Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Crumbling ....math does not lie. Water is always level. Lasers don't curve across the oceans surface. NASA is a military industrial complex con to fist tax payers out of billions every year. While health care is unaffordable. Sad
. . . . . . .Water is always level. . . . . . .
{ @RetiredGuerilla I would reply, but your comment is inside the "quote box", so not real sure how to do it.

There was this kid in my town by the name of Green. I can't remember his first name. But it doesn't matter as far as this story goes. Green was an average kid, maybe 4-5 years younger than me. I had drank and smoked with him a time or two, but didn't really hang out with him. His mom ran a trailer park, and he got into it with a man about a hound dog. Well the man shot him in the head with a .22 rifle. Didn't kill him, but he had pretty bad brain damage. Later in life when I would run into him, he would always say, "Jesus loves you, and their ain't nothing you can do about it." Still to this day, he says it every time he sees me. {and to everyone else too}

I'm not going to speak for Jesus, but I love you brother, no matter how much shit you try to juggle. Everything is going to be alright.
Crumbling ....math does not lie. Water is always level. Lasers don't curve across the oceans surface. NASA is a military industrial complex con to fist tax payers out of billions every year. While health care is unaffordable. Sad
Water is not always level.

What about me proving you wrong on about different size objects falling at the same speed? Just ignore and move on.
you said earlier "ridiculous notion of moon landings and living on a spinning ball of water held in place by a mysterious force called gravity." whether we're living on a sphere or a disc, something is holding us to it....if its not gravity, what is it?
Pilots rely on a gyroscope. If you know how a gyroscope works you would know it proves the earth is flat. You undoubtedly would not have a clue about a gyroscope or trigonometry because your genetic deficient ass has been nibbling on lead paint chips since age 6 so STFU.
you said earlier "ridiculous notion of moon landings and living on a spinning ball of water held in place by a mysterious force called gravity." whether we're living on a sphere or a disc, something is holding us to it....if its not gravity, what is it?
We are not spinning at 1,000 mph. Once you look at things from a density displacement perspective you can do away with gravity. That's the best and easiest way to put it. The apple hit sir Isaac newton on the head because the apple was more dense than the surrounding air so it displaced it. Compare a helium balloon to a lead ball. Opposite ends of the spectrum.
The bad news is you still believe in fake earth photos from space. You think that water curves as well as beams of light. You think that math lies. You think the bible is a fairy tale. Your indoctrination is powerful my friend. You believe man walked on moon ! Really? Lay off the fluoride bro. All the stars rotate around Polaris. The entire earth sees the same moon phase. Plane (as in level) trigonometry is used to navigate the ocean. Not spherical trig ! Math does not lie. Sorry but your leaders do.

Sorry but Religion is the biggest fairy tale of them all, Causes more suffering in this world than i care to talk about.

Faith!!?? not fact.
Not after an argument over God,Jesus or any other made up figure to control the masses. wake up if anything Religion is the problem on this planet not if its round or not haha.

As the title says nothing dumber than a flat earther and i would have to agree.

Anyway Peace out.
you said earlier "ridiculous notion of moon landings and living on a spinning ball of water held in place by a mysterious force called gravity." whether we're living on a sphere or a disc, something is holding us to it....if its not gravity, what is it?
Remember that only the Earth is flat; the other planets are spherical. Elon Musk got that answer from a member of the Flat Earth society!
We are not spinning at 1,000 mph. Once you look at things from a density displacement perspective you can do away with gravity. That's the best and easiest way to put it. The apple hit sir Isaac newton on the head because the apple was more dense than the surrounding air so it displaced it. Compare a helium balloon to a lead ball. Opposite ends of the spectrum.

So wrong. The steel ball would fall at the same rate as the golf ball.

You know why ash floats? Because it is riding on a thermal current. Heat rises.

Did you know that if you put a bird feather and a coin in a vacuum they would fall at the same rate?

I do believe in God but I also believe in science. Come on man. Its obvious we live on a sphere. I know this from science, common sense and military training.

haha I was about to post the same vid, they will just say he is lying and its all fixed. Thats the only answer you will get to anything that they cant argue with.

The Greeks said in the 14th century the earth was a round and its been proven correct ever since but dont forget people we are living a 600year old lie hahaha.

I still don't know why they would need to lie about this shit in the first place.

here it is. a live stream of 8 miles (each of those huts is 1 mile apart) of bridge. taken with a 2000 mm lens I believe.

notice the curveature of the bridge as it extends over the water. that cannot be explained with perspective. it cannot be attributed to the bridge turning because the bridge is almost perfectly straight. it has one less than 1 degree turn mid-way and it is not a part of this shot.

all of those huts are exactly the same height over the water. this was actually filmed during a high pressure, low humidity, