
when did i say that?

When you compared the AR-15 numbers vs all the other guns all together grouped as one and said, "not so common"
The AR-15 is sooooo common, that I see it more than any other rifle on the shooting range by far. Have you EVER been to a rifle range?
If I only have to kill 1 person, a 30r clip vs a 10rclip wont matter, the job will be done


Actually, in this case i do not think what you say would happen would happen. For one, you wouldn't have the first clue how to load an AR, second of all you would not be able to figure out the use of the charging handle or the forward assist if it so happened you need to use it. Thirdly, I highly doubt you have any clue on how to use a Ghost sight or what all those clicking cylinders under said sight actually do. I think that if someone threw you 30 rounds of ammo, a 30 round magazine, an AR-15 in like new condition and a 5 minute head start, and threw me a kitten; I would have you pummeled into submission before you could get off one single round.
BULLSHIT...3 10 round mags is not the same as a 30 round mag. One I have to reload twice... the other is just bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. When you get a chance ask any law enforcement officer which would he rather face.

You are right, if the 30 round mag has a problem feeding it is useless and no one gets hurt that day, but the chances of three separate 10 round mags all having problems is very slim.

Reloading a magazine, if done correctly, should only take 4 or 5 seconds to jam 30 more rounds in them. If you go the slow way, reloading a 30 round magazine takes several minutes. No idiot in their right mind would take just a single 10 round magazine and when out of bullets just6 reload the magazine. Anyone intent on creating as much chaos as possible takes along multiple 10 round magazines already pre-loaded so that the amount of time it takes to change out magazines takes less than a split second. You CANNOT bum-rush someone changing out a magazine and expect to be upon him before a new round is chambered and ready to go. The only scenario in which that would be possible is if Bucky were the one with the rifle, he would bumble and stumble giving you ample time to kick him in the groin.

Any moron worth his salt can change a magazine on a AR in a split second, your hand never even has to leave the pistol grip to do it.

Hundreds of videos like this showing how its done.

Do you think anyone's gonna turn in their 30 round mags? Really?

Banning and trying to implement repossession will just add them to the already thriving black market inventories...

Probably double, if not more innocent people are killed in the US each day from GSW - I see no smoke bellowing from your breeches for all those lives lost... Just don't shoot 20 or more in a single place with a 30 round mag... You seem to have a serious problem with that...

Sickos are sickos... Their delusions will only further their resolve, banning because you COULD (keeping in mind spray and pray don't always work) kill more would seem like further incentive for sickos to get their hands on an item that may increase their strike rate.

Don't mind buck, he doesn't understand that Congress cannot make ex-post facto laws concerning property. In other words, they can NEVER ban what you legally own now, you will be allowed to use those 100 round mags for whatever reason other than selling or trading or giving it away to someone else. Even if a law were made today that made all assault rifles illegal and banned all magazines of over 10 capacity, it would not affect the status of what you currently own. All the high cap mags and assault rifles currently around will all be grandfathered in.
You are right, if the 30 round mag has a problem feeding it is useless and no one gets hurt that day, but the chances of three separate 10 round mags all having problems is very slim.

Reloading a magazine, if done correctly, should only take 4 or 5 seconds to jam 30 more rounds in them. If you go the slow way, reloading a 30 round magazine takes several minutes. No idiot in their right mind would take just a single 10 round magazine and when out of bullets just6 reload the magazine. Anyone intent on creating as much chaos as possible takes along multiple 10 round magazines already pre-loaded so that the amount of time it takes to change out magazines takes less than a split second. You CANNOT bum-rush someone changing out a magazine and expect to be upon him before a new round is chambered and ready to go. The only scenario in which that would be possible is if Bucky were the one with the rifle, he would bumble and stumble giving you ample time to kick him in the groin.

Any moron worth his salt can change a magazine on a AR in a split second, your hand never even has to leave the pistol grip to do it.

Hundreds of videos like this showing how its done.


You lied to me and my feeling are truly hurt :sad: Did not our years of banter mean anything to you. I'm going to need a moment to get over this.:finger:
Don't mind buck, he doesn't understand that Congress cannot make ex-post facto laws concerning property. In other words, they can NEVER ban what you legally own now, you will be allowed to use those 100 round mags for whatever reason other than selling or trading or giving it away to someone else. Even if a law were made today that made all assault rifles illegal and banned all magazines of over 10 capacity, it would not affect the status of what you currently own. All the high cap mags and assault rifles currently around will all be grandfathered in.

which is exactly what i said.

You have no proof of this. ALL evidence points to the contrary.

You do realize that in order for Lanza to get the guns he had to kill his mother first?

so close. you were doing so well.

but it's actually the complete opposite. his mom was lying in bed in her pajamas when she got four to the dome.

it's not that he had to kill his mom to get the guns, clearly he got the guns to kill his mom.
I'm all the way pro gun, but think a mag limit of 10 should apply for long arms...

that will be great in a fight against a government after we've had enough and they've spent every dime we've given them (now) and the dimes of my children (now) and grandchildren (soon), great great grandchildren (in 50 years).

the right to bear arms is not for hunting, it's for defense against a tyrannical government which every government has proven to devolve into over time, bar none.

the end
that will be great in a fight against a government after we've had enough and they've spent every dime we've given them (now) and the dimes of my children (now) and grandchildren (soon), great great grandchildren (in 50 years).

the right to bear arms is not for hunting, it's for defense against a tyrannical government which every government has proven to devolve into over time, bar none.

the end

you're still in this deluded mindset where your AR15 is gonna fend off the government.

just pathetic. pathetic beyond words.
oooh, oooh let me quote somebody i know as a rebuttle...


you'll learn that one next year in 11th grade remedial english.

why don't you tell me how aspberger's is not simply a type of autism.

go ahead and educate me.

then tell me about how your AR15 is gonna totally defeat a battalion of tanks flanked by fighter jets.

you have such a great grasp on reality, it should be no problem.
would you care to explain how your AR15 is gonna compete against predator drones, massive tanks, and fighter jets?

because i could definitely use a good laugh at your expense.

go back and read the my posts that you glossed over while you were calling people names.