Obama admits to mistake

Excuse me???

You can't buy crude oil with anything other than the US dollar.

Yes the dollar is a fiat currency in that it's not "technically" backed by anything other than US law but you're a fool if you believe the dollars' value is not backed by crude oil.

just as a FYI... that's the choice of OPEC to be paid in dollars..it's not foisted upon them. They have indeed made rumblings about switching and may still do so...like I said...their choice.

out. :blsmoke:
Man are you serious?

There are plenty of things we can blame on Bush and his inept administration but the real measure of a leader's greatness is not what was or was not "his fault" but how he handles those situations and clearly Bush was one of the worst.

Was the Cuban missile crisis JFK's fault? No. So by your logic it should have no bearing on history's determination of JFK's presidency right? Yet it's one of his presidency's defining moments. Why? Because of HOW HE HANDLED IT.

Was slavery Lincoln's fault? But ask any American, hell any person on the planet to tell you why Lincoln is considered one of our greatest presidents and I bet emancipation proclamation or "he freed the slaves" is the answer you will hear 9 times out of 10. It's how he handled the situation that was thrown in his lap so to speak that makes the difference. I bet you don't even know that Lincoln was a very outspoken racist. That he believed in the superiority of the white race and believed in separation of the races. That he, in so many words, said that if black people were not here in the first place we wouldn't be having a civil way and yet he did what he knew to be right and stood up for freedom.

Was 9/11 Bush's fault? No way, I firmly put the blame for 9/11 on the Clinton administration. It was planned during his time in office, the people who carried out the attacks came here during his time in office and twice Clinton himself allowed Bin Laden to live by either refusing to authorize a missile attack or by taking too long to authorize the attack. He let Bin laden slip through his fingers.

But let's look at how Bush handled that situation. Did he bring Bin laden to justice? Not even close. Instead he started a war in Iraq. For what? What have we gained from this $600 billion dollar and counting war? Is the world a safer place because he ousted and killed Sadam Hussein at the cost of $600 billion to the U.S. taxpayer? Hardly.

How about the balanced budget and surplus he inherited? That was not his fault either. The budget surplus was $230 billion in 2000 and was projected to increase to $1 trillion over the next 10 years. The Bush administration itself in 2002 projected a budget surplus from 2001 through 2004 of almost $1.3 trillion dollars and then in 2005 adjusted it to a budget deficit of $850 billion. That is a swing of over $2 trillion dollars. "Oops, sorry we must have added wrong."

Bush took one of the best economies in our HISTORY and through things like deregulation of whole industries turned it in to the mess that it is today.

And how about the issue of medical marijuana? Was not Bush's fault states passed laws allowing for the use of marijuana as a medicine by the sick and dying. GOD KNOWS it was not his fault. How did he handle it? By waging war against his own citizens.

I can go on and on if you'd like.

The thing that really kills me is you defend Bush by saying things were not his fault and then point to Katrina like that was even close to being one of the most important issues Bush had to deal with. Then in the next breath you claim "So far Obama isn't that perfect" when the guy has only been in office for TWO WEEKS AND he inherited every problem he's had to deal with so far. None of them are his fault and yet you'd try and justify both sides of your argument by applying a double standard.

Bush WILL be remembered but it WILL be as one of THE worst presidents in U.S. history.
Please explain to us what it is exactly that Bush did in his 8 years that will "put him in the top".

I think there are enough reasons already explained since my last post to support my feelings for Bush. But lets talk numbers. Iraq doesn't cause recession! Government can't cause recession! Nor can it fix it! Our government hasn't been in a recession but what do you think now with this stimulus bill passing:?: Thats a trillion in 1 year:!: Who's gonna pay that back. Plus interest:!: If this doesn't work, who is the government going to keep borrowing all this money from:?: That lepricon at the end of the rainbow:?: So far, all I see is future taxes being outragious and the people footing the bill for something that might now even work.

