NV Patients will no longer be able to grow...


NV Patients will no longer be able to grow under the current amended SB374 once a dispensary opens in your county....thoughts on this? I am appalled. I think it is a complete misuse of the MMJ system for state financial gain, to start...

"Notwithstanding any other provision of law and except as otherwise provided in this subsection, after a medical marijuana
dispensary opens in the county of residence of a person who holds
a registry identification card or his or her designated primary
caregiver, if any, such persons are not authorized to cultivate,
grow or produce marijuana. "
Page 13 says a despensary can aquire plants or product from a card holder? also, i wonder can u get a cultivation license without gettin a dispensary one?
Page 13 says a despensary can aquire plants or product from a card holder? also, i wonder can u get a cultivation license without gettin a dispensary one?

A medical marijuana dispensary and a cultivation facility
may acquire usable marijuana or marijuana plants from a patient
who holds a valid registry identification card, or the designated
primary caregiver of such a patient. Except as otherwise provided
in this subsection, the patient or caregiver, as applicable, must
receive no compensation for the marijuana. A patient who holds a
valid registry identification card, and the designated primary
caregiver of such a patient, may sell usable marijuana to a
medical marijuana dispensary one time and may sell marijuana
plants to a cultivation facility one time.

yes the limits are increasing for possession - up to 2.5 ounces in a 14 day period, and up to 12 plants irregardless of that state of maturation. However, that will be for the "medical marijuana establishments" not for the patients since as soon as a dispensary opens, you are no longer allowed to grow.

To get a license as a cultivation facility it is assumed that you already are applying for the medical marijuana license since you must pay a non refundable $5k app fee and have $150k in liquid assets. They are assuming that you will open the dispensary and thus the cultivation facility in order to supply the dispensary.
As with most legal jargon, if you read through it there are loopholes
The provisions of this subsection do not apply if:
(a) All the medical marijuana dispensaries in the county of residence of the person who holds the registry identification cardor his or her designated primary caregiver, if any, close or are unable to supply marijuana for medical use.
(b)Because of illness or lack of transportation, the person who holds the registry identification card and his or her designated primary caregiver, if any, are unable reasonably to travel to a medical marijuana dispensary.
good lookin, my social anxiety is why I'm gonna have to grow my own..but what about vending? That only beig able to donate 1'time thing seems kinda lame, How will they be able to tell how many crops u donate..
I'm assuming there will be a database where all transactions are recorded, similar to Arizonas dispensary system. I'm not interested in dealing with dispensaries in any way, I just want to continue to grow my own meds and enjoy the peace of mind in knowing where they came from.
As with most legal jargon, if you read through it there are loopholes
The provisions of this subsection do not apply if:
(a) All the medical marijuana dispensaries in the county of residence of the person who holds the registry identification cardor his or her designated primary caregiver, if any, close or are unable to supply marijuana for medical use.
(b)Because of illness or lack of transportation, the person who holds the registry identification card and his or her designated primary caregiver, if any, are unable reasonably to travel to a medical marijuana dispensary.

Unfortunately, those aren't loopholes...

The chances of no dispensary's being able to provide medical marijuana are slim to none and if you work and have transportation that eliminates option b...
Unfortunately, those aren't loopholes...

The chances of no dispensary's being able to provide medical marijuana are slim to none and if you work and have transportation that eliminates option b...
Perhaps you should consult a lawyer as I have .
I am currently trying to let as many local mmj patients know as possible as well and ask them to contact their local officials who sponsored/support the bill to ask them to reconsider this latest amendment.

I, as well as few other people wrote the letters to the bill Sponsors: Senator Tick Segerblom, Assemblyman Paul Aizley, and Co-Sponsors:Senator Mark Manendo, Assemblyman Joseph Hogan, and Assemblywoman Heidi Swank. Stating that it is unlawful to limit the right to only those who can afford the unreasonable prices of dispensaries, while removing the right of affordable "do it yourself" alternative from those for who otherwise will not be able afford the medication.

