Occupy Christmas


Well-Known Member
oooh touchy aren't we. how the fuck was i supposed to know there's an organisation called working america not just the general populace. so they paid people to occupy. they weren't all there because they felt strongly for the cause they were getting back handers!?!? no wonder they've gone home. weak dude fucking weak.
Because I told you about them for the past like 5 posts. :D :dunce: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here :D :D :lol: :dunce:

No, I don't think they are.
They aren't allowed to now. After the international day of action, most of it was shut down.

But they SEEMED like a good movement.
The leaders were being payed by a CORPORATION, with other things in mind...

The people in the streets were NOT the leaders of Occupy.
Many of them had NOTHING to do with Occupy, and were just WITH the Occupy people for a place to be, and protest, the people actually working for Occupy were payed to be there, by Working America.
Fucking read what I say this time.

The ACTUAL "Members" of "Occupy" were PAID by the corporation called Working America.
Other people DID come, as I said above. Homeless, Jobless, Helpless, Protesting, Bored people.

There were other people doing things, but the members of the group calling themselves "Occupy" were ONLY working for the goals of the corporation called "Working America"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that last post you told me about occupy being funded by working america not 5 not the 4 preceding but the last post?!

quoting it twice doesn't count either lol. and i'm the dummy wtf bro this is like arguing with a child. keep re stating your point it will make me understand it more. honest...

no actually scratch that you didn't have a point or a comeback other than a childish retort. I'm done with this.


Well-Known Member
that last post you told me about occupy being funded by working america not 5 not the 4 preceding but the last post?!

quoting it twice doesn't count either lol. and i'm the dummy wtf bro this is like arguing with a child. keep re stating your point it will make me understand it more. honest...

no actually scratch that you didn't have a point or a comeback other than a childish retort. I'm done with this.

Why do you have to argue about such stupid shit.
Just read a little better from now on :D :D