Nugbuckets Lab


Well-Known Member
Nugs, Right on bro! You are articulate and informative. You are motivating me to include more words with my pics. gotta share the knowledge!


Well-Known Member
yep....just ike that, except i won't go over 7 days....if it doesn't show male by then its almost always a girl.
Awesome, thanks brutha!

It's been about 72 hours since I topped my plants, and all 3 of them have their little 4 head nubs growing now, which is good. They were PISSED off about the initial chop though, I could tell, because they didn't do shyte for the 1st 24 hours or so lol!

Good stuff nugs, good stuff.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Hey nugbuckets/nerds. I'm a week off from popping a 5 pack of agent orange. Have you main lined that one? Any nerds given her a run either way? Would like to hear some experience with her.



Active Member
Hey nugbuckets/nerds. I'm a week off from popping a 5 pack of agent orange. Have you main lined that one? Any nerds given her a run either way? Would like to hear some experience with her.


seen some other grows with AO. you can find some solid phenos that wont branch too much that would yield like a mother f'er. nantheking? nathanking?(could be off) had a grow from on the boards a while back with some really solid lookin stuff


Well-Known Member
Hey nugbuckets/nerds. I'm a week off from popping a 5 pack of agent orange. Have you main lined that one? Any nerds given her a run either way? Would like to hear some experience with her.

i have not run her, and actually know very little about her...maybe some day........


Well-Known Member
I havent tried Agent Orange yet but want to i also think maybe would like try crossing it with jillybean, spacejill, the flav, or plusberry


Well-Known Member
I've got an Agent Orange I've been vegging for a little while now. Mine doesn't seem to have the tightest of node structures, especially when next to one of the indicas in my little tent. It's been under t5's the whole time, for what it's worth.

edit: I just went back and found a couple double nodes... which is awesome, because this was a clone. . .


Well-Known Member
i am already thinking of my first indo, late fall.......will do either an all sativa dom., or indica dom. depending on patient feedback........leaning toward a chernobyl, jtr, spacebomb....i usually pop three 5 packs and choose 8...i pretty much have them all except agent orange, jacks cleaner, and the apollo bx.....


Well-Known Member
Brother Nug,
I am speaking on a panel Sat night with Danko and others I want your permission to introduce your main lining method with credit at the seminar?


Well-Known Member
Brother Nug,
I am speaking on a panel Sat night with Danko and others I want your permission to introduce your main lining method with credit at the seminar?
of course Sub......thats great......... i am however just a little uncomfortable with it being "my" method, cause i am sure it has been done somewhere before....i just happen to name it, and am kind of taking it to the next level, but i do feel it is a significant technique, and can prove valuable to the growing community....i am working on a full feature article right now on the subject with hopes that one of the better mags will pick it up......say hi to danny for me, i am hoping he picks up some of my future pics/articles for his mag;-)....peace, nugs

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
dope bro....I'm sure others are just as OCD with canopy management that do or have done something similar. I too had imagined doing something similar to mainlining (but using bonsai training wires)...still will, but now it will be mainlining 'ome Grown style.

Hey someone even stumbled upon evolution at the same time as darwin...darwin just got published first :)

Congrats bro...keep up the good work and photos (can't wait for it to warm up so I can get my camera out again and start snapping).



Well-Known Member
......she is in her picture prime, but her background won't be here till in the mean time it's the fire....can you guys tell me which one of these four you like best?....thanks, nugs
fucking covers 024.jpgfucking covers 026.jpgfucking covers 030.jpgfucking covers 031.jpg