Well-Known Member
how is that possible?
how is it possible that less firepower equals less death?
ask fb360, he already conceded the point.
how is that possible?
You really think there are only 2 kinds of gun in the USA? Really bucky?
hey dumbass, did you finally take a good look in the mirror?
A better description of "uncle buck" i cannot find!
The AR-15 is the No 1 selling rifle in the USA, the military carries a variant of it. The AR-15 is most definitely in common use at this time.
Do you think that bolded part means that the founders only meant people to be armed with weapons that were commonly used at THEIR time only? The wording is "in common use at THE time" which in legal diction means the present.
Get with it.
The Constitution mentions nothing about period or time. But it does mention, shall not be infringed.
how many times do i have to go over this with you idiots?
the first may be abridged and the second may be infringed. this SCOTUS says so, previous SCOTUSs have said so, and future SCOTUSs will say the same damn thing.
shut the fuck up with your simpleton idiocy.
how you doing tonight, big sexy?
Just reading through this thread and was wondering was abortion allowed back when you were born?
Also I don't give a fuck what SCOTUS says.
Never too late for a 4th trimester abortion.
how is it possible that less firepower equals less death?
ask fb360, he already conceded the point.
No I did not. In fact I argued that reloading takes a very short amount of time, and beyond that, people who want to commit crimes, normally don't follow laws in the process.
The only thing you do by limiting mag size is that you take away the ability to protect yourself better from law abiding citizens.
I'm for allowing 1000round mags. IDGAF. I've already "conceded" that I'm for not putting limits upon protection; just 4 pages ago I said that if it was legal to have personal missiles, I would.
You make good points Bucky. You really do, if we were all to abide by your rules. But guess what? These assholes committing these crimes are NOT abiding by the "rules"
and hence, what is more favorable to protect yourself against one of these mad men: a 10r clip, or a 30r clip? I ask you that. If you were trapped in a school with one of these assholes, what would you rather have?
loughner, holmes, and lanza all used arms and ammo that were legally purchased.
Quote the rest of that statement halfwit:i'll let you answer that one:
If I only have to kill 1 person, a 30r clip vs a 10rclip wont matter, the job will be done
I have answered that question:
It depends, but the "DC" answer is that the killing power is equal. (i.e. If I only have to kill 1 person, a 30r clip vs a 10rclip wont matter, the job will be done)
They are equal, because each and every bullet has the same killing power. Each individual bullet can make a kill (it doesn't take 2). But, as I mentioned a 30r clip has a better chance of replicating kills than a 10r clip (obviously given the same accuracy).
I'm all the way pro gun, but think a mag limit of 10 should apply for long arms... civilians don't need more than 10 for hunting game whatever the species may be
Not easily done now or even practicable, IMO it'll be used to add years to a prison sentence rather than protect people
He used the gun at a school; a gun free zone, moron.
Quote the rest of that statement halfwit:
You have better chances of replicating kills.
What a lefty buffoon. Trying to take only part of my statement, when the whole thing is there for everyone to see.
POST #398 yall
Nothing I said was contradicting, it was all factual. You just try to spin it that way
I'm all the way pro gun, but think a mag limit of 10 should apply for long arms... civilians don't need more than 10 for hunting game whatever the species may be
Not easily done now or even practicable, IMO it'll be used to add years to a prison sentence rather than protect people
Sure, for hunting you should not need more than 10 rounds.
But the 2nd amendment makes it clear that the use of the firearm will be to protect yourself from tyranny. You need way more than 10 round mags to do that; in our modern age, I don't care what gun you have, if you end up fighting an Apache, you are gonna die; you best chance is to exhaust your rounds into the airframe, and obviously, the more you can, the better the chance you live
i said legally purchased.
it matters not that adam lanza carried his high capacity mag bushmaster into a gun free zone, that was not my contention.