Obama’s oil flimflam


Active Member
Yes, of course, presidents have no direct control over gas prices. But the American people know something about this president and his disdain for oil. The “fuel of the past,” he contemptuously calls it. To the American worker who doesn’t commute by government motorcade and is getting fleeced every week at the pump, oil seems very much a fuel of the present — and of the foreseeable future.

President Obama incessantly claims energy open-mindedness, insisting that his policy is “all of the above.” Except, of course, for drilling:

?off the Mid-Atlantic coast (as Virginia, for example, wants);

?off the Florida Gulf Coast (instead, the Castro brothers will drill near there);

?in the broader Gulf of Mexico (where drilling in 2012 is expected to drop 30 percent below pre-moratorium forecasts);

?in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (more than half the size of England, the drilling footprint being the size of Dulles International Airport);

?on federal lands in the Rockies (where leases are down 70 percent since Obama took office).

But the event that drove home the extent of Obama’s antipathy to nearby, abundant, available oil was his veto of the Keystone pipeline, after the most extensive environmental vetting of any pipeline in U.S. history. It gave the game away because the case for Keystone is so obvious and overwhelming. Vetoing it gratuitously prolongs our dependence on outside powers, kills thousands of shovel-ready jobs, forfeits a major strategic resource to China, damages relations with our closest ally, and sends billions of oil dollars to Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin and already obscenely wealthy sheiks.

Obama boasts that, on his watch, production is up and imports down. True, but truly deceptive. These increases have occurred in spite of his restrictive policies. They are the result of Clinton- and Bush-era permitting. This has been accompanied by a gold rush of natural gas production resulting from new fracking technology that has nothing at all to do with Obama.

“The American people aren’t stupid,” Obama said (Feb. 23), mocking “Drill, baby, drill.” The “only solution,” he averred in yet another major energy speech last week, is that “we start using less — that lowers the demand, prices come down.” Yet five paragraphs later he claimed that regardless of “how much oil we produce at home .?.?. that’s not going to set the price of gas worldwide.”

So: Decreasing U.S. demand will lower oil prices, but increasing U.S. supply will not? This is ridiculous. Either both do or neither does. Does Obama read his own speeches?

Obama says of drilling: “That’s not a plan.” Of course it’s a plan. We import nearly half of our oil, thereby exporting enormous amounts of U.S. wealth. Almost 60 percent of our trade deficit — $332 billion out of $560 billion — is shipped overseas to buy crude.

Drill here and you stanch the hemorrhage. You keep those dollars within the U.S. economy, repatriating not just wealth but jobs and denying them to foreign unfriendlies. Drilling is the single most important thing we can do to spur growth at home while strengthening our hand abroad.

Instead, Obama offers what he fancies to be the fuels of the future. You would think that he’d be a tad more modest today about his powers of divination after the Solyndra bankruptcy, the collapse of government-subsidized Ener1 (past makers of the batteries of the future) and GM’s suspension of production — for lack of demand — of another federally dictated confection, the flammable Chevy Volt.

Deterred? Hardly. Our undaunted seer of the energy future has come up with his own miracle fuel: algae.

Why, explained Obama, “we can grow it right here in the United States.” (Sounds like a miraculous local find — except that it grows just about everywhere on earth.) Accordingly, yet another $14 million of taxpayer money will be sprinkled on algae research by Steven Chu’s Energy Department.

This is the very same Dr. Chu who famously said in 2008 that he wanted U.S. gas prices to rise to European levels of $8-$10 a gallon — and who on Tuesday, eight months before Election Day, publicly recanted before Congress, Galileo-style.

Who do they think they’re fooling? An oil crisis looms, prices are spiking — and our president is extolling algae. After Solyndra, Keystone and promises of seaweed in their gas tanks, Americans sense a president so ideologically antipathetic to fossil fuels — which we possess in staggering abundance — that he is utterly unserious about the real world of oil in which the rest of us live.

High gasoline prices are a major political problem for Obama. They are not just a pain at the pump, however. They are a constant reminder of three years of a rigid, fatuous, fantasy-driven energy policy that has rendered us scandalously dependent and excessively vulnerable.