And as for the war in Iraq, the people wanted blood! We didn't know who to attack really so why not hit Iraq. It made good sense at the time but when everyone who cried for blood saw our own; now we want peace. I bet the day after 9/11 you wanted to hang somebody too! And as for what everybody else has to say statistically? Who says everybody statistically is right. I'm black and I new Lincoln was a racist. I don't even think he was a great president for freeing the slaves. I think he was a great president for trying to use Greenbacks! He saw this future and he knew we had to change who had the right to write our money. It was the Aldrige Act of , I believe, 1913 that ruinned our financial system. i.e. the first great depression was the result:!:

My point is that you can't really blame the guy for what is happening in our economy right now. If Obama doesn't have a solution for where this money is going to come from to pay back all the Bond holders then he'll definetely be the reason why taxes continue to rise. The GOVERNMENT MUST PAY ITS BILLS OR THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THAT GOVERNMENT:!: Have you ever seen a gov. check arrive late:?:

You must believe the Federal Reserve is the Governments bank???? You must think the government has the right to just print money without any implications???? i can see it now "Oh, we need to stimulate our economy". "Lets just print more money" How rediculus is that! In order to do that, we'd have to get rid of the Aldrige Act. Lincoln had the right idea and was killed for it. Yes! I believe Lincoln was killed over the money, not the color. It was just swept under the carpet.
My point is that you can't really blame the guy for what is happening in our economy right now. If Obama doesn't have a solution for where this money is going to come from to pay back all the Bond holders then he'll definetely be the reason why taxes continue to rise. The GOVERNMENT MUST PAY ITS BILLS OR THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THAT GOVERNMENT:!: Have you ever seen a gov. check arrive late:?:
Sorry Charlie, but the blame lies fully on the bush regime and its unrelenting de-regulation. Not only was Bush an asshole, he was dumb as a box of rocks. His fiscal policies and his wars along with the tax cuts for the rich have bankrupted this country, not to mention all his criminal anti-constitutionalism, and war crimes. Oh yeah, I can certainly blame that asshole, with spades.
My point is that you can't really blame the guy for what is happening in our economy right now. If Obama doesn't have a solution for where this money is going to come from to pay back all the Bond holders then he'll definetely be the reason why taxes continue to rise. The GOVERNMENT MUST PAY ITS BILLS OR THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THAT GOVERNMENT:!: Have you ever seen a gov. check arrive late:?:
Sorry Charlie, but the blame lies fully on the bush regime and its unrelenting de-regulation. Not only was Bush an asshole, he was dumb as a box of rocks. His fiscal policies and his wars along with the tax cuts for the rich have bankrupted this country, not to mention all his criminal anti-constitutionalism, and war crimes. Oh yeah, I can certainly blame that asshole, with spades.

You can't butter your bread on both sides without creating a mess. Everything which happened on Bush's watch you lay the fault squarely on Bush....so Obama must receive the same EQUAL treatment.

Obama made a lot of campaign promises and has broken most of them in the first two weeks. he let's Congress whip up an entitlement bill (1073 pages long), no one has time to even read the thing let alone debate it. This is the biggest spending since WW2, and WW2 had a much more valid reason. This does not.

No, Obama must dance to the tune of political lag just like every other president.

Unless you are willing to admit that Clinton created 9/11.

out. :blsmoke:
I think there are enough reasons already explained since my last post to support my feelings for Bush. But lets talk numbers. Iraq doesn't cause recession! Government can't cause recession! Nor can it fix it! Our government hasn't been in a recession but what do you think now with this stimulus bill passing:?: Thats a trillion in 1 year:!: Who's gonna pay that back. Plus interest:!: If this doesn't work, who is the government going to keep borrowing all this money from:?: That lepricon at the end of the rainbow:?: So far, all I see is future taxes being outragious and the people footing the bill for something that might now even work.

