, moot and unnecessary. That is unless you get off on the combustion of such elements, but again the term organic in this instance is simply pointless. I do admire the architecture of a thread like this. Its as if to say look how folks will talk in circles about why alcohol can or can't be organic, the joke essentially stems from the ennui of an overall BHO downtrend.
<Buy Pure Organic Ethyl Alcohol at Cheap Price>
<KleenXtract the all natural botanical extractor. NO BUTANE, BHO, Shatter, Snap, Wax, Glass Wear Cleaner, Extraction Method, bho, organic alcohol>
ITS JUST A TAG #ORGANIC to increase seo results in search engines
Contrast with someone like Rick SImpson who has been using ethanol as a base in his hash oil for some time, quite the prominent fellow within the greater cannabis community. You might not find the term organic on his website even though the alcohol might very well be. I appreciate your open-source attitude and I think all humans could always use a bit of self-reflection in terms of delivery. Incidentally, my vote is for healing and the eternal quest to end suffering, not arbitrary adjectives and socio-placebos.
FWIW, from a food labelling perspective, something I have years of experience in though not with alcohol. The difference between an organic beer and a conventional one would be that the malt, barley, etc. would need to be grown according to organic standards. So an organic grape ethanol would be made from organically grown grapes.
From a moral perspective, just as I don't believe a mac n cheese mix is ever opinion is that once we start using solvents, it ain't organic hash. I am Kleen Extract user as well, so not dissing it. But a bubble, dry sift, or charras would be an organic hash...