Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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http://current.com/items/89121364_canadian_mp_presents_petition_911_commission_report_is_a_fraudulent_document?xid=46Canadian MP presents petition: '911 Commission report is a fraudulent document'
This petition signed by some 500 Canadians was presented by the Deputy Leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP), which is one of Canada's main opposition parties in the House of Commons. This presentation is of significance because it suggests that the leadership of the NDP is sceptical of the official explanation regarding 9/11 and is willing to debate the issue in the Canadian House of Commons.



New Member
I have Dr. Levin, "The Great One", treating me......I don't yet need the messiah.....I'll let him work his miracles on you, Med....


New Member
I have Dr. Levin, "The Great One", treating me......I don't yet need the messiah.....I'll let him work his miracles on you, Med....
Already has. Did you notice the 250 thousand that came out to watch and hear him speak in Berlin. How many does your candidate get? I'll bet he has to pay them to show up.


New Member
Already has. Did you notice the 250 thousand that came out to watch and hear him speak in Berlin. How many does your candidate get? I'll bet he has to pay them to show up.
The funny part is, 250,000 in Germany, but what was the largest crowd in A M E R I C A ? By the way, they gave out free bratwurst and beer as well as having live music, PRIOR to the messiahs showing....Shit, why didn't he do it here, I would have gone.....beer and booing go hand in hand....


New Member
The funny part is, 250,000 in Germany, but what was the largest crowd in A M E R I C A ? By the way, they gave out free bratwurst and beer as well as having live music, PRIOR to the messiahs showing....Shit, why didn't he do it here, I would have gone.....beer and booing go hand in hand....
75,000 I believe was one count, tell me about your candidates turnouts.


New Member
BEER BRATWURST & LIVE MUSIC Med.........fuck the turnouts; this is deceitful, in Germany, no less......
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New Member
BEER BRATWURST & LIVE MUSIC Med.........fuck the turnouts; this is deceitful, in Germany, no less......
Just as I thought, what 500, maybe 1200, half paid 100 bucks to show. CC. People like Obama, People don't like McSame, too much like his pal Bush, and 78% of the people don't like Bush, I'll bet 40-50% actually hate him as I do. Fuck McSame and his Bush politics and fuck Bush. But I can't fault all the people that voted for bush, most like you, have serious mental problems, and could be considered criminally insane. (Criminally for approving his criminal behavior , insane for just voting for the guy the 2nd time.)


New Member
Just as I thought, what 500, maybe 1200, half paid 100 bucks to show.

You lost me......help me Med.....
The people that show up at a McSame rally. As opposed to 75,000 at an Obama rally, or 250,000 at the berlin rally. Come on, without vote tampering, do you actually think your candidate has a chance?


New Member
No, I'm avoiding the original topic.....I was taking a cue from you.....we were talking about O in Germany and you brought up the McSame old argument, the one you and yours are stuck on......so anyway, who gives a fuck about crowds in Germany for an American Presidential candidate? I don't, for one.


New Member
No, I'm avoiding the original topic.....I was taking a cue from you.....we were talking about O in Germany and you brought up the McSame old argument, the one you and yours are stuck on......so anyway, who gives a fuck about crowds in Germany for an American Presidential candidate? I don't, for one.
Did you notice the 70,000 crowd in Portland Oregon, a very sparsely populated state at that. Just think if he were to give a speech in LA, probably 2-3 hundred K would show.
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