Oath Keepers in Ferguson

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiquities_of_the_Jews unless you can find an earlier document that says he wasn't real you've been trumped

Let me clarify my stance. I am sure there was a fello by the name of Jesus in those days. Hell, I bet there were several. I would go as far as to say, there might have been a pale looking Jesus, to make you happy. But to say he is the son of "god", as the evidence stands today, is something I cannot validate.
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Virgin birth. With no sperm involved in the conception, hence no x chromosomes, Jesus would have been a woman and pretty much genetically identical to her mother. Everybody here is pretty familiar with clones herming, so maybe its possible that she carried some junk down there too. .I don't know why conservative Christians are so hung up about this.

Oh yeah and Santa too.

It's possible god used colloidal silver. He's a pretty smart fucker that god guy and has an amazing sense of humor.
You should stengthen your beleifs becuase you'r allready back tracking. So you do admit there is a Jesus just to be clear.

I am not back tracking. I am sure there were plenty of men named Jesus in that era. I know of several men with the name Jesus today. Do I believe any to be the son of "dog", NOPE!
literally that document talks about him as the son of god. so unless you have an earlier document that says he's not you're making things up. I'm just using the earliest facts bro.

I think you are missing my point and my stance. The bible also says he is the son of "god" as well. At best, only one religion can be true, can it not? That would make the other thousands of religions, blatant liars right? The only difference between me and you is that we agree on 99.9% of all religion being a lie. Where we differ, is on your religion and white Jesus.
The other religions could be right they just aren't the right ones to follow if you want the everlasting love of God and denying Jesus is one of the worst things you could possibly do.

I assure you, that denouncing Jesus or any deity, is one of the best things a human can do. Put your life in your own hands, get a good education, and help out others as often as you can. That is a recipe for success on planet Earth.
Check it: Jesus was a middle eastern Jew. He wasn't roman, dude. He looked like everyone else (brown) as Judas had to carefully describe / point him out.

He was not caucasian

Out of curiosity, where do you stand on religion? Do you profess a deity exists?

why are hardly any of the jews in Israel dark skinned? I'm clearly seeing whitish people in this picture and they have the heritage to prove that they were there before the Palestinians.

I have a felling uncle buck will chime in on this comment. lol
Right! 2000 years ago the place was crawling with Caucasians Don't let that Israeli promotional piece get in the way of facts. After all, current Israeli Jews are white European and North American

I guess I missed where you prove Jesus a reality You better call the pope
Mc'Life- I see this is really upsetting you. Tell you what- Jesus can be white for you, ok? Your own little white Jesus.

For shits sake let's not let facts get in the way of reality
And don't forget Santa is white too