Nôtre-Dame de Paris: 1163-2019


Not the first time it took a beating and the vast majority of the cathedral still stands.

The loss of anything from the 12th century is irreplaceable but it could have been worse.

If you want to insure a pre 1940 construction building you pay a higher rate. Not sure about pre 1200, but didn't they have some kind of fire insurance?

It took 180 yrs. to build, decades to restore after their revolution, could be restored again by 2050 and a couple billion $. I'd concentrate on a fire suppression system for the rebuild. Design a couple tanks of liquid CO2 and heat sensors on the roof into the plans with service access. Cover them with gargoyles.

And fire inspect the rest of the pre 20th century structures while you're at it.

A local church collapsed here a few years ago. Old 19th century construction and not in use (fortunately), but any building needs periodic attention. Nothing stands forever without inspection and maintenance.

And this fucking guy is everywhere.

Keep an eye out.
Are you sure you're not committing a tautology and hating people? Religion is a basic component of our nature, and until the day that we begin to practice remaking humans from the root code on up, people will have religion. (A component of mine is to be irreligious, but that just becomes a turtle one level down. I am not exempt.)

And Catholicism is no more or less historically good or evil than any other religion. So, to hate religion is in my mind inextricable from having an equally poor opinion of humanity in general. What I do not know (but internally resist) is if that might be an appropriate response. People suck, but yet I've faith that there is enough good in us that hating them becomes as untenable as hating religion.

I can't deny I dislike people, I've said it here many times. Much of it is related to stupid beliefs and attitudes due to religion. I don't see religion, more specifically organized religion, as a natural part of our being, but as a learned enemy of our naturally inquisitive minds. It stifles ideas and breeds contempt. We'd be a much more tolerable race, imo, without it.

And I don't care about historical tallies. Fuck the catholic church. Over my whole life, they made a concerted effort to hide pedophiles. That's enough for me, burn em all.
I can't deny I dislike people, I've said it here many times. Much of it is related to stupid beliefs and attitudes due to religion. I don't see religion, more specifically organized religion, as a natural part of our being, but as a learned enemy of our naturally inquisitive minds. It stifles ideas and breeds contempt. We'd be a much more tolerable race, imo, without it.

And I don't care about historical tallies. Fuck the catholic church. Over my whole life, they made a concerted effort to hide pedophiles. That's enough for me, burn em all.

We would be a much more tolerable race if we didn't burn or behead or otherwise oppress people because "wrong religion", or entertain such a violent impulse.

I cannot conceive of a human moral standard that doesn't include irreducible religion. N.b. humanism with its conceit of "natural law" is also a religion.
Provided as a service

I remember Jan 89 (cold, but no crowds) exploring all the nooks and crannies (that wasn't roped off) with a g/f from NZ. We spent the day exploring, only coming out for a crape and returning for more picture taking.

It saddens me that others will not get the opportunity to see the fine long lasting construction and consider myself lucky for doing so.
I remember Jan 89 (cold, but no crowds) exploring all the nooks and crannies (that wasn't roped off) with a g/f from NZ. We spent the day exploring, only coming out for a crape and returning for more picture taking.

It saddens me that others will not get the opportunity to see the fine long lasting construction and consider myself lucky for doing so.
1973 for me. Something I will never forget were the knee depressions and foot trails worn into the stone floor.