Well-Known Member
eh man... i am not an expert but from what i hear/read these oil companies have the drilling rights all over in the united states and just choosing to not drill...they are accumulating more and more rights to reserves and hoarding them .... oil is a filthy business and i do not want them spilling shit all over the ocean and alaska ..there needs to be more penalties when they fuck up and destroy everything...b.p. should have been been bankrupted by the gulf spill... i was disappointed to see that illinois is getting federal funds to go wind powered cleaner energy soon...seems like a total waste of money and time...everything i read says that wind is the absolute worst and useless way of the green energy alternatives...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
eh man... i am not an expert but from what i hear/read these oil companies have the drilling rights all over in the united states and just choosing to not drill...they are accumulating more and more rights to reserves and hoarding them .... oil is a filthy business and i do not want them spilling shit all over the ocean and alaska ..there needs to be more penalties when they fuck up and destroy everything...b.p. should have been been bankrupted by the gulf spill... i was disappointed to see that illinois is getting federal funds to go wind powered cleaner energy soon...seems like a total waste of money and time...everything i read says that wind is the absolute worst and useless way of the green energy alternatives...
Not to mention that the whole Keystone pipeline is a crock of shit. It was the baby of The Speaker of The House, Boner. He is heavily invested in this pipeline. Thousands of jobs? Really? Just until it's built and then it's not going to take that many to maintain it (if they even do). On top of that, the oil isn't even meant for the U.S. It's to be exported. Everything you listed is the truth. The oil companies are holding back on drilling and hoarding leases. Blame O'Bama, seriously? What's bringing up the price of oil is oil speculation. Wall Street. Once again.


Well-Known Member
makes me angry that a dumb ass like me can see right through this and i never see any of these clowns call these d bags out on this...i am so tired of this job stuff...companies crying poor and saying "we will add jobs" but needing major incentives and tax breaks to produce such jobs...one company here wanted like 30 million in tax breaks or they were leaving..lol..leaving with their 100 jobs..what a joke..lets see 100 people making an average of 30k so that is what? 3 million yet they need 30 million to stay.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The bullshit factor is going to rise exponentially the closer we get to the elections. This is just an early example of what to expect over the coming months.
The Feds made available land to the oil companies and they declined to lease 80% of it. You are smoking some good weed if you think domestic drilling will result in cheaper gas prices. There is no connect as it is expensive to drill in the States. The oil pigs are looking for rights to natural gas that is cheap to extract and deliver. Watch what happens to PA in the next three years.


Well-Known Member
Yous have really cheap gas already, try paying just over $2 a litre and you'll see whos getting fucked. It's time to get smaller cars, that's how you reduce your expenditure on fuel, simples.


Well-Known Member
The Feds made available land to the oil companies and they declined to lease 80% of it. You are smoking some good weed if you think domestic drilling will result in cheaper gas prices. There is no connect as it is expensive to drill in the States. The oil pigs are looking for rights to natural gas that is cheap to extract and deliver. Watch what happens to PA in the next three years.
Every single statement you made is dishonest and decietful.


Well-Known Member
actually i am waiting for a candidate that is not a total piece of crap liar..controlled by the greediest people on the planet...i would not waste 3 seconds of my day voting for these scumbags.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
actually i am waiting for a candidate that is not a total piece of crap liar..controlled by the greediest people on the planet...i would not waste 3 seconds of my day voting for these scumbags.
You have one running for president right now.


Well-Known Member
It is wall Street's fault? Speculators? Don't most of you have 401K's? Did you know that because of inflation, commodities are the hot play right now? Do you want to lose money in your 401K? Most people don't and are happy to see a return especially after 2008 fiasco. Blame yourself for the price of oil going ever higher, if it weren't for your precious retirement and pensions that are managed by "Wall Street". Blame your ever increasing dependence on the Texas tea, your drive 3 blocks to the corner store lifestyles.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Riiiight... here we go again. it's the fault of the middle class. Not the oil companies and not the 1%. BULLSHIT.


Well-Known Member
I want the oil pipeline from Canada
And why is oil our #1 export yet prices are high and we have no industry and no manufacturing?
I think we should ban oil and gas exports
And I hate to be a socialist or commie but I think maybe we should nationalize our oil, maybe Libya had the right idea, I think Venezuela has nationalized oil to but i'm not sure how their system works, I'm thinking that all the oil they pump out of our land should be used within our country and all related jobs should go to citizens and all proceeds and profits should be used here to better our nation.
Water also needs to be nationalized- Fuck letting companies pump out or pollute all our water and then sell it back to us or taking it to sell overseas- But that's another thread


Well-Known Member
401k's? you got to be kidding. jobs around here stopped that years ago. everyone hires temp wolrkers and when your 6 months is done they dont give a fuck and kick you out. ahh, job creators.


Well-Known Member
Riiiight... here we go again. it's the fault of the middle class. Not the oil companies and not the 1%. BULLSHIT.
It is the fault of the 1% of the 1% and all the sell out politicians and all the middle class and rich who go along with their bullshit chasing money while selling out the country and future generations and ignoring the constitution.
Edit- I would be wrong to leave out the poor, who are also very much to blame


bud bootlegger
what about the fact that big brother won't allow anyone to research any other form of alternative energy for cars ??? i absolutely fucking love cars through and through, but it still sickens me to see all the advances in the world in the last 50 years, and yet we all still putter around in cars driven by combustion engines... wtf is that horse shit about?? well, it's about the mighty dollar.. can you imagine the costs if they were to do away with a gas station on every corner, $5 / gallons, etc etc..

and don't even get me started on fucking electric powered cars.. you call that an advancement?? fuck me, the electric engine is way older than the combustion engine, that's taking shit backwards and not forwards..