OHO (organic hash oil)

I still talk shit bout rosin

Thats how i first made hash oil decades ago..i started holding a lighter above a bud watching oil pool, but much was trapped .i was bored, i then tried squeezing the remainder out. Scraped and it smoked good, next i thought hmm ibet i could just squeeze it out, pressure meabs heat too afterall. But i realized all of this breaks down goodies...
Rosin is certainly nothing new. Google the term, people obviously realized they could do this with cannabis.
Any way you cant call it oho, it makes no sense, it applies to most every hash/hash oil.
I do all sorts of drugs, dmt too. Right now im on 4 bars and hit a couple lines though

as far as dissolving kief to clean. Weve all done and discussed. Good sifted hash....no..you lose terps and remove littl
your oho sucks

It was huge in Europe in the 90's. It's never gone as far as it has to recently. The techniques used now are far different than what people were doing back then.

We made rosin back in the day while trying to take knife hits with flowers. It dripped on the table. We scraped it up and mixed it with the hash we had my buddy picked up in amsterdam. He shipped it inside candles to girlfriends parents house. Anyway we thought we made jelly hash sort of. Jelly hash is a mix of hash and bho. This was back in like 98-99 .
OHO is a combination of various hash and concentrate making techniques old and new.

if your not a fan of the petroleum industry but are a fan of DABS this is for you.
Like I said before the only part of your tech im hung up on is taking full melt and exposing it to any solvent. And dont get the wrong idea im not anti solvent either
Its from outdoor so yep sun grown. The temp is not that high and its only exposed to heat for 7 seconds.

thats whats up. the heat changes it there is no question.

OHO was never put out as a "NON-SOLVENT" hash. its a solvent made concentrate. its not meant to be better or one up any type of hash or replace it. this is for those who want to get an organic wash on sift and smoke an organic absolute.

if your not familiar with chemistry or smoke non-solvent hash only i get it
Like I said before the only part of your tech im hung up on is taking full melt and exposing it to any solvent. And dont get the wrong idea im not anti solvent either

well when you separate out the ash that is left on your nail it tastes like burnt wood. its not pleasant. its hard to tell this difference if you haven't had a before and after but now i don't really dab ice wax i just smoke it on weed old school and wash the other 90% of it. (i do keep a little bit of the original sift to smoke every time because i love bubble much)
Like I said before the only part of your tech im hung up on is taking full melt and exposing it to any solvent. And dont get the wrong idea im not anti solvent either

you have never taken kief or bubble and blasted it with butane? its pretty common …… part of what led me to this was doing that but wanting to be more organic and clean.
you have never taken kief or bubble and blasted it with butane? its pretty common …… part of what led me to this was doing that but wanting to be more organic and clean.
I have taken hash or keif and done plenty of alcohol washes just not fullmelt. I dont dab full melt either I like to use the hash masher for that
I have taken hash or keif and done plenty of alcohol washes just not fullmelt. I dont dab full melt either I like to use the hash masher for that

my grandma would always say you better try it before you decide you don't like it.

thats how i figured out that I'm not into seafood.

how can you be sure that this isn't for you? most alcohol methods are ISO or use nasty cheap non-organic ever clear from the liquor stores putting a certain taste to the oil. also most recipes call for low grade sift that has chlorophyl still in it and is better for eating. if you use only organic flower and alcohol the result is very different than what was being done in the 70's
thats whats up. the heat changes it there is no question.

OHO was never put out as a "NON-SOLVENT" hash. its a solvent made concentrate. its not meant to be better or one up any type of hash or replace it. this is for those who want to get an organic wash on sift and smoke an organic absolute.

if your not familiar with chemistry or smoke non-solvent hash only i get it

Then it's not natural organic.
Then it's not natural organic.

it is a completely organic process using 100% organic materials start to finish.

the best you can say is its a organic solvent concentrate not an organic non solvent hash. like i said before this is not meant to be a "NON-SOLVENT" hash.

i think your confused as to what organic is.

would you say that wine making is an unnatural in-organic thing if everything used is 100% organic just simply because there is ethyl alcohol produced? i think that would be an absurd assumption to make... furthermore there are plenty of organic alcohol lines out there would you say that they are not organic? even further.. organic essential oils distilled with organic alcohol are not organic and we should do a mass recall at whole foods!?
it is a completely organic process using 100% organic materials start to finish.