I have the emails for the elected officials in question and can provide to anyone who is interested in contacting them to make it easier, or you can just look it up yourself if you want to, it's very easy. It only takes 5 minutes of your time to let them know what you think. The more of us will contact them the greater the chance that they may listen.
Fact is, I'm not gonna buy the shitty weed "most" these delivery services sell...for my body's health and my wallet... I'm not saying I'm best grower in nevada, but if thats the best these walk in co-ops have to offer I feel sorry for the growers, maybe they should move to another state where there is a larger market and people will be less likely to care about the horrible quality lol...but seriously, even if this shit passes, I doubt metro would chop ur dick off for a couple plants
This isnt to suprising concidering that the mmj comm. Is well lame in nevada
Agreed,.. completely. 100%! I too on a many occasion have thought, this town sucks, got no one to talk to about my plants but my girl, and well,.. shes a girl. Need to be private though too, not like anyone should be inviting just anyone over. But considering you misspelled "suprising" and "concidering", and are an obvious negative Nancy about this problem, i'm pretty sure you're not helping it one bit. :)

Oscar Wilde was famous for saying, “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” Which one are you?
"A patient who holds a valid registry identification card, and the designated primary caregiver of such a patient, may sell usable marijuana to a medical marijuana dispensary one time and may sell marijuana plants to a cultivation facility one time."

I've been reading over the sb374 tween work and bong rips. I think someone might have quoted the above earlier, none the less this "comm" isn't going to get any better less we all start typing what we know, or at least what we want to talk about. Obviously, those of us with "extra" someday, might very well be interested in this part of the bill, so lets talk about it. I'll go first. Umm.. why once? Do they just want our info, haha,.. or maybe, do they gotta put you on the payroll as a "medical marijuana establishment agent"? I have no idea I'm just quoting cool terms. I wanna be a "mmj agent",.. 00420

"A medical marijuana establishment shall not allow any person to consume marijuana on the property or premises of the establishment."
Is Cali like this too? I know we're like AZ's little brother in all this but wtf man, you'd rather folks light up in the car? (you know they will). Let some folks hang out and chat so the "comm" stops sucking ya know. Some business owners should get setup next to the best dispensaries (if they'll be any?) and offer med friendly hang out spots. Legals coming same as WA and CO, NV will lose too much tourism if we don't follow suit. By 2016 i read somewhere they think it'll be legal in NV and AZ too. OR is going to fall next.

Sorry Volchok, I got high and stole you're thread. But the comm here sucks ya know, so who cares its the most posting this threads got in a week, ha.

Get to bettering this comm!!! :P
im over the "community", to many sketchy stoners, maybe thats why it never grew in the first place? oh well, im not losing any sleep over it...but a "MMJ agent" has a nice ring to it, i think i prefer independent contractor in the horticulture business thobongsmilie
I read this stat once...
When asked, something like 85% of the drivers on the road, think they're better drivers than half the other drivers on the road. Even high, I know that math doesn't add up. I don't think you can really be 'over the community', if you are part of the community, especially if you're a grower/supplier to the community, weather it be independent or licensed mmj agent number double 0 seven. The only thing gotten 'over', at some point, was the guilt of not being a better part of said community. I don't even think we know the community, or can judge some in the community for past actions, given the cloud still over us. Sunny California NV is not. I get it, a lot of folks are corn flakes, especially here in NV, but I know there are some fucking growers out there honing their craft, and who'd like to talk shop, and trade bags of dank. We all know you grow a tolerance to a strain. I for one would love to put my stuff up against anyone else's stuff. Call it a 1v1 NV cannabis cup,.. then it'll be 3,.. then 4.. who knows maybe more.

What is so fucked up about nevadas mmj laws im currently living in denver but am going to relocate to vegas in the spring just wondering what the laws are like there

Whats worse,.. sketchy stoners, or sketchy stoners from other states commenting on your states mmj comm?
Who the fuck moves from CO to NV anyway? You sir, could have got too high that day. Way too high.
Did you make it here or not?
Yes i did make it here and why you ask would i move to vegas from denver cause my wife got a job paying alot more than the one that she had in denver and compared to the denver mmj comm. Yes the vegas comm. Is by far lame! Sketchy im far from just my observation you seem offened.