And as for the war in Iraq, the people wanted blood! We didn't know who to attack really so why not hit Iraq. It made good sense at the time but when everyone who cried for blood saw our own; now we want peace. I bet the day after 9/11 you wanted to hang somebody too! And as for what everybody else has to say statistically? Who says everybody statistically is right. I'm black and I new Lincoln was a racist. I don't even think he was a great president for freeing the slaves. I think he was a great president for trying to use Greenbacks! He saw this future and he knew we had to change who had the right to write our money. It was the Aldrige Act of , I believe, 1913 that ruinned our financial system. i.e. the first great depression was the result:!:

My point is that you can't really blame the guy for what is happening in our economy right now. If Obama doesn't have a solution for where this money is going to come from to pay back all the Bond holders then he'll definetely be the reason why taxes continue to rise. The GOVERNMENT MUST PAY ITS BILLS OR THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THAT GOVERNMENT:!: Have you ever seen a gov. check arrive late:?:

You must believe the Federal Reserve is the Governments bank???? You must think the government has the right to just print money without any implications???? i can see it now "Oh, we need to stimulate our economy". "Lets just print more money" How rediculus is that! In order to do that, we'd have to get rid of the Aldrige Act. Lincoln had the right idea and was killed for it. Yes! I believe Lincoln was killed over the money, not the color. It was just swept under the carpet.

No actually the only reason you stated for your feelings about Bush are "this shit wasn't his fault". Thats a joke.

"We didn't know who to attack really so why not hit Iraq." Are you serious? Within minutes of watching the second plane hit the WTC I knew EXACTLY who was responsible and so did our government. Within minutes of watching the second plane hit the WTC I knew it was no accident and that Bin Laden was behind it. Bin Laden was ALREADY on the 10 most wanted list BEFORE 9/11. To try and justify our attacking of Iraq by saying that you and the rest of America are too fucking stupid to know the difference and didn't care WHO'S blood we drank in retribution is outrageous coming from someone who presumably is not a puppet master.

As I've said before I don't think Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread. How could anyone HE'S ONLY BEEN IN OFFICE FOR 10 MINUTES. Personally I don't see how this stim plan gets us out of this mess either. As far as I'm concerned it will be a fail. I was only ever commenting on your insane view that Bush is, was, will ever be remembered as a great President. You just want to try and pass the buck either backwards or forwards by saying "it wasn't his fault". That's preposterous. You might was well blame the Watergate cover up directly on Ford then eh?
In an interview regarding his selection of Tom Daschle, Obama says he personally takes responsibility for having selected Daschle, admits it was a mistake in light of what is now known about Daschle's tax issues, and says he will not let it happen again. This is a relatively minor political issue with no real impact on our country. As a contrast, George Bush royally fucked up everything his little monkey paws could get hold of, left our country in shambles, and has the balls to claim that in the near future history will show he was a good president. Talk about the audacity of hope! Well, it is nice to see a leader take responsibility for their actions for the first time in 8 years.

Obama Admits Mistake - HE WAS BORN!
You can't butter your bread on both sides without creating a mess. Everything which happened on Bush's watch you lay the fault squarely on Bush....so Obama must receive the same EQUAL treatment.

Obama made a lot of campaign promises and has broken most of them in the first two weeks. he let's Congress whip up an entitlement bill (1073 pages long), no one has time to even read the thing let alone debate it. This is the biggest spending since WW2, and WW2 had a much more valid reason. This does not.

No, Obama must dance to the tune of political lag just like every other president.