the best you can say is its a organic solvent concentrate not an organic non solvent hash. like i said before this is not meant to be a "NON-SOLVENT" hash.

i think your confused as to what organic is.

would you say that wine making is an unnatural in-organic thing if everything used is 100% organic just simply because there is ethyl alcohol produced? i think that would be an absurd assumption to make... furthermore there are plenty of organic alcohol lines out there would you say that they are not organic? even further.. organic essential oils distilled with organic alcohol are not organic and we should do a mass recall at whole foods!?
You are using a man made chemical solvent therefore not organic. It's that plain and simple. Making wine you don't really add anything you just ferment grapes. So that analogy is invalid. Unless you made the ethyl yourself with potatoes or grains or what not. Then it's not organic.
An interesting subject. Ethyl alcohol is a waste product from bacteria. Literally bacterial excrement, yet has been around and enjoyed by animals long before mankind discovered it. Birds and fermenting fruit, for instance.

Is 190 proof ethanol, distilled from a wash created from all organic plant products and all organic bacteria, still organic?

It ostensibly was before distillation, and distillation doesn't alter the molecule in any way, though the fore shots and tails were tossed, so as to avoid the methanol and ethyl acetate also produced by the process.

Methanol is a waste product of organic bacteria and organic fruit pectin and attacks the optic nerves, causing blindness. Also the liver, central nervous system, etc.

Isopropyl alcohol is a clearer example of a literally manufactured alcohol, and attacks the auditory nerves as well as CNS, liver, etc.

At Skunk Pharm Research, we originally extracted the meds that we donated using 190 proof Clear Springs from the liquor store, and after first trying reflux extractions of plant material, switched to extracting from bubble hash to avoid chlorophyll. It solved our problem and worked well as a medication for any number of maladies and evil spirits.

We subsequently switched to using a closed loop system and non polar solvents, but experienced about the same level of success with either process.

The fish trap exists only because of the fish. As long as you get the fish, how much debate is called for regarding differences in design?
An interesting subject. Ethyl alcohol is a waste product from bacteria. Literally bacterial excrement, yet has been around and enjoyed by animals long before mankind discovered it. Birds and fermenting fruit, for instance.

Is 190 proof ethanol, distilled from a wash created from all organic plant products and all organic bacteria, still organic?

It ostensibly was before distillation, and distillation doesn't alter the molecule in any way, though the fore shots and tails were tossed, so as to avoid the methanol and ethyl acetate also produced by the process.

Methanol is a waste product of organic bacteria and organic fruit pectin and attacks the optic nerves, causing blindness. Also the liver, central nervous system, etc.

Isopropyl alcohol is a clearer example of a literally manufactured alcohol, and attacks the auditory nerves as well as CNS, liver, etc.

At Skunk Pharm Research, we originally extracted the meds that we donated using 190 proof Clear Springs from the liquor store, and after first trying reflux extractions of plant material, switched to extracting from bubble hash to avoid chlorophyll. It solved our problem and worked well as a medication for any number of maladies and evil spirits.

We subsequently switched to using a closed loop system and non polar solvents, but experienced about the same level of success with either process.

The fish trap exists only because of the fish. As long as you get the fish, how much debate is called for regarding differences in design?

so glad to have someone on this thread i can talk to!

i think that its organic and natural process when non GMO 100% organic materials and yeast are used. when i buy an organic alcohol vs a 14$ bottle of ever clear at the store i can smell a difference.

this is not a popular method or widely talked about right now and organic farming understanding on the consumer level is only starting to get there. these are just what i see as growing pains for the small organic ganja farmer. as big industry moves in, those of us that are small sun grown organic farmers of the old guard have to come out and explain the difference of organic and nonorganic. sun grown verse artificial lighting. organic solvent verse petroleum based solvent. this will ensure that this plant will continue to cure cancer to cause it and that our kids, kids don't end up smoking marlboro dabs and vape pens and pre rolls and all these other big industry products.
Have done that for years with 200 proof EtOH to clean bubble bags and screens and jars, also columns but anyways it's alright but just not the same flavor wise to some other extracts. Honestly the rosin or 5* would taste WAY better before this.

I disagree if you know what you are doing. As far as I am concerned rosentech is crap. Including the taste, medicinal value, and buzz. The only thing impressive about rosentech is the looks. Most of the medicinal properties have evaporated and been destroyed.
Let me say this again, I mean no offense. Rosentech is crap. As far as I am concerned, it is for scammers to get good oil for dabs and push bad buds onto patients.

