NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

just because this guy is a nut bar factor 6 doesn't mean that every conservative in the world thinks like him... I believe that sex offenders should honestly just get the death penalty , but I do agree that if you are dressed like a slut out in a bad ghetto part of town in the middle of the night , odds are you might get raped. So yes I agree that women do share some of the responsibility in not putting themselves in the position to BE raped ... You jackasses obviously don't understand that
I agree. I think dressing like a slut plays a role in possibly getting raped I don't see how people cant see that.... its basic male instincts. some girl walking down the sidewalk with yoga pants and a miniskirt come on now..... I wish chicks didn't wear yoga pants all the time in public it just makes you look like a tease. Wear some fucking jeans for god sake not some skin tight yoga pants its ridiculous. You can wear that while at home or when doing yoga but in public all men are gonna be drooling at your ass.
I think dressing like a slut plays a role in possibly getting raped I don't see how people cant see that.... its basic male instincts.

your instinct is to rape women based on how they dress?

some girl walking down the sidewalk with yoga pants and a miniskirt come on now..... I wish chicks didn't wear yoga pants all the time in public it just makes you look like a tease. Wear some fucking jeans for god sake not some skin tight yoga pants its ridiculous. You can wear that while at home or when doing yoga but in public all men are gonna be drooling at your ass.

maybe you should move to a muslim nation, i hear they make their women dress more "appropriately" so as to not provoke rapists like you.
attack the source and not the argument eh? guns prevent rape

so why are you hanging around white power websites and enamoring yourself of racist cartoons?

how many women do you suppose get raped at gunpoint in attacks they otherwise might have been able to fend off?
how many do you think

google spits out about 502,000 results in a third of a second, so i'd say that's a lot of rapes that were made possible through guns, klansman.

combine that with the thousands and thousands of people who would be alive right now if not for guns and you've got a lot of dead, raped people thanks to guns.

of course, something tells me you like to lynch people. can't quite put my finger on it.
google spits out about 502,000 results in a third of a second, so i'd say that's a lot of rapes that were made possible through guns, klansman.

combine that with the thousands and thousands of people who would be alive right now if not for guns and you've got a lot of dead, raped people thanks to guns.

of course, something tells me you like to lynch people. can't quite put my finger on it.

If a woman is armed, and willing to defend herself...and a potential rapist takes a 180 grains to the nuts, there's a good possibility his rapist days are over.

An armed woman stands a better chance against a stronger assailant.

Why don't you think women have right to defend themselves?
If a woman is armed, and willing to defend herself...and a potential rapist takes a 180 grains to the nuts, there's a good possibility his rapist days are over.

An armed woman stands a better chance against a stronger assailant.

if more women had guns, the rapists would just carry more guns too, and more rapes at gunpoint would occur.

Why don't you think women have right to defend themselves?

please show me where i said they didn't, spaMBLA.
google spits out about 502,000 results in a third of a second, so i'd say that's a lot of rapes that were made possible through guns, klansman.

combine that with the thousands and thousands of people who would be alive right now if not for guns and you've got a lot of dead, raped people thanks to guns.

of course, something tells me you like to lynch people. can't quite put my finger on it.

what a strange post. guns still stop rapes


the burden to stop rape is on the victim, says man who looks like he has to choke his rape victims to get off.

Hey, it takes two to rape.
I love guns. But NRA folks are complete whack jobs. I'd put as much stock in this shit stack as I would Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh. Is that fat fuck even relevant anymore?

Yes, I am sorry to say he is. He is still lurking in the deepest recesses of the AM dial and in the darkest places of the human heart. I have been monitoring him from time to time. It is startling.
Ok so... dressing like a 'slut' (please define that) and hanging out in bad neighborhoods is asking to be raped? Really now? Does that mean that all the lil boys running around with their pants hanging below their asses are asking to be sodomized? If so, I'm all for it!!!! Lets rape em all, then maybe they'll start dressing like YOU want them to. The original post was about women arming and defending themselves to prevent attacks. I am 100% for that IF and ONLY IF the chick is smart enough to learn how to use it and how to defend herself without it. A woman has the right to dress and go where ever she wants to... no questions. However, I do agree, that putting yourself in a dangerous situation has its consequences. If I were to put on a negligee and visit my local ghetto at 3am, I'll get harassed for sure... raped? Don't believe that shit for a second. My dress, location and the time time of day will not suddenly turn a non-rapist into a rapist... its retarded to assume otherwise. Rapist seek victims, not smart and prepared women with an "i'll kill you where you stand" attitude. I'm not saying it can't happen to me, but I can promise you that if a mofo ever did try, they'd change their victim profile immediately after... IF they were still alive.