NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

I know its fake. I made them. this one just perfectly sums up your position though: you value a rapists life over a womans right to defend herself from rape


yeah, i'm sure you made them and weren't duped like the dumbass you are.

i am a full believer in the right to carry, but the plain fact remains: guns abet rapists.

guns abet rapists way more often than they protect women from rape.

and you are a sock puppet loser.
yeah, i'm sure you made them and weren't duped like the dumbass you are.

i am a full believer in the right to carry, but the plain fact remains: guns abet rapists.

guns abet rapists way more often than they protect women from rape.

and you are a sock puppet loser.

Maybe if we got women to carry guns at the same ratio that rapists do we'd see the numbers balance out or possibly work in the victim's favor.

A gun can't abet self defense if it is not carried.
then the rapists just start carrying more guns.
well I think with that statement we can finally debunk you thoroughly
this is household gun ownership stats since 1973. we have gone as high as 51% of american households owning guns, in 1977, to as low as 32% of american households, in the year 2000.

the pic attached is rapes per 1,000 americans since, you guessed it, 1973

hmmm, thats interesting. In 2003, 43% of american households had a gun, yet we had the lowest rate of rape in america on record!

but all those rapists with guns! why aren't they confirming your bias!800px-Rapes_per_1000_people_1973-2003.jpg
Uh I would say it is all of our own responsibility to protect our selves, is it not? Maybe its about time American women start acting like they are talking. They talk about how they can do all the same things as guy, maybe even better so they say, well then protect your self. Even if you had help with you show you are not a 1920s dependent house wife. After all, all those women rights activist in the past fought for your right to do exactly what you claim to be able to do, so show it. And no I don't condone any one raping any one lol.
if that'll help you control your natural, ever present impulses to rape women who are dressed too liberally, go for it.

sick fuck.

How do you dress liberal? lol Do you mean like women who dress like whores in a whores house? Is that what they are calling it these days. lol
let's play a game.

for every one article you post in which a gun stops a rape, i will post two in which a gun was used to facilitate a rape.

also, why did you join a white supremacy group?

Do you even think before you write? I keep coming across the most illogical these from you. So you don't think a women with a gun would stop a rapist from raping her? Lol Jesus help this mans brain function properly, I'm afraid his head might explode from trying to hard.
I agree. I think dressing like a slut plays a role in possibly getting raped I don't see how people cant see that.... its basic male instincts. some girl walking down the sidewalk with yoga pants and a miniskirt come on now..... I wish chicks didn't wear yoga pants all the time in public it just makes you look like a tease. Wear some fucking jeans for god sake not some skin tight yoga pants its ridiculous. You can wear that while at home or when doing yoga but in public all men are gonna be drooling at your ass.

Hmmm I agree with what you said except that you don't want women wearing yoga pants in public. lol I understand that girls dressing in miniskirts and their tittys all out of the front of their shirts would entice a weirdo rapist to rape them, but does that mean the rest of us normal guys cant see those sexy ass women because of it. But honestly they would still get raped because although it might entice them, I'm positive women were getting rape before they were dressing like sluts. I sure rape isn't a new thing in the world.
I called the NRA and asked them about your accusations, pooper. They just laughed and said, "that pooper, ever since his personal life careened out of control he has just been wacky. Did you know that Colorado elected a Republican senator?"

Uh I would say it is all of our own responsibility to protect our selves, is it not? Maybe its about time American women start acting like they are talking. They talk about how they can do all the same things as guy, maybe even better so they say, well then protect your self. Even if you had help with you show you are not a 1920s dependent house wife. After all, all those women rights activist in the past fought for your right to do exactly what you claim to be able to do, so show it. And no I don't condone any one raping any one lol.

it's always a good idea to end a 'blame the victim' tirade like that by specifying that you are totally anti-rapist, despite everything you just said.
So you don't think a women with a gun would stop a rapist from raping her?

apparently you reading compensation has failed you?

if you can find where i said that, please let me know.

otherwise, i will reiterate what i said before: guns abet rapists more often than they stop rapists.
I called the NRA and asked them about your accusations, pooper. They just laughed and said, "that pooper, ever since his personal life careened out of control he has just been wacky. Did you know that Colorado elected a Republican senator?"


why did you join a white supremacy group?
yeah, i'm sure you made them and weren't duped like the dumbass you are.

i am a full believer in the right to carry, but the plain fact remains: guns abet rapists.

guns abet rapists way more often than they protect women from rape.

and you are a sock puppet loser.

Illogical. If guns abet rapists, you are implying a rapist would use a gun to facilitate a rape.

In that case, wouldn't it be better to meet a potentially armed assailant if you too were armed ?

Also, statistics show when people are armed or potentially armed, thugs seek victims elsewhere.