NV Patients will no longer be able to grow...

Maybe now I try and get this post back on track?.. a bit..
Seems to me like this NV DUI MJ crap is finally getting done more correctly now,.. and I find it hard to believe its not getting done now, because the dispensaries are coming to town. I drive medicated. I'm calmer, more relaxed, and I drive a bit slower. Seems like someone might actually have some sense in the NV gov.
Cannabis, Cannabinoids and Driving by David Bearman, M.D.

As for not being able to grow, the reason this thread was started. As scary as that sounds, as gordoe32 already said, big loopholes are there. Illness being one. Um, if you got the card you're ill. I can't imagine any competent lawyer wouldn't be able to eat that for breakfast and shit it out by lunch. At least I know mine would. If they really wanted to stop folks from growing across the valley, and since were AZ's little brother in all this, why not just invoke a can't grow in 25 miles of a dispensary rule like I think AZ is passing, or passed. If that cant cultivate crap was passed, and really enforced, cops could walk through the front door of every registered caregiver in the state, the day after the first dispensary opens. And as much as I know a lot of sketchy stoners would love to fear that,.. doesn't make a bit of sense that would happen on the heels of 40 or 50 dispensaries opening up.

No not offended man, its all good. I just get passionate,.. when I finally get off my ass, ha. I've been no better at bettering any community, to date, but shit man lets do something more than make sure no one knows what we're doing. I feel like the parties finally coming to town. I'm at least throwing a seed popping party the day limits go up. :mrgreen:
You bring your crop with you from CO man? Hows your garden growing post move? Sucks you had to move from the mecca right when they get legal, hope the state hasn't been too much of a bummer for your fam.

"This bill also increases the amounts of usable marijuana and live marijuana plants that a holder of a registry identification card and his or her designated primary caregiver are allowed to possess at any one time, matching the amounts allowed under the laws of the State of Arizona."

Is it just me or is that lazy bill writing? You couldn't take the time to write 12 plants no matter the stage and 2.5oz? Or are we always to be tied to AZ's limits?

I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill,
And I got as far as Capitol Hill
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law
How I hope and pray that they will
But today I am still just a bill
A friend of mine with lymphoma, going through chemotherapy could never make it to a dispensary. Being that she is too ill to work, are these dispensaries going to drive out to these patients and provide free quality meds ? Unlikely.... It's amazing how the state created this whole mess and now that they see the cash cow that is "medical marijuana" they want to strip us of our growing privileges and cash in.. While there is bipartisan support, it still has a ways to go before its law..... I guess we'll have to see what happens.
I sent a letter to Tick and told him this pissing around with all these rules and shit just to keep someone healthy from getting high is nuts. We need to legalize for all. He wrote back a short email and said "We'll legalize in 2014". I'm almost to a point where I don't think I'm going to renew my card. Hell, I'm old, white, and look like an FBI agent and never sell or give any of my shit to anyone. Why should I spend 150 bucks each year? Oh, if they protect us on this new driving bill maybe it'll be worth it? Maybe but I haven't studied that bill yet as I just found out about it today.

hmmm,... I'm just thinking aloud here. So NV is gonna go to AZ rules, 12 plants a person, then go legal in a year? Then allow everyone to grow 12 plants? This whole thing gets screwy to me when you toss in eventually going legal. How did plant count and things change for those in WA and CO when it went legal? Imagine it being legal, and still paying for your license to grow the number of plants you were given the right to grow a year ago, ha. It really does just boil down to grow what the hell you want life is too short to wait to be told a damn thing, especially from the government.
Shits all fuckey...I just hope that when the dispensary lottery time comes around not everybody and their brother ante up the 5k and the odds become 1/100, in classic vegas style...I think I remember hearin 40 licenses will be Lottod off?
i think i heard the same, and ya,.. why? thinking of buying a ticket? how big ya gotta be to think that big? i like to think..
Little old me, nah... But..I know a couple pretty stacked people who are lookin to be in on the action, and a buddy of mine knows a shop owner in NorCal (I won't say the name of the collective) who is lookin to move here, and I guess a couple other shops r talkin bout the move to the new market..
I'm coming out to Summerlin in a few months to scope things out, hoping to get in on the commercial action myself.
Whats to scope out?
If you can afford to get your foot in the door, I can't imagine it matters where you setup shop. I remember counting 45 shops on weedmaps, all across the valley a few years back, when they all popped up illegally, and they all were sold out half the time. Imagine, what other business can you do that much volume where you're just sold the fuck out half the time and you don't give a shit, ha. I wanna scope out something though,.. whats to scope out? :)

btw ive lived here for a lot of years so if you're wondering something feel free to ask

Interesting thread. I moved back to NV about 2 years ago, finally getting set up again. I've been curious about the laws here this, sort of not really clears up much lol. Are there any shops currently open here in Vegas? Not currently medical but interested.

Ordered some seeds this week but would love to check out some clones around town if available.
Clones do save a few weeks, I do clone, but personally, if i didn't have genetics I knew I never wanted to see die, I'd grow from seed, in the hopes of finding just that. Not sure many will meet anyone after their first post either style :) ..or that you should want anyone to, ha,.. but keep the interaction coming man, we need it bad here in NV IMO.

Maybe a better option for clones?.....
I emailing a collective in Cali to find out what it takes to be able to visit, and purchase from dispensaries there. Surprisingly its not much despite all the laws between us. I let them know I was legal in NV, would be visiting their fine state on vaca, and will be needing meds. They said all I need is a recommendation from a Cali doc and I'm good. They were even nice enough to recommend a doctor when I asked. So the trip is set! Going to LA in a few weeks for hopefully even more better genetics! I'm gonna buy some TGA genetics, a new bong, and whatever else I can find!

