Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!


Well-Known Member
The bavarian illuminati and the knights templar existed hundreds of years ago. Skull and bones and free masons are just fraternities, so...what.


Well-Known Member
Face it if the Dan Brown exploits were really taking over the world they really suck and I wouldn't worry about them.

America rise to power only took a couple hundred years. They have had a lot longer and cannot even get out of the basement.


Well-Known Member
This dude said knights Templar:dunce:

Its sad to see this forum devolve into pretty much a bunch of conspiracy theorists and racists bouncing there paranoid delusional idiotic ideas off each other.:spew:

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
This dude said knights Templar:dunce:

Its sad to see this forum devolve into pretty much a bunch of conspiracy theorists and racists bouncing there paranoid delusional idiotic ideas off each other.:spew:
Yeah, that's what they're called champ.

Since you're not an "idiot" like the rest of us, why don't you enlighten us. After all, your posts are so profound it would be a shame to not bless us with your wisdom.

P.S. You should be a speech writer for Obama. You play the race card very well.


Active Member
I didn't have time to read this whole thread but IMO Obama is doing an awful job. He is to busy trying to become a world leader to take care of this country. People are still losing jobs, and health care is a fucking joke. This guy is worse than Bush..


New Member
Obama is doing a GREAT job ... if the complete remaking of America into a fascist/communist/statist country is your goal.

Friends, we are witnessing a revolution in the making ... and its happening fast. The structure is in place, the congress, senate and executive have been taken over by radical progressives. Like in 1933, under FDR's first 100 days, the revolution is passing by in the dead of night, under the guise of "crisis," and not a shot is being fired.

For all of you who voted for Obama ... your misinformed votes have sold the country down the down the river ... and burdened future generations with insurmountable debt.



Well-Known Member
Obama is doing a GREAT job ... if the complete remaking of America into a fascist/communist/statist country is your goal.

Friends, we are witnessing a revolution in the making ... and its happening fast. The structure is in place, the congress, senate and executive have been taken over by radical progressives. Like in 1933, under FDR's first 100 days, the revolution is passing by in the dead of night, under the guise of "crisis," and not a shot is being fired.

For all of you who voted for Obama ... your misinformed votes have sold the country down the down the river ... and burdened future generations with insurmountable debt.

Dude you went a bit off the rails here. How can something be a communist and fascist state? Then you toss in statist, which I take it you mean status quo? Not sure.

Anyway I was very informed when I voted and am very happy with the things he is doing.

What you are wanting to happen is something that is a loong way off. America as we know it won't collapse anytime soon.

And when it does, sure I would be willing to give your plan a go. But until then we are stuck with what we have and cannot just wipe the last 200 years of corrupt evolution that has been going on with the bills that are meant to be good when they start.

The major changes that I do like, Another option of health insurance that will at least put some responsibility onto the people that don't have it now and are a tax on the system. The Stimulus package, stopped the meltdown of our economy. Keeping his mouth shut about Korea so that China had to step up to the plate to get them to stand down. Listening to the generals fighting the wars and allowing them to decide what they need.

Moving money away from money pits that have not amounted to anything over the last few decades and put it into other things that will help get America back from the brink.

And there are things I don't like, but seriously the conspiracy theories that you all keep going on about are rediculous. Things are not as bad as people are leading you to believe. They are not great and we need to work to improve them, and cannot stop investigating, but all the arguments that are being brought up are mostly not true. So they won't be picked up by the majority of americans.

And you need a lot of people to make change.