I will back it up with a picture. Rosentech does not have good color or flavor because it lack flavanoids, terpenes, and dose not have pure THC. Rosentech method is smooth and easy hitting because it lacks chlorophyll.

When these samples are allowed to naturally decarb (which they were) with no heat and no winterizing, the true taste of cannabis oil emerges. Not many people have experienced this. I call it ND Sap. It takes 4-6 months for it to naturally decarb when done correctly. This is all I vape and ingest from now on.
Querkle QWISO touch of pink 3-29-14 045.jpg Qush QWISO sample ready to winterize 3-29-14 047.jpg

I don't want to say this, but I will. The terpenes of cannabis vaporize first and it is like crack, you can't put it down, just want more.
I am skeptical of the organic claim. Alcohol is distilled. Distilling is condensation and separation of items in a liquid. Yielding a pure product. From my research organic and non organic alcohol are no different, other than the fact you can feel better about the way one was created or what it came from. I see it as a marketing ploy more than anything. Which I'm sure a lot of people would be fine buying because of the organic label.

What would be interesting, but I believe I already know what the outcome would be, would be to do a side by side lab analysis of this "method" using non organic and organic alcohol to measure what if any differences exist. I doubt any other than the "feel good" about using organic instead of non organic effect.

In a way, akin to the marketing term of "natural" as it applies to food labeling.

So as it seems to be, you are just washing/dewaxing a product with ethanol that was made with "organic" ingredients. Nothing new, just with a different label.

Almost like if I were baking banana bread but the only difference is I used two different brands of butter. One being hand churned, and one being machine churned. And lets say I was going to sell them at a bake sale. If I labeled one of them saying made with "hand churned" butter and no label on the other, and placed them side by side which one do you think would outsell the other? Identical taste, nutritional value etc... Hand churned would win hands down. And I could probably sell it for more too.

Essentially it's all PERCEPTION.
I disagree if you know what you are doing. As far as I am concerned rosentech is crap. Including the taste, medicinal value, and buzz. The only thing impressive about rosentech is the looks. Most of the medicinal properties have evaporated and been destroyed.
Let me say this again, I mean no offense. Rosentech is crap. As far as I am concerned, it is for scammers to get good oil for dabs and push bad buds onto patients.

I will back it up with a picture. Rosentech does not have good color or flavor because it lack flavanoids, terpenes, and dose not have pure THC. Rosentech method is smooth and easy hitting because it lacks chlorophyll.

When these samples are allowed to naturally decarb (which they were) with no heat and no winterizing, the true taste of cannabis oil emerges. Not many people have experienced this. I call it ND Sap. It takes 4-6 months for it to naturally decarb when done correctly. This is all I vape and ingest from now on.
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I don't want to say this, but I will. The terpenes of cannabis vaporize first and it is like crack, you can't put it down, just want more.

I agree with a lot of what you say here. To those that love rosin great. It's more of a novelty to me. It has its place for sure. But, I have no place for it. I only see it as a way to kill terpenes and some of the medicinal value like you say. If I live somewhere and I want to do dabs but do not have access to concentrates, or don't want to make them myself I can see the appeal. It's just not for me. I will stick to my full melt bubble and other solvent extracted concentrates.
Now this is organic hash oil....drysift turned to rosin....no solvent whatsoever
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going by the looks it is more different than the other rosentech products I have seen. I assume due to using drysift.
most impressive looking for that method.
I am not a fan of pure clear glass looking oil. I want to see flavanoids in it. At least some kind of color. If you are not getting the flavanoids you are also not getting a lot of the medicinal properties. Much of the medicinal components in cannabis have color (some strains may naturally produce a clear golden color, I have only come across one that does that though).
I can't say I have ever used that method though.
Don't hesitate to allow some to naturally decarb. I would recommend adding some grain alcohol so it will decarb easier. Takes about 4 to 6 months for it to naturally decarb, but it needs to be in a liquid form for the decarb process. It should be kept in an air tight vial as well.
either way it is interesting. too bad I can't compare yours to others I have seen since they look so different.

Edit: Forgot to mention this. I like your method a lot better than others I have seen. Using your method, the buds have only been slightly depleted of their medicinal properties and not necessarily been heat damaged. Heat damaged buds is wrong, since people will sell it to patients and probably has no terpenes left and depleted of other medicinal properties.
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