Obama is going to give amnesty next week

Democrats are a bunch of liars, they don't give a shit about illegals, other than the votes they potentially represent.
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The public face of the nativist campaign was Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OFIR). The group is both a 501(c)4 non-profit organization and an Oregon-registered Political Action Committee.
The current incarnation of Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OFIR) was established by Jim Ludwick, Frank Brehm and Elizabeth Van Staaveren. Two of the three founders of OFIR have been disturbingly close to racist groups.
For the past decade, retired McMinnville resident, Elizabeth Van Staaveren, has almost single-handedly kept the doors of a North Carolina racist anti-immigrant group open. Federal Elections Commission campaign finance reports show that, from 2005 to the present, Van Staaveren contributed an astonishing $43,500 to the racist group, ALIPAC. William Gheen, the founder and sole employee of ALIPAC, has stated that violence may be necessary to “save white America” and made many other racist remarks. Van Staaveren has been, by far, the largest contributor to the racist group.
Before the formation of OFIR in January 2000, Frank Brehm ran another group with the same name, but a slightly different acronym, Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OIR). For several years, OIR’s website was hosted with the hardcore white nationalist group, New Nation News.
New Nation News is an unabashed white nationalist site for racist “news,” where headlines include terms like “vile jew,” “ni***r,” “Mexiroach,” “illegal mud,” “beaner,” and more. Though concern about Brehm’s ties to the racist group have been repeated raised, OFIR kept him on as webmaster and a board member for eleven years.
The ties between racist groups and Oregonians for Immigration Reform are not just individual, like those of Van Staaveren and Brehm, they are organizationally embedded.

The Opposition
[QUOTAmeRice, post: 11062119, member: 442166"]They wouldnt be here if we didnt want them here[/QUOTE]
Most americans do not want them here.
aren't you the same guy who advocates for racial discrimination and segregation on the sole basis of skin color in violation of the 14th amendment, ya fucking racist shitstain?

Let's leave the shit stains out of it (for now) okay Wendy?

No, I've never advocated for racial discrimination or forced segregation or forced integration and you know it. You can't defeat my logic in a real discussion, so you run your arguments in the strawman and red herring mode.

The question is why do you like to see one group of people run others lives for them? You a control freak?
Let's leave the shit stains out of it (for now) okay Wendy?

No, I've never advocated for racial discrimination or forced segregation or forced integration and you know it. You can't defeat my logic in a real discussion, so you run your arguments in the strawman and red herring mode.

The question is why do you like to see one group of people run others lives for them? You a control freak?
What he and I are saying is the policys you advocate for would most certainly lead to segregation and discrimination. Whether you support that or not
What he and I are saying is the policys you advocate for would most certainly lead to segregation and discrimination. Whether you support that or not

I appreciate when people want to do the right thing. Minding others business for them, however is a big dis-qualifier in my book.

Forcing people to integrate ( or associate) is a bad policy, and I mean that in all human interactions, regardless of race etc. Any people (individuals) that want to associate with others should only associate if the other party agrees to the interaction.
I've never advocated for racial discrimination

yes you have, you even go so far as calling it "enslavement" and "rape" if racists are not allowed to discriminate solely on the basis of skin color.

you even called your own position racist.

you even call pedophilia a "voluntary act".

you're a sick fuck.