NV Patients will no longer be able to grow...

I've never smoked BHO,.. what I hear about it scares me. I looked up how to make it, I was seriously considering it once, but something didn't feel right about it in my gut. I'm all about the nugs anyway, or ice hash. I think BHO is popular because 1, theres shit in there other than just disolved and reformed resin glans getting you high,.. and 2, most nugs aren't plesent to smoke in flower form IMO, not a lot of strains stand out as having a unique taste, so you might as well hash it and just smoke the part getting you high. The suposed levels of THC these days are a lot of BS, but even if we all truely had a nug of 20+% THC thats still 80% plant matter, so the plant better not taste like shit I say, haha bongsmilie
If ur into taste, I strongly suggest SOMA genetics, I find his stuff always has the most flavor over other breeders iv tried..
I've never smoked BHO,.. what I hear about it scares me. I looked up how to make it, I was seriously considering it once, but something didn't feel right about it in my gut. I'm all about the nugs anyway, or ice hash. I think BHO is popular because 1, theres shit in there other than just disolved and reformed resin glans getting you high,.. and 2, most nugs aren't plesent to smoke in flower form IMO, not a lot of strains stand out as having a unique taste, so you might as well hash it and just smoke the part getting you high. The suposed levels of THC these days are a lot of BS, but even if we all truely had a nug of 20+% THC thats still 80% plant matter, so the plant better not taste like shit I say, haha bongsmilie
AMEN that shit not for me bho is 2 xtreme to get medicated eat it or brun some nugs it that easy just my 2 cents!!! JB
Daaamn,.. Bublonichronic all up and comes out of his shell talking mad shit. Now I feel like I gotta smoke you out sir, but ATM have no ladies in a stage id feel right taking a clone from. We all can't get them there in 2 weeks from seed like some, ha. sincitygrowJB, you show me how to do that, and I'll show you where the period key is :)
Water Hash or Butarded Wax Bublonichronic?

men come now bro lol!!! 2 weeks from seed even my green thumb cant pull that out of your ass LMFAO!!! but good laugh though you see RIU took my post down thats how crazy that sounds but got to watch what I say dont want to get BAN from RIU haha!!!
riu took down your post? Well, that would be nice if forums started editing out missinformation, but I doubt future generations are so lucky. :lol: I'll even let you wait till that seed sticks its head out of the dirt before you start the 2 week count down, I still say no way you're clipping a clone from it that fast. I mean what are you chopping the plant in half at the 2 week point? lol.
2 weeks in the sun from seed doesn't even sound plausible. You must have the fastest vegging mj plant on the planet man :)
I might have to beg one of y'all for some genetics when I come in cuz I will be unable to bring my genetics from where I'm currently at... Borders mess things up like that.
EDIT: Oh and afa "scoping things out", I need to check out the culture, the laws, laws expected to be passed in the near future, growing conditions cuz I know low humidity becomes a big problem down there.... And I might not have the money to start up myself, it depends on how harsh the regulation is there, but I do have sufficient financial backing from outside.
Where you from? What kinda borders you talking about? State, country, or continent? None of the three would I let keep me from my ladies. Everything ships. Less your genes ain't that good then fuck it, come to vegas and beg, we have a lot of beggars here :mrgreen: hehe
....i seen this one with this sign that said: 'my weed dealer got kidnapped by aliens, need money for ransom.' but my favorites are anyone playing an instrument. Don't just stand there begging or you'll get nothing from me,.. and they are only asking for change not my top shelf phenome, hahaha. Think about it.

Your last two sentences contradict, you either have the money or you don't. I still don't see what's to 'scope'. Culture, laws present and past, and desert growing info are all on the internet. The only problem low RH has ever given me is more trichomes. thats growing 101 knowledge that applies everywhere.

I'm from Canada, I have some money but I know for instance in California the laws for licensing are massive, to start a decent op could easily cost a million dollars or more. In that case I would have to borrow money. I'm going to be visiting out there and I'm a dual citizen so thought it might pay to check out the possibility of moving down there. Also I was more referring to low humidity mixed with high temperatures, I have no experience controlling that... I'm Canadian.
Anyway, for some reason I'm not getting a great vibe and I don't feel too welcome here, so, see ya.
Sorry Gamberro your not gona be able to open up a collective in NV due to the Fact you have to be a 3 year permanet resident they will do background check to confirm this. no out of states patients are getting in on this the NV board will make sure the laws are followed VERY STRICTLY! they bumped the $150,000 Liquid assets to $250.000 in liquid assets this morning and all Growers will still be allowed to grow they are gona Grandfather us back in so we will not loose our right ti grow!
so are you saying that if i renew my card with the state i will still be able to grow my own? Because I wasnt going to renew but if they are going to grandfather u in I my just renew!!! JB
Also, those people who are already in patient program will be grandfathered in with special rights. And those people after April 14th, 2014 will need to meet additional requirements to join the state MMJ program. More to come from my carson city people.
"to join men never ending" ??... that sounds kinda gay, but if thats how you go thats cool, ill still smoke you out, haha
i like how u sign all ur post jb, like we all didn't already pick handles.

"to join men never ending" ??... that sounds kinda gay, but if thats how you go thats cool, ill still smoke you out, haha
i like how u sign all ur post jb, like we all didn't already pick handles.

LOL!!! nice had that one coming huh!!! but I'm far from being gay that's cool though just funny how you in a around about way ask me out!!! it ok bro but i'm JB if didn't no now you no and that's how I roll lol!!! JB
You're far from being a guy thats cool?.. well hell, I don't want to go out with you then. dates off! hahahaa.. :spew:
This forums still too dead for anyone to stfu, we even need the butards.