Nuclear War : Iran and Israel : It's cost effective for one but there are other ...

Cool story bro.

You sure know how to waste bandwidth with your retarded threads.

Where did I post that quote? What Thread was it?

As far as what I care what you think. Kiss your own ass because mine is too good for you.

You must be smoking some wicked shit.

Think about it.. We are conditioned to think we have to spend the money! Even now the Media is ramping up the Spend more in the Middle East with the Iran BS..

Real Change means we dump the old crap where we are conditioned to spend the money and make these peo[le solve their problems now and we stop running up our Debt!

How else can we cut or Deficit?
Romney and Obama are suggesting we spend more money and have more debt! Let Israel and Iran do a little fighting and we stay out of it with our check-book!
Where did I post that quote? What Thread was it?

As far as what I care what you think. Kiss your own ass because mine is too good for you.

Don't get all butthurt, I'm not insulting your (obvious) handicap.

Keep the lip up son, you're "special" (and it'll help you protect your clothes from your incessant dribbling).
Don't forget that china is mad at japan for buying the islands china had their eyes on. So japan will sit back and pressure Russia to stay out of the Iran, Israel conflict.

how do you suppose that will

if Iran and Israel go to war you know china will take the islands while the world isn't looking at them
Well, the locus is Iran and Israel .. Forgetaboutit Russia-China let them fire their own Nukes at each other and get over it.

What good are expensive bombs if you can't use them?

dude I know your trolling but you do know China, Russia, Iran & Syria are allies right. Russia's military base in Syria is just for shits and giggles right.

Its not right in the open but they trade oil in the middle east. China needs the oil, Russia wants to keep relation because of OPEC and Syria is just the tag along friend from Iran
how do you suppose that will

if Iran and Israel go to war you know china will take the islands while the world isn't looking at them
Do you really think China give a fuck?
Has China EVER given a fuck?

If they wanted to take those islands they just would, this is all a show of force without being seen to be the aggressor.

China truthfully has the US by the nuts this time...what happens if they dump the 3+ trillion USD in Treasuries they have and want their money back?
Harrekin, they do not understand. They have never seen the tapes of Eisenhower, and then JFK warning us of the impending "secret" societies (Military Industrial Complex, Central Bankers..the Fed ain't ours folks, it's private). They do not understand or fail to see that it is America that has 100+ bases in foreign countries. They will not accept the fact that both republicans and democrats are sold out and corrupt by the corporate plutocracy that exists. They actively refuse to believe that America has been on "austerity" measures since the 1970's when America went off the gold standard and the dollar has been eroding in value since. They will not accept the fact that their pay has remained stagnant for almost 40 years, while both parties were in control.

Russia, China, and Iran may very well be beset with governments that suppress their people's free will, but how can they be anymore evil than the fascism that currently controls our government armed forces? How many civilians have Russia, China, And Iran dropped bombs on, or have killed innocent families with oops, a drone strike?

These are the same americans that WILL NOT watch Wikileaks and how our american forces are butchering innocents...and gleefully. These are the same people that would KILL someone who reveals the truth rather than be confronted with it.
You don't give nukes to Iran cause they're crazy enough to use them.....and give them to "their" terrorists buddies. Why make it easier for them to bomb our allies? This is crazy talk from Ernst again....

Pakistan hates India and they both have nukes, no explosions that i know of.
You misinterpreted what I meant. I agree with you. that was sarcasm

I was saying how do you think japan has any power to tell Russia what to do. No more hello kitty for you mr. Vladimir
Don't get all butthurt, I'm not insulting your (obvious) handicap.

Keep the lip up son, you're "special" (and it'll help you protect your clothes from your incessant dribbling).

Here is my last reply top you.. Enjoy the attention while you can get it.
Well if nothing else I point out that we are "Locked" into thinking one way and that way makes a lot of money for some while running up our debt!

Think about it.. isn't it time we stop spending so damn much?
You missed the point we spend 1 billion installing nukes in Iran and save our selves trillions baby-sitting this mess.

Why spend billions installing nukes?

Use a shortcut to your plan and just nuke them both...
as it stands, we don't really need to do anything, Iran is going balls out to build their own nuke bomb(s)
without actually invading the country, this is going to be very tough to stop, Israel wants something done, but what exactly seems a bit obscure
too big a country, widely dispersed facilities, if they're determined they'll get a bomb
Who cares how it's traced we would publically do this!

Our goal is to reduce our deficit not coddle other countries!

We install the bombs for Iran to use!
LOL Sorry Ernst, I couldn't resist!

Outta da box is hard even for you I see..

Why should we support the same old crap and spend ourselves silly?

Think about it cut Granny's check to spend fort Israel to keep developing the Palestinians land?

Plus a hundred other stupid things our Tax Dollars support world wide!

So Cut Food Stamps but don't back out of paying for War of the World.