Unless you are willing to admit that Clinton created 9/11.

out. :blsmoke:
2 weeks, 2 friggin weeks and you're blaming him for everything, Get a grip. You're asbsolutely insane. I'd have to say he'd have to have at least a year in this chaos before we could start blaming him. Geeze man, how can you rate his performance in 2 friggin weeks?
2 weeks, 2 friggin weeks and you're blaming him for everything, Get a grip. You're asbsolutely insane. I'd have to say he'd have to have at least a year in this chaos before we could start blaming him. Geeze man, how can you rate his performance in 2 friggin weeks?
hey med...you know where george bush was after his second week in office?...on a 3 week vacation.
I think there are enough reasons already explained since my last post to support my feelings for Bush. But lets talk numbers. Iraq doesn't cause recession! Government can't cause recession! Nor can it fix it! Our government hasn't been in a recession but what do you think now with this stimulus bill passing:?: Thats a trillion in 1 year:!: Who's gonna pay that back. Plus interest:!: If this doesn't work, who is the government going to keep borrowing all this money from:?: That lepricon at the end of the rainbow:?: So far, all I see is future taxes being outragious and the people footing the bill for something that might now even work.

And as for the war in Iraq, the people wanted blood! We didn't know who to attack really so why not hit Iraq. It made good sense at the time but when everyone who cried for blood saw our own; now we want peace. I bet the day after 9/11 you wanted to hang somebody too! And as for what everybody else has to say statistically? Who says everybody statistically is right. I'm black and I new Lincoln was a racist. I don't even think he was a great president for freeing the slaves. I think he was a great president for trying to use Greenbacks! He saw this future and he knew we had to change who had the right to write our money. It was the Aldrige Act of , I believe, 1913 that ruinned our financial system. i.e. the first great depression was the result:!:

My point is that you can't really blame the guy for what is happening in our economy right now. If Obama doesn't have a solution for where this money is going to come from to pay back all the Bond holders then he'll definetely be the reason why taxes continue to rise. The GOVERNMENT MUST PAY ITS BILLS OR THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THAT GOVERNMENT:!: Have you ever seen a gov. check arrive late:?:

You must believe the Federal Reserve is the Governments bank???? You must think the government has the right to just print money without any implications???? i can see it now "Oh, we need to stimulate our economy". "Lets just print more money" How rediculus is that! In order to do that, we'd have to get rid of the Aldrige Act. Lincoln had the right idea and was killed for it. Yes! I believe Lincoln was killed over the money, not the color. It was just swept under the carpet.

You have your head on straight.

Though I have to disagree with your take on the Greenbacks. Not because they weren't a good idea, but because the government mismanaged them. By the end of the civil war they were only worth 33¢ against Gold Dollars (1/60th oz of gold, vs 1/20th oz of gold for the dollar.)

It is not possible to increase the actual size of the economy by printing more money.

Here's a way to look at it that should make some sense.

Let's say you have a company called XYZ Company. Now this company has issued 100 Million shares at $1 a share, and the market price for those shares has remained at that $1. The value of XYZ Company is going to be $100,000,000.

Now, if you announce a stock split of 2 shares for every 1 share, you are going to have 200 Million shares, but each share is only going to be worth 50¢/share leaving your market valuation at $100,000,000.

Of course, now you have 200,000,000 shares.

It's much the same way with dollars. In 1913 Dollars we have an economy that's worth $600,000,000,000 However, since 1913 we have seen the equivalent of stock splits that total 22:1. Now, since the value of the economy in 1913 dollars is only $600,000,000,000 and each share is worth $1, when the shares are increased by 22 fold you end up with 13.2 Trillion Shares (Fiat Dollars) which still only have a relative value of $600 Billion.

There was no value created by this measure.

Now, if there are people that get paid $5,000/year in these fiat dollars and their pay doesn't go up with the split then you see their actual pay go down.

For instance, if Joe the Plumber was making $5,000/year and saw that only go up 800% he'd only be making $40,000. Since he was shorted 1,400% however, his new pay is only worth $2,857 leading him to actually be worst off by the equivalent of $2,143, despite seeing is income jump $35,000/year.

That's why inflation is bad.

Of course, luckily for most citizens their pay has done a reasonable job of pacing inflation, but it still has fallen behind leading every American to be ultimately poorer.

(2200% is the total inflation from 1913 - 2007)
hey med...you know where george bush was after his second week in office?...on a 3 week vacation.

