Obama is going to give amnesty next week

Buck is drunk or high or shooting heroin, or all three.

And he just got out of bed, so he's not writing with his usual clarity so far tonight.

But he'll be back later...
Competition among our legal citizens for jobs is a good thing. I don't want illegal aliens competing with our own citizens for jobs.

But alas, what to do about the illegal aliens already here? There's not a great answer for that question Buck. I don't want to see kids uprooted from their schools and communities and thrown out on the dirt-road city streets of Juarez, but neither do I want to see any more illegal aliens pouring across our borders.

Who knows, you might actually try to find a job one day. I want you to be able to get one, so...
They will be legal.
So what's your problem again?
Skin tone?
No room for tolerance of racists and bigots.

Man that wouldn't be so bad, if only your definition of "racist" and "bigot" were in line with their actual definitions. But honestly, it seems clear that you consider about half the country to be either racists or bigots or both.

Now let's see...you hate conservative Christians...and anyone who opposes Obama's immigration plan...and republicans...

I'd say that covers at least half the country.

All kidding aside Chesus, try to think about the above two lines. They're both true, and are the reason you're so miserable.
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If you don't tolerate racists than you are a bigot.

noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
That wouldn't be so bad man, if only your definition of "racist" and "bigot" were in line with their actual definitions. But honestly, it seems clear that you consider about half the country to be either bigots or racists or both.

Let's see now...you hate conservative Christians. And anyone who opposes Obama's immigration plan. And republicans.

I'd say that covers at least half the country.

All kidding aside Chesus, try to think about the above two lines. They're both true, and are the reason you're so miserable.
No my hatred doesn't cover half the country.
Only a small percentage of people are appallingly like you