Does anyone know of a must stop at location, or must bring back item or strain to ad to my already growing check list?

So anyone growing outside?..
I know a lot think its too hot, and yes it gets there sometimes, but if you really look at the temps, there is a lot of time we could all be turning off the grow light. Saving money and growing better pot under the best bulb out there sounds like a good plan to me. Privacy is the hold up for most I'm sure. For the longest time I had the mindset growing outdoors was for when I move to some other state. But I kept looking on craigslist and zillow for places to rent, for 2 months...... and I think I finally found a perfect location, its on a 2 acre lot! I'll be renting, but I'm legal so I don't care to tell anyone what I will legally be doing. I heard subcool420 say it best once, we're not criminals anymore, so stop acting like one. I figure at first i'll just bring the plants out to sun during the day when its not too hot, then bring them inside during the evenings to keep them on their proper light schedule. I can see it being a pain moving plants in and out twice a day, but for free light I'm willing to do it. Eventually I would like to build a carbon filtered greenhouse complete with swamp cooler, grow lights, misting system, and retractable shades. I think such a setup could be placed in a lot of backyards here in the desert. If someones there to guard it,.. and if not, plants get moved to inside grow area.
What tga stains do you have on ur list Diyer ive grow almost everyone of his strains and have stock piled a shit load of his beans
I seemed to have lost my password for my other account! Oh well. I promise to be more active around here. I will start another journal once I get moved into a new spot and what not. Once I get up and running again I'll gift out or trade any cuts here in NV assuming people are chill and I get a good vibe. More people should trade genetics I feel. I was gifted a super bomb cut of Blue Dream when I first moved out here, I have since lost it but that one guy was the only chill grower I've met out here in NV. I should be out of my apartment around July and in the dirt again around that same time.

When I lived in LA I used to go to a shop off of main and like 4th in downtown, they had some of the best OG nugs I have ever smoked in my life. Their Kings Kush was on point and they had the best cut of Sour OG I had ever gotten my hands on. For clones I always went to Hollywood or Malibu. Try and get anything OG of course and some of the clone only strains if you can find them like Blue Dream and Gods Gift.

DIYer I would build a greenhouse of sorts that would allow you to cover your plants with a tarp, that way you wouldn't need to move them, rather just pull a tarp over some sort of frame for the dark period.
I got some blue dream growing right now actually, fem seeds from Attitude. The stuff smells like what I call "OPP" though, (Other Peoples Pot), ..and I'm just a no good pot snob not often down with OPP, ha. We'll see what it smokes like in a few months though.

I'd love to trade flowers with anyone who thinks there shit is the bomb, and if we both agree, then lets make a baby! I have one strain I would just die if I lost. I treat it like NASA treats data and back it up a half dozen times every new crop. I'd want something in return that I'd want to protect just as much. Damn low plant limits force a breeder to be picky as all hell. If I ever knew I was going to have to stop growing I would gift it to anyone and everyone though.
It's a beautiful day in the valley folks, hope everyone's lighting up and enjoying it!

That's a shame about losing your password, you should get it reset, because I can't PM you, ha! Do you have a place picked out to move to? Seriously gonna be so jealous if you get to grow under Vegas sunshine before me man. I just looked at, (twice so you know I was seriously considering it), the most private perfect 2 acre place to live and grow. I haven't found better if you really want to grow outside (which I do) in two months of searching thousands of rental properties here in vegas. It's an affordable total hippie paradise, but ultimately I'm too cheap to pay someone else for one, I want my own. I wanna buy, safer if you pay the mortgage on the place too. I guess I'll just stay stuck in this box for a little longer. Ugh.. god damn little boxes on the hillside made of ticky tacky.
I was actually thinking of another site related to growing that also has forums. My name is amoeba over there, thought I had more posts over here but looks like I've just been lurking for 3 and a half years. I'm currently in a 2BR apartment in NLV, moving in July somewhere closer to the strip. My drive is too far to go to work. I haven't looked at any places yet but me and my roommate are going to start looking here pretty soon.

I've never grown outside, seems like the heat would be an issue here in NV but I hear it really isn't? I might put something small in the back yard once I get moved to see what happens!

Clones, I do not currently have anything going but once I do we can see what we've both got to work with and go from there maybe!! Picking out some seeds soon.
I got a crazy dank OG pheno as well as a lavender that is one of the best yielders iv ever seen while still being top shelf, also got some C99, and a couple strains i bred myself that are not bad, obviously I will need to see flower b4 any trade is made, but I'm confident that out of the hundreds of strains iv grown, the handfull I have now are still around for a reason...anyway, if anyone wants to talk bout some trades PM me...on yea I got some of the best wax in town too:blsmoke:
Daaamn,.. Bublonichronic all up and comes out of his shell talking mad shit. Now I feel like I gotta smoke you out sir, but ATM have no ladies in a stage id feel right taking a clone from. We all can't get them there in 2 weeks from seed like some, ha. sincitygrowJB, you show me how to do that, and I'll show you where the period key is :)
Water Hash or Butarded Wax Bublonichronic?
Daaamn,.. Bublonichronic all up and comes out of his shell talking mad shit. Now I feel like I gotta smoke you out sir, but ATM have no ladies in a stage id feel right taking a clone from. We all can't get them there in 2 weeks from seed like some, ha. sincitygrowJB, you show me how to do that, and I'll show you where the period key is :)
Water Hash or Butarded Wax Bublonichronic?
ahha, with this comment, you have revieled who u are to me... The question is, will you be able to hang with me when the licenses come round? we will see my friend, I am not sweatin