Well-Known Member
Forcing people to integrate ( or associate) is a bad policy
good thing no one is ever forced to open a store and get all raped and enslaved by paying customers of skin colors they do not like.
Forcing people to integrate ( or associate) is a bad policy
Do you live remote secluded cave? Do you have any friends ( excluding Facebook or "the internet" ). When you go in town to get groceries or other resupplies, do people sometimes stare at you and whisper amongst themselves.I appreciate when people want to do the right thing. Minding others business for them, however is a big dis-qualifier in my book.
Forcing people to integrate ( or associate) is a bad policy, and I mean that in all human interactions, regardless of race etc. Any people (individuals) that want to associate with others should only associate if the other party agrees to the interaction.
Do you live remote secluded cave? Do you have any friends ( excluding Facebook or "the internet" ). When you go in town to get groceries or other resupplies, do people sometimes stare at you and whisper amongst themselves.
good thing no one is ever forced to open a store and get all raped and enslaved by paying customers of skin colors they do not like.
yes you have, you even go so far as calling it "enslavement" and "rape" if racists are not allowed to discriminate solely on the basis of skin color.
you even called your own position racist.
you even call pedophilia a "voluntary act".
you're a sick fuck.
When the aggregate effect of exclusionary policys discrimanate against a class of people they are harmed.It is a good thing when people are not forced to do things. Nobody should be forced to open a store or told how to run a store if they do open one. ...and you figured that all out by yourself....good boy!
Customer feedback lets service providers know if they are doing a good job or not. That's the part nanny staters like you don't understand. In a situation wherein a "customer" is a captive, the service provider isn't providing a service, since there is not opportunity for the alleged customer to make an alternative choice.
When a person has their choices made for them, under threat of violence, they are in some measure enslaved...if they aren't please explain why that isn't so.
When the aggregate effect of exclusionary policys discrimanate against a class of people they are harmed.
Business is a broad definition.
landlords are businesses
A lot of schools are businesses
utilitys are businesses
Gas stations are businesses
water coops are businesses
Grocery stores are businesses
When the aggregate effect of exclusionary policys discrimanate against a class of people they are harmed.
Business is a broad definition.
landlords are businesses
A lot of schools are businesses
utilitys are businesses
Gas stations are businesses
water coops are businesses
Grocery stores are businesses
I got to know. Do you get a satisfying feeling when you post the "N" word. I have never wanted to do such a thing. The cuss words I don't mind, but the "N" word ? Most of the times I see that word printed it is by someone that is left leaning. Whats up with that?
I'm just verbalizing what you must be thinking when you support legal efforts to discriminateChesus.
I got to know. Do you get a satisfying feeling when you post the "N" word. I have never wanted to do such a thing. The cuss words I don't mind, but the "N" word ? Most of the times I see that word printed it is by someone that is left leaning. Whats up with that?
Do you live remote secluded cave? Do you have any friends ( excluding Facebook or "the internet" ). When you go in town to get groceries or other resupplies, do people sometimes stare at you and whisper amongst themselves.
polls overwhelmingly show otherwise, my pretty princess.
Too fucking bad bigots
you lost again
Oregon just ran a poll on the issue. That poll shows otherwise, you pustulated communist.
You lose too when more and more leaches come here illegally and compete with our LEGAL unemployed citizens for jobs.
Even Obama thinks illegal aliens depress wages and strains social services. But, as long as Harry, Nancy and Maxine get to stay in power, fuck blue-collar America.
President Barack Obama once declared that an influx of illegal immigrants will harm “the wages of blue-collar Americans” and “put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”
“[T]here’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before,” then-Senator Obama wrote in his 2006 autobiography, “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.”
”Not all these fears are irrational,” he wrote.
“The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century,” Obama noted. “If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”
but i thought competition was a good thing, basically the cornerstone of free markets and capitalism?
are you some sort of homosexual communist?
work on you reading compensation.
obama is talking about a hypothetical "influx" or "wave" or illegal immigration.
the number of illegal immigrants in this nation has gone from 12.5 million in 2007 to 11.1 million today, so we need not share any of those concerns he cited, some of which he labeled as "irrational".
but nice attempt at a talking point, it really shows a lot of effort for a fascist propagandist who is as unfortunately dumb as you happen to be.
Competition among our legal citizens for jobs is a good thing. I don't want illegal aliens competing with our own citizens for jobs.
But alas, what to do about the illegal aliens already here? There's not a great answer for that question Buck. I don't want to see kids uprooted from their schools and communities and thrown out on the dirt-road city streets of Juarez, but neither do I want to see any more illegal aliens pouring across our borders.
Who knows, you might actually try to find a job one day. I want you to be able to get one, so...