Well-Known Member Loizeax President of Controlled Demolition caught in a fib about 9-11
Mark claims that controlled demolition explosions would shatter the windows of the World Trade Towers and Building 7, yet videos of his prior work clearly show that the explosions don;t break the windows, the collapse does. So why is he lying?
I still don't see how people can be so stupid about those buildings ... just because the corporate media said it could happen the way it did doesn't make it true especially with their track record on reporting the real news ...

Mark claims that controlled demolition explosions would shatter the windows of the World Trade Towers and Building 7, yet videos of his prior work clearly show that the explosions don;t break the windows, the collapse does. So why is he lying?
I still don't see how people can be so stupid about those buildings ... just because the corporate media said it could happen the way it did doesn't make it true especially with their track record on reporting the real news ...