the only people that have talked about socialism and communism are Fox and the scare mongers. since none of you seem to want to give me facts i'll just consider ya'll fox devotes and un subscribe accordingly. Thanks for at least being civil GanjaAL, which is much better than some other normally civilized members can say.
If you are too deluded to recognize the fact that nationalizing the healthcare system is an act of socialism, and too deluded to realize that the usage of public money to bail out private enterprise is an act of socialism then there is no point in any truly educated, intelligent and rational person trying to hold a conversation with you.
Your delusions of your knowledge do not stand on their own, but expose a lack of understanding of exactly what Socialism is. Nationalizing the healthcare system isn't going to reduce costs. Nationalizing portions of it have lead to increased costs that continue to expand faster than inflation. Real reforms, such as removing restrictions permitting physicians' assistants and other healthcare professionals from operating with out the continual babysitting of a physician (not that physicians shouldn't have some voice in what their employees do) would improve the quantity of healthcare available.
Tort reform and punitive damages reform to lessen the costs of malpractice lawsuits would reduce the costs of drug development, and of medical malpractice insurance. When a neurosurgeon is paying $144,000+/year for malpractice insurance there is something wrong with the system. Yet, your false god, Obama does nothing to address that fact, and instead spins lies that you, in a fit of blind hysteria, follow like a automaton.
The costs of healthcare reform being proposed by that demagogue will greatly exceed the fake $1 Trillion dollar price tag that he has repeated time and time again. And if that is the cost, is that on top of the cost already involved in the medical system? That's not a reduction in costs, that's increasing the cost from 16% (2.2 Trillion) to 22% (3.2 Trillion) of the economy of the United States.
For marginal gains in the number of insured. Most of the uninsured fall into three categories.
1. Can afford it, but don't want it, because they can pay out of pocket at lower costs, not being chronically ill.
2. Don't want it, because they value other goods and services more highly due to their youth.
3. Fit the criteria to enroll in the free healthcare already provided by the government, but have too much pride and self-respect to do so, understanding that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and that some one else will have to pay for the healthcare goods and services that they will consume with out paying for.
Then there's the illegals (which apparently are going to get covered under the imbecilic proposal being pushed by Obama.
Last is the group of people that would actually benefit which amounts to a small percentage of the population and thus the cost/benefit relationship of nationalizing the healthcare system does not make it worth it.
More importantly is the fact that as humanity is a sentient species they should be permitted to make their own choices. People will make mistakes, but it is not the job of government to subsidize those mistakes. Subsidies, whether commercial or private, do not resolve problems but just incur more problems.
Due to the subsidization of the colossal clusterfuck known as the financial industry it is likely that they did not learn from their mistakes, but that doesn't matter, because Uncle Sam (being the deluded ignorant buffoon that he is) will steal from the citizenry to make right the mistakes (which actually cost the citizenry in the first place.) The CF that was known as GM is another example of government subsidizing mistakes. Odds are likely that in another generation (if not much faster) GM will once again find that it is in similar straits due to mismanagement and the greed of both its line workers and its executives.
Arguments for national health insurance assume (making an ass out of the politicians) that people are not capable of forming rational decisions and deciding how to best use their own resources. It is not a system for mature, rational adults, but a system of continual dependency. That is, instituting this system is a desire to create a nation of underdeveloped human beings that never attain full mental development, maturity and self-growth that all mature humans attain.