I think there are enough reasons already explained since my last post to support my feelings for Bush. But lets talk numbers. Iraq doesn't cause recession! Government can't cause recession! Nor can it fix it! Our government hasn't been in a recession but what do you think now with this stimulus bill passing

Thats a trillion in 1 year

Who's gonna pay that back. Plus interest

If this doesn't work, who is the government going to keep borrowing all this money from

That lepricon at the end of the rainbow

So far, all I see is future taxes being outragious and the people footing the bill for something that might now even work.
And as for the war in Iraq, the people wanted blood! We didn't know who to attack really so why not hit Iraq. It made good sense at the time but when everyone who cried for blood saw our own; now we want peace. I bet the day after 9/11 you wanted to hang somebody too! And as for what everybody else has to say statistically? Who says everybody statistically is right. I'm black and I new Lincoln was a racist. I don't even think he was a great president for freeing the slaves. I think he was a great president for trying to use Greenbacks! He saw this future and he knew we had to change who had the right to write our money. It was the Aldrige Act of , I believe, 1913 that ruinned our financial system. i.e. the first great depression was the result
My point is that you can't really blame the guy for what is happening in our economy right now. If Obama doesn't have a solution for where this money is going to come from to pay back all the Bond holders then he'll definetely be the reason why taxes continue to rise. The GOVERNMENT MUST PAY ITS BILLS OR THE WORLD WILL LOSE FAITH IN THAT GOVERNMENT

Have you ever seen a gov. check arrive late
You must believe the Federal Reserve is the Governments bank???? You must think the government has the right to just print money without any implications???? i can see it now "Oh, we need to stimulate our economy". "Lets just print more money" How rediculus is that! In order to do that, we'd have to get rid of the Aldrige Act. Lincoln had the right idea and was killed for it. Yes! I believe Lincoln was killed over the money, not the color. It was just swept under the carpet.
You have your head on straight.
Though I have to disagree with your take on the Greenbacks. Not because they weren't a good idea, but because the government mismanaged them. By the end of the civil war they were only worth 33¢ against Gold Dollars (1/60th oz of gold, vs 1/20th oz of gold for the dollar.)
It is not possible to increase the actual size of the economy by printing more money.
Here's a way to look at it that should make some sense.
Let's say you have a company called XYZ Company. Now this company has issued 100 Million shares at $1 a share, and the market price for those shares has remained at that $1. The value of XYZ Company is going to be $100,000,000.
Now, if you announce a stock split of 2 shares for every 1 share, you are going to have 200 Million shares, but each share is only going to be worth 50¢/share leaving your market valuation at $100,000,000.
Of course, now you have 200,000,000 shares.
It's much the same way with dollars. In 1913 Dollars we have an economy that's worth $600,000,000,000 However, since 1913 we have seen the equivalent of stock splits that total 22:1. Now, since the value of the economy in 1913 dollars is only $600,000,000,000 and each share is worth $1, when the shares are increased by 22 fold you end up with 13.2 Trillion Shares (Fiat Dollars) which still only have a relative value of $600 Billion.
There was no value created by this measure.
Now, if there are people that get paid $5,000/year in these fiat dollars and their pay doesn't go up with the split then you see their actual pay go down.
For instance, if Joe the Plumber was making $5,000/year and saw that only go up 800% he'd only be making $40,000. Since he was shorted 1,400% however, his new pay is only worth $2,857 leading him to actually be worst off by the equivalent of $2,143, despite seeing is income jump $35,000/year.
That's why inflation is bad.
Of course, luckily for most citizens their pay has done a reasonable job of pacing inflation, but it still has fallen behind leading every American to be ultimately poorer.
(2200% is the total inflation from 1913 - 2007)