Nuclear War : Iran and Israel : It's cost effective for one but there are other ...


Well-Known Member
Nuclear War : Iran and Israel : It's cost effective for one but there are other benefits.

We in the USA are needing to stop spending. We are dealing with two unfunded wars and if we jump into a war with Israel and Iran it will add trillions.

What I am thinking is spend 1 billion to install nukes in Iran and then stand back and let Israel and Iran solve our Middle East problems and reduce the deficit at the same time.

With the savings we would have we can cut taxes for the very rich.

So what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Cut taxes for the rich yet the lower class citizen will STILL have to pay. With that said I agree. I mean sure it's nice that we get involved with others conflicts to show them who's boss but c'mon, do we really need to get in the way of other countries messes all the time?


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that china is mad at japan for buying the islands china had their eyes on. So japan will sit back and pressure Russia to stay out of the Iran, Israel conflict.


Well-Known Member
You missed the point we spend 1 billion installing nukes in Iran and save our selves trillions baby-sitting this mess.
Or just don't get involved, cos Israel ain't attacking Iran unilaterally and do you honestly think Iran will attack Israel knowing the US would step in for sure then?

Keep drinking the Koolaid in your tinfoil hat bro, you've been duped.

You want to know the one thing Iran hasn't got? A Central Bank.

And what's the first thing that gets installed in US "liberated" countries? A Central Bank.

Control the money and you control the masses.

Those pictures flying through your head that you're probably not used to, that's called thinking, try it out.


Well-Known Member
Well, the locus is Iran and Israel .. Forgetaboutit Russia-China let them fire their own Nukes at each other and get over it.

What good are expensive bombs if you can't use them?


Well-Known Member
Well, the locus is Iran and Israel .. Forgetaboutit Russia-China let them fire their own Nukes at each other and get over it.

What good are expensive bombs if you can't use them?
Ok try again, read slower this time.

Russia and China have publicly backed Iran on a number of occasions.

Do you honestly think the US holds the overall balance of power? Does "I'll have more flexability after this election" sound like the words of a leader who's nation holds the overall balance of power?

Why do you think the US and the Israelis havnt acted already?


Well-Known Member
We have to do nothing but wait. The chasm between Shiite and Sunni will start a war, or series of wars, that damage them both greatly. The hatred is deep in Islam between the two sects. The Sunnis far outnumber Shiites in that region and in the world there is absolutely no comparison. The Shiites future is shit regardless. But when we engage the bastards they come together against the Great Satan. Don't distract the bastards. To hell with Israel anymore. I tired long ago of the tail wagging this dog. Fuck them.

Before you refute this read up on Muhammad and his son-in-law. Muhammad was the "last" of the prophets by his and Allah's declaration. Yet his beloved son-in-law Ali saw fit to carry on after Muhammad's death but with a different Joseph Smith-type vision and, thus, created Shia. Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria - all Persian or Shiite (same thing). Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE - anyplace you hear their name and Al Qaeda together - Sunni. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia (1 billion people nearly all Muslims and Sunnis at that) and more shitholes. They seriously will kill the Shiites given the opportunity if we don't afford them a common enemy.

By staying out of it entirely we then have to face only a decimated and broke bunch of Sunnis.


Well-Known Member
You don't give nukes to Iran cause they're crazy enough to use them.....and give them to "their" terrorists buddies. Why make it easier for them to bomb our allies? This is crazy talk from Ernst again....


Well-Known Member
Ok try again, read slower this time.

Russia and China have publicly backed Iran on a number of occasions.

Do you honestly think the US holds the overall balance of power? Does "I'll have more flexibility after this election" sound like the words of a leader who's nation holds the overall balance of power?

Why do you think the US and the Israelis haven't acted already?

No, no, no! WE install Nuclear Bombs Iran can fire themselves. We simply take some of ours and put them in Iran for Iran to use!

That way we can cut our deficit and provide tax cuts for the rich!

I figure 1 Billion Dollars would cover all the costs and we would save a lot of money over the years.

Just think about how much we can save!