Nobody is denied treatment at the emergency, but try going to your doctor and telling him you don't have insurance and can't pay. And emergency room visits that you and I are paying for through higher ER costs is the least efficient way of providing treatment.
I don't think you understood my point about not-for-profit health insurance. Look at the german model, this is exactly what they do. And it's cheaper than what we do and they get just as good care, they have the option of buying entirely private insurance if they choose to. I'm not saying I want human rights watch to run my healthcare plan, but I don't see how consumers currently benefit from the profits and overhead this industry makes. There is no added value they provide. Nobody should be turning a profit by denying people coverage, but this is exactly what these companies do and that is the reason healthcare reform was the number one issue in the election last year for a lot of people. And what you say about raising salaries to obscure profits is hilarious, because that's exactly what health insurance companies do!
Go ask a doctor if they prefer dealing with medicare or private insurance companies. Every practicing physician I know tells me that whatever the problems with medicare, they would rather deal with them than the insurance companies. And if healthy people are able to buy into medicare at a young age, it would help keep it solvent, since they would balance out the very expensive care needed for people 65+. That would be a good public option, imho.
Also, you do realize that employer-based healthcare IS a form of socialized medicine, right? The only difference is that the people administering it do so for a profit...