Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

I don't know their gun laws. I do know that echelon said he owns a gun so they must be available.

only for very, very limited and specific purposes, with a huge waiting period and a national registry.

you can't even get one for self defense over there.
Besides saying shall not be infringed it also says well regulated. Take both or none.

If you are upset with gun regulations i hope you are fighting the good fight to get felons their guns back. Even if you try to say a felon loses the right to bear arms you would be wrong. That in and of itself is infringement.

If you look into the language, you will find that in the late 18th century, "well-regulated" meant what "in good tune" would mean today ... in this instance, capable of hitting the point of aim. "Mechanically useful for the purpose". Thinking it means "encumbered by red tape" is a thoroughly modern and execrable overlay. cn
This is interesting echelon. I wanted to ask you if Australians experience the same kind of random mass murdering like here in the US?

Not really, we had a mass shooting in 1994, that IMO, was staged with restrictive firearms legislation waiting in the wings to be introduced into parliament. Obviously, the legislation rode a wave of support through both houses of parliament, galvanised by public support because of the Port Arthur Massacre. He used an AR-15 variant too...

So they brought in very tight gun laws, banned magazine capacity over 10 rounds, limited pistol calibres to no higher than a .38 and banned automatic weapons.

Over the last 40 years we've had like 20 or 25 mass shootings and many Australians don't want to see laws tightened any further, which I don't think they will be.

We actually own more guns now than we did in the '90s and more legal guns are in circulation. Only 16% of homicides are due to GSW.
when did i say you changed your constitution? i said we won't change ours.

self defense is not even a reason to get a gun in your island shithole. we'll never be like you guys. ever.

go be angry somewhere else.

jew mad again bro? Go be prepared with your axe, I've got a gun just like you yanks...
they brought in very tight gun laws, banned magazine capacity over 10 rounds, limited pistol calibres to no higher than a .38 and banned automatic weapons.

and no mass murders since!

but gun control won't stop mass murders.

except that they do.

As far as I know, you don't have the right to not be randomly murdered by crazy fucks

i recall something about life, liberty and the pursuit of property.
I don't know their gun laws. I do know that echelon said he owns a gun so they must be available.

There is always a black market.

The laws are strict and I only keep a 9mm at my house all my rifles are locked up at my parents house because the police can come round and inspect them at anytime and I have, umm, other stuff here... :weed:

You can own any gun apart from an automatic. .45 pistols are hard to get because it requires a special licence category, but if your in the military or law enforcement you can buy restricted items like mace, batons, tactical gear etc and some can own restricted weapons. But the later is very rare...
The other part would be "organized". Rules and or regulations are needed for an organized, well run militia.

Still waiting on an answer about felons and guns.

If any regulation is considered infringement then felons and crazies should be allowed to have guns. Taking their right away is infringement.
only for very, very limited and specific purposes, with a huge waiting period and a national registry.

you can't even get one for self defense over there.

No huge waiting period and you've advocated for a national registry before so don't now pretend you're all patriotic and pro 2A...
No huge waiting period and you've advocated for a national registry before so don't now pretend you're all patriotic and pro 2A...

just a 28 day delay, no big deal.

i think you've confused me advocating for a national registry with me pointing out that more than 2/3 of americans favor a national gun registry.

thanks for the new sig, lowlife.
just a 28 day delay, no big deal.

i think you've confused me advocating for a national registry with me pointing out that more than 2/3 of americans favor a national gun registry.

thanks for the new sig, lowlife.

One month is not a huge delay, if your unemployed like you it might seem so...

You calling me weed thief without a shred of evidence, while you've been exposed here as a RAT by various members?
I myself don't care either way. What i care about is not picking and choosing only what you like about the constitution. Like many religious folk do either their bible.


shall not be infringed
Meaning crazies and felons get to have guns


Gun rights with regulations

You can make a case for either but not both.
One month is not a huge delay, if your unemployed like you it might seem so...

You calling me weed thief without a shred of evidence, while you've been exposed here as a RAT by various members?

you're confusing no evidence with clear evidence.

if you look at my sig, you'll see very clear evidence of you threatening to steal my work.

whereas you have zero evidence whatsoever of any rattery. otherwise you'd have it right in your sig.

i think i'll be keeping this sig for a while.
By the way. Are any of you actually ignorant enough to think your .50cal, 9mm, 7.62 ,.223 or anything else you own is going to protect you from an abrams tank, a drone..... Lol
self defense is not even a reason to get a gun in your island shithole. we'll never be like you guys. ever.

You're right, I own firearms, you own an axe and a very large angry wife owns you...

jew mad again bro? Go be prepared with your axe, I've got a gun just like you yanks...

you're confusing no evidence with clear evidence.if you look at my sig, you'll see very clear evidence of you threatening to steal my work.

You call that evidence... When claiming we have gun "prohibition" you forgot to mention Australians can own guns... Good one...

Evidence is other members clearly identifying you as someone who has ratted growers out to law enforcement, but with a name like UNCLE BUCK* that would be a given. Keep the sig as long as you'd like douchebag...

pro tip - I wouldn't steal your "work" if you can call it that, i'm growing buds that far outsize yours and I'm only on my 3rd run ever, apparently you do this for a living...