Occupy Christmas


Well-Known Member
i must be really confused about your situation, from what your saying your lawyer was a fucking idiot. by not dealing with it you've had life problems since the incident, which could be solved by paying a grand but instead you've moved state twice? the ostrich technique, smart move man.

i must be missing a whole lot about your situation??? i dont get your point i have a job so i'm not going anywhere, what does that even mean? you think i have no chance for promotion or something? i'm a director of one company a sales manager of another and i'm part of a fledgling seedbank. i do these things so that i am going somewhere. maybe your confused about my situation?

by posting the thread in toke and talk you invited everyone to post comment on your opening statement. yes it's all of my own volition. i posted my views as did you. i'm not trying to put you down cos your in a situation, if you check back i actually think it's commendable your trying to change that situation. i just think the occupy movement is the wrong way to do it.

that's what i'm saying/doing.
"A chance for promotion" is far from "going somewhere" :lol:
Yes you are very confused about my situation, and what I'm saying.
I never said you shouldn't have spoken on here, I'm saying this (part) was started by you, and is retarted...

And I never said you were "putting me down" I just think you bad mouthing a situation I didn't ask for advice on, and that you know nothing about is stupid.

Occupy means more than you think.

Everything you've said about Occupy is different from me, yet I am Occupy.

It doesn't matter what approach I take, I am occupying. Even gangs are "Occupying". Like, you're missing the actuality of it, and only seeing a protest...

The "Occupy movement" is bigger than Occupy itself.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Couldn't resist hearing your next pearl of wisdom...

New country eh. They'll be glad to have such a pillar of the community.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't resist hearing your next pearl of wisdom...

New country eh. They'll be glad to have such a pillar of the community.
Glad I've got you on the edge of you're seat...

You want to know somethin, like do you want me to be REALLY honest with you right now?


Active Member
it is certainly not me that is confused......

americans have always thought their brilliant country was the best anywhere....

it just takes someone like you to show how the people of the United States are finding it tought to survive.

the spy plane that is just an example of how strong your country thinks she is against the chinese, i say 19% - 81% against you.

keep asking for hand outs.

maybe the chinese will donate too.
prison is a punishment for a crime you commit. what else do you want them to do with you if you commit crime ?, execute you !, then you say you never learned your lesson, do you think the government give a fuck what you learn, you commit crime you get locked up, get a job collecting shopping carts at a mall and helping old ladies with their shopping bags, that will keep you out of prison.
if not, keep commiting crime and bleat like a fucking kid when you say QUOTE " i never learned anything in there, i must be owed something " fuck you and fuck your fellow cons.


Well-Known Member
prison is a punishment for a crime you commit. what else do you want them to do with you if you commit crime ?, execute you !, then you say you never learned your lesson, do you think the government give a fuck what you learn, you commit crime you get locked up, get a job collecting shopping carts at a mall and helping old ladies with their shopping bags, that will keep you out of prison.
if not, keep commiting crime and bleat like a fucking kid when you say QUOTE " i never learned anything in there, i must be owed something " fuck you and fuck your fellow cons.
Are you mad at yourself?

Because that was not a description of me, or anything I said...


Well-Known Member
my local branch of occupiers fucked off just before xmas. occupying their parents spare room again...
They didn't go there and forget what happened though.
Smaller groups, behind closed doors.

Those people aren't all just gone.
They got pepper sprayed and shit, they're just brooding. Planning.

Granted, some were completely homeless, or cut their hair and started working for their dad/mom/whoever.
But they aren't all gone.

And the ones in jail never forgot for sure,
And people in jail like to clique up if a cause sounds great enough.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
are they still occupying wall street? it's not making the news over here anymore. seemed like a good movement that lacked direction.


Well-Known Member
are they still occupying wall street? it's not making the news over here anymore. seemed like a good movement that lacked direction.
No, I don't think they are.
They aren't allowed to now. After the international day of action, most of it was shut down.

But they SEEMED like a good movement.
The leaders were being payed by a CORPORATION, with other things in mind...

The people in the streets were NOT the leaders of Occupy.
Many of them had NOTHING to do with Occupy, and were just WITH the Occupy people for a place to be, and protest, the people actually working for Occupy were payed to be there, by Working America.


Well-Known Member
wait so it was all a big conspiracy? another exorcise of control. shit. take the blue pill man.
Fucking read what I say this time.

The ACTUAL "Members" of "Occupy" were PAID by the corporation called Working America.
Other people DID come, as I said above. Homeless, Jobless, Helpless, Protesting, Bored people.

There were other people doing things, but the members of the group calling themselves "Occupy" were ONLY working for the goals of the corporation called "Working America"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oooh touchy aren't we. how the fuck was i supposed to know there's an organisation called working america not just the general populace. so they paid people to occupy. they weren't all there because they felt strongly for the cause they were getting back handers!?!? no wonder they've gone home. weak dude fucking weak.