Yes, well thank god for that...i wish Obama had done the same. :lol: Of course Bush didn't walk into a financial meltdown caused by Congress now did he?

2 weeks, 2 friggin weeks and you're blaming him for everything, Get a grip. You're asbsolutely insane. I'd have to say he'd have to have at least a year in this chaos before we could start blaming him. Geeze man, how can you rate his performance in 2 friggin weeks?

I can safely and I do mean safely state that because of what he has done in his first two weeks. So, I am supposed to give him an arbitrary amount of time (one year?, why not 11 months or 13 or 44???!!)

Let me shank it down for you.

1.) Most liberal and inexperienced Senator (unopposed mind you) is voted into presidency during a severe crisis. Already I was nervous (call me crazy)

2.) His ENTIRE campaign is about "change and hope" (huh?) and an end to partisanship.

3.) In his first two weeks, he exclaims that he won (duh) and then let's an insane dem congress make a complete wish list of spending on everything from condoms to flower gardens. 1/10 of 1% of the monies will help small business (which generates between 60 to 80% of all jobs in the US.

4.) No debate. No bipartisan bill sponsers. On the biggest spending bill EVER!!! No debate!?

Yes, I can safely post what I posted.... No modern President has ever screwed things up so quickly. Even maureen dowd...a complete Obamamaniac threw up her hands in dismay. Do OVER!!! A do over after 2 weeks? WTF?

Oh that's right, we elected a guy with NO experience, and no fionancial background. What was I thinking? No....what were you thinking.

out. :blsmoke:
well barack was the smartest guy in the room...and he will figure it out.
john mccain is dumbass and he would have never figured it out....
Yes, well thank god for that...i wish Obama had done the same. :lol: Of course Bush didn't walk into a financial meltdown caused by Congress now did he?

I can safely and I do mean safely state that because of what he has done in his first two weeks. So, I am supposed to give him an arbitrary amount of time (one year?, why not 11 months or 13 or 44???!!)

Let me shank it down for you.

1.) Most liberal and inexperienced Senator (unopposed mind you) is voted into presidency during a severe crisis. Already I was nervous (call me crazy)

2.) His ENTIRE campaign is about "change and hope" (huh?) and an end to partisanship.

3.) In his first two weeks, he exclaims that he won (duh) and then let's an insane dem congress make a complete wish list of spending on everything from condoms to flower gardens. 1/10 of 1% of the monies will help small business (which generates between 60 to 80% of all jobs in the US.

4.) No debate. No bipartisan bill sponsers. On the biggest spending bill EVER!!! No debate!?

Yes, I can safely post what I posted.... No modern President has ever screwed things up so quickly. Even maureen dowd...a complete Obamamaniac threw up her hands in dismay. Do OVER!!! A do over after 2 weeks? WTF?

Oh that's right, we elected a guy with NO experience, and no fionancial background. What was I thinking? No....what were you thinking.

out. :blsmoke:

You should take a look at the list of past Presidents and check just how much experience they each had.

BTW - did anyone else see the C-SPAN 2009 Historians Presidential Leadership Survey? Poor ol' "not his fault" G.W.Bush came in 36th....out of 42.

Yeah history will remember this clown alright.
You should take a look at the list of past Presidents and check just how much experience they each had.

BTW - did anyone else see the C-SPAN 2009 Historians Presidential Leadership Survey? Poor ol' "not his fault" G.W.Bush came in 36th....out of 42.

Yeah history will remember this clown alright.

:lol: Current poll?....c'mon get real :mrgreen: Any historian STUDY will take time....policy LAG is still in effect so the OPINIONS are still out...informed opinions anyway. Yes, let's take a look at some of our recent Presidents. Bush,Clinton,Carter,Reagan all Governors(to me the highest qualification is a Governor). Bush Sr., Director of CIA and Vice president 8 years (that is experience). Obama was a two year senator who ran on unopposed... in effect making his presidential campaign his first ever beyond community levels (huh?). That's is mighty impressive.

