Obamacare Enrollment Estimates Less Than 50,000

so when you say the stimulus should have been bigger that actually means you are against it? cool story

it doesn't mean I'm for it, it just means you didn't pay attention to the argument. What i said was that the only way capitalism can work is if the gov't (which is intrinsic to capitalism) stimulates demand. I can say that and not be pro-stimulus, because I'm opposed to capitalism altogether. FDR saved capitalism from certain doom.

You say that lie about me every time I say something you don't like, to derail discussion, because you have no logical retort, only old lies.
Well, I'm a conservative, I'm not in the 1%, and I'm not white. In Uncle bucks words, you are a racist bigot.

Guys like AC listen to left wing propaganda and form their opinions as such.

He claims that conservatives are for the 1% which in it's self is an irresponsible claim. If AC wasn't so entrenched in his partisan fortress, he's realize that 1% is comprised with more of the elite left.
Guys like AC listen to left wing propaganda and form their opinions as such.

He claims that conservatives are for the 1% which in it's self is an irresponsible claim. If AC wasn't so entrenched in his partisan fortress, he's realize that 1% is comprised with more of the elite left.

Who is partisan?

The dems are center right. I know full well they represent Wall Street and the military industrial complex just as blatantly as the conservatives. You think because I'm left wing, that I'm a democrat? Shows how slow your brain is.
Who is partisan?

The dems are center right. I know full well they represent Wall Street and the military industrial complex just as blatantly as the conservatives. You think because I'm left wing, that I'm a democrat? Shows how slow your brain is.

I never said you were a democrat, not once.
You are extreme left wing, and a fucking nut in my opinion.
Who is partisan?

The dems are center right. I know full well they represent Wall Street and the military industrial complex just as blatantly as the conservatives. You think because I'm left wing, that I'm a democrat? Shows how slow your brain is.

You're backpedaling and contradicting yourself.

Never once did I hear you condemn liberals and being part of the 1%
You're backpedaling and contradicting yourself.

Never once did I hear you condemn liberals and being part of the 1%

I'm not a liberal. Liberal is pro-capitalist center-right wing ideology. Conservative is right wing extremist. I know you think that there can only be liberals and conservatives, but I am neither. I am left-wing. I am libertarian socialist (anarchist).
it doesn't mean I'm for it, it just means you didn't pay attention to the argument. What i said was that the only way capitalism can work is if the gov't (which is intrinsic to capitalism) stimulates demand. I can say that and not be pro-stimulus, because I'm opposed to capitalism altogether. FDR saved capitalism from certain doom.

You say that lie about me every time I say something you don't like, to derail discussion, because you have no logical retort, only old lies.

I have seen these words typed under your account more than once "the problem with the stimulus was it wasn't big enough".
Capitalism only works when government creates demand? I've never seen you take that stance before, is it new?

So for the sake of argument, let's say you are against stimulus.... but also against austerity? Filibusters prolonged the recession?

And FTR, the belief that FDR SAVED capitalism is seeded deep in the belief in Keynesian economics which also flies directly in the face of anarcho-whatever. Any Austrian economist will tell you that FDR's method prolonged the depression, greatly expanded cronyism, rigged the court system and caused irreparable damage to free markets through the fabricated power of the commerce and general welfare clauses. Kind of the opposite of what the Keynesians and yourself claim.

Face it dude, you are just a statist in an anarchist t-shirt.
I have seen these words typed under your account more than once "the problem with the stimulus was it wasn't big enough".
Capitalism only works when government creates demand? I've never seen you take that stance before, is it new?

No. Not at all new. The reason why left wing ideas are so foreign to you is that in the last century it was illegal to be left wing in the US. That is why conservatives think that liberals are left wing, they are just to your left, not left of center.
OMFG, does he really think he's not a far-left, radically liberal Democrat? Jesus people, learn who you are before you try explaining it.
I'm not a liberal. Liberal is pro-capitalist center-right wing ideology. Conservative is right wing extremist. I know you think that there can only be liberals and conservatives, but I am neither. I am left-wing. I am libertarian socialist (anarchist).

Why all these straw men?

I never said you were a liberal, I said you're part of the extreme left wing. You can't argue a thing on the merits my friend, then you get pissy when someone points it out.