Oath Keepers in Ferguson

Oath Keepers
Might as well be the military arm of the KKK
We'll see what kind of robe they wear. True they seem to come from areas with little to no diversity (Idaho, Montana, etc) but their website is more concerned about the actions of the Fed than keeping the peace. A literal reading of their creed should put them on the side of the protesters. From their website:

1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.

2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people

3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to military tribunal.

4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state.

and on to number 10

10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Of course a lot depends on whether or not Oath Keepers think that black protesters in a confrontation with the police over the wrongful shooting to death of an unarmed man from their community have "the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances." The Klan would say "they do not". The constitution says they do.
Thus far they seem pretty neutral in this.
IDK who they really are, but if this is them ^^ then, I'm inclined to agree.

they're a homicidal group of racists. no wonder you are inclined to agree with them.

if you think they are a neutral organization, then heaven have mercy on that grey matter of yours.
Ex-convicts and current crack-heads with guns and their own interpretation of life

Man, is this a bad idea...

yep, that describes all those thousands of blacks, whites, and others protesting in ferguson.

i bet @GreatwhiteNorth deletes this and leaves your shitheaded racism.


she looks like a crackhead ex-con to me, red. how about you?
come the fuck on you pc destroyer of free thought. I bet you're that bernie sanders type of guy. You love all black causes but you don't live around any black people? am i right or wrong? I've been to ferguson I know many different people that live there and black people know i'm not a racist. Black people also know white guys like you a the quickest to judge other people because you want division not a truly integrated society. Get off the pedestal stop making 50 posts a day to stoners about social issues and go out and see what is actually going on instead of whatever internet news sight you experience the world through tells you to believe.

so what was the username of your previous account?
Thus far they seem pretty neutral in this..
Well, its true we don't know much about them but look at the lineup of patches they post to represent membership. Military police, special ops, police, police, military police, military and so forth. Then they show up at Ferguson and walk among the protesters while armed to the teeth. No outreach as far as I've heard to any of leadership in the black community. And one more very unsettling fact is that they can walk with impunity carrying military style weapons and armor. The kid that got shot pulled a revolver when shots were heard.

Neutral? Not sure. More like they are showing up and getting publicity walking about all Rambo'ed up, knowing their police brothers won't fire on them. Their presence contains a powerful reference and image of white supremacy, probably intended.
Not defending them in the least as I do think their presence is at the least inflammatory, but I've been out of the loop for the last couple - any reported negatives in the media?
Doesn't require that in the Constitution

I think it does, To avoid the time it would take to muster, like intended, The People will keep arms in their home to counter a surprise attack and to avoid powder house demolition that would cripple a counter attack.

Something like that anyway. But the Governor must call the shots.