Look, I am not saying I am surprised at the debacle which is unfolding. I am not. Obama is PURE noob, and it shows. I sure wish he hadn't exposed it so early and in such a damaging way.

If this is going to be the way it goes for four years...... it will take generations to repair.

I was no great fan of Bush, but we are not punishing Bush by electing someone with ZERO experience, we are punishing ourselves.... he's playing golf or shooting puppies maybe...

out. :blsmoke:
I agree Jax history can't truly judge this man till it's history but of those resent Presidents you mentioned only Carter was ranked in the bottom half at 25. Hell even Ford is ranked 22, top of the bottom half. Forget Ford...Nixon...27 W. couldn't even muster the top half of the bottom 50% that should tell you something. Maybe in 100 years W. WILL have moved up but it sure as shit will not be into the top half of the list.

Now take a look again at that list of recent Pres. you give. At best it's 50/50 good to bad so I'd say your experience argument is at best a coin flip.

Let me ask you this, would you rather we had elected McCain?
I don't think it will take that long. he made mistakes for sure... i could just strangle him on letting congress go willy nilly and him just signing away. The anti war stuff will cool with time as the rabid aging hippie baby boomers slip into oblivion (cork pops) and his ability to make the hard decisions regardless of the polls will bode him well. Governing by polls is only good in the present tense.... just ask Clinton. in the end he didn't accomplish his goals, partly because of his need for approval. No?

I wish we had 2 different choices other than McCain and Obama .. and that's the G*D's honest truth. Please anyone reading this, do not deluge me with Ron Paul links :lol:.

But, yes, given the gravity of the economy (nowhere near as bad as Obama says... reprehensible), I will always take the senior over the junior. Mccain is not the kind of guy to surround himself with yes men, and our enemies would have feared him (always good). Keep our enemies guessing while we patch up the ship..... that's a Master N Commander type President. I'm pretty sure we got stuck with an ensign. :lol:

You don't honestly think McCain would have allowed Congress to produce such hideous legislation do you? :mrgreen: He certainly would not have signed it.

So yes, Mccain was the lesser of the two evils..... spilled milk... I planned ahead as I saw the writing on the wall in June. No worries here...but I do worry for others.

out. :blsmoke:
I don't think it will take that long. he made mistakes for sure... i could just strangle him on letting congress go willy nilly and him just signing away. The anti war stuff will cool with time as the rabid aging hippie baby boomers slip into oblivion (cork pops) and his ability to make the hard decisions regardless of the polls will bode him well. Governing by polls is only good in the present tense.... just ask Clinton. in the end he didn't accomplish his goals, partly because of his need for approval. No?

I wish we had 2 different choices other than McCain and Obama .. and that's the G*D's honest truth. Please anyone reading this, do not deluge me with Ron Paul links :lol:.

But, yes, given the gravity of the economy (nowhere near as bad as Obama says... reprehensible), I will always take the senior over the junior. Mccain is not the kind of guy to surround himself with yes men, and our enemies would have feared him (always good). Keep our enemies guessing while we patch up the ship..... that's a Master N Commander type President. I'm pretty sure we got stuck with an ensign. :lol:

You don't honestly think McCain would have allowed Congress to produce such hideous legislation do you? :mrgreen: He certainly would not have signed it.

So yes, Mccain was the lesser of the two evils..... spilled milk... I planned ahead as I saw the writing on the wall in June. No worries here...but I do worry for others.

out. :blsmoke:

I think McCain would have been just as bad, we had the choice between Obama and McSame as Obama.

Same policies on environment (Cap & Trade)
One favored Nuclear Power being relied upon more heavily,
while the other opposed it, not much of a difference.

Slight differences on Medical Care

Same policies on the bail outs (For)

Same Policy in Iraq, we're still going to be there for a while.

Same Policy on Water Boarding ("It's Torture")

On any major issue that really would have served to separate them, they were the same way.

Inexperienced DC Insider or Experienced DC Insider, not much of a choice.