Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

Not all cops are bad, I'll believe in good cops when they start arresting bad ones.
Until then, all cops are bad.
Not all cops are bad, I'll believe in good cops when they start arresting bad ones.
Until then, all cops are bad.
It's called Internal Affairs and they do arrest and prosecute. I have close family in law enforcement and they are all decent, caring people, that do not stand for the blue line baloney. One of my cousins died on the streets of Los Angeles trying to save a woman being beaten by her husband. Absolutes tend to be wrong. Distribution tends to align to a bell curve with a few saints and a few devils with the rest being average, decent people.
Anyone who uses threat of violence to uphold authoritarian law isn't a good person, period. I'm not saying they aren't capable of moments of individual empathy, but the overall scope of the job is forcing conformation to an authoritarian system.
It's called Internal Affairs and they do arrest and prosecute. I have close family in law enforcement and they are all decent, caring people, that do not stand for the blue line baloney. One of my cousins died on the streets of Los Angeles trying to save a woman being beaten by her husband. Absolutes tend to be wrong. Distribution tends to align to a bell curve with a few saints and a few devils with the rest being average, decent people.
I'm sorry about your cousin, but it doesn't change the headlines. Cops literally get away with murder all the time and very seldom get held accountable for their actions. And if they were, I would be the first one to jump up and down hollering, they are not all bad. Sorry but the numbers speak for themselves.
I'm sorry about your cousin, but it doesn't change the headlines. Cops literally get away with murder all the time and very seldom get held accountable for their actions. And if they were, I would be the first one to jump up and down hollering, they are not all bad. Sorry but the numbers speak for themselves.
Please show me your statistics that prove all cops are bad. By statistics I mean peer reviewed studies not emotional, "If it bleeds it leads" hyperbole, thanks.
And when those average people in the department of f which you speak, stand up and uphold the law by arresting the ones break it, then they'll be good cops. Until then,,,,,,,,,,,,,? I don't know BAD COPS!
If six men stand around and do nothing but watch, while a seventh rapes a woman, should the rapist be the only one arrested?
And when those average people in the department of f which you speak, stand up and uphold the law by arresting the ones break it, then they'll be good cops. Until then,,,,,,,,,,,,,? I don't know BAD COPS!
Internal affairs does that.

If six men stand around and do nothing but watch, while a seventh rapes a woman, should the rapist be the only one arrested?
Check out the beating of Rodney King, a CHP officer testified against them and attempted to stop it. The same department my daughter works for.

Hey, curious, you sound like you might be a cop.

All in all nice hyperbole and emotionality, none of which bears out a statistical analysis of all cops being bad. You have the right to your feelings, enjoy them.
I see no statistics here, @primobozo. I see emotionalized anecdote and a personal attack. Adults do not argue like that.
Not arguing, also not required to show statistics, it's like the pope stating, we will no longer cover up molestation by the church, no longer? I spoke with experience, I grew up in Chicago, I have seen police brutality on levels you couldn't believe. I am not saying people who break laws should not be arrested, but it is extremely hard to arrest the dead. Can anyone show statistics showing, all police are good, and the whole of the general public is spewing fake news. Not saying it doesn't happen, but when is the last time you seen a cop " protect and serve". There is a driving effort for gun control across the US for citizens, meanwhile our police are more armed than your average soldier. WTF. I have seen too much shit myself to be swayed by a couple of internet trolls.
Not arguing, also not required to show statistics, it's like the pope stating, we will no longer cover up molestation by the church, no longer? I spoke with experience, I grew up in Chicago, I have seen police brutality on levels you couldn't believe. I am not saying people who break laws should not be arrested, but it is extremely hard to arrest the dead. Can anyone show statistics showing, all police are good, and the whole of the general public is spewing fake news. Not saying it doesn't happen, but when is the last time you seen a cop " protect and serve". There is a driving effort for gun control across the US for citizens, meanwhile our police are more armed than your average soldier. WTF. I have seen too much shit myself to be swayed by a couple of internet trolls.

There is no reason in what you are saying. Without statistics it is simply emotional rabble-rousing around an ideological banner. Again, this is not how adults manage a difference of opinion.
Not arguing, also not required to show statistics, it's like the pope stating, we will no longer cover up molestation by the church, no longer? I spoke with experience, I grew up in Chicago, I have seen police brutality on levels you couldn't believe. I am not saying people who break laws should not be arrested, but it is extremely hard to arrest the dead. Can anyone show statistics showing, all police are good, and the whole of the general public is spewing fake news. Not saying it doesn't happen, but when is the last time you seen a cop " protect and serve". There is a driving effort for gun control across the US for citizens, meanwhile our police are more armed than your average soldier. WTF. I have seen too much shit myself to be swayed by a couple of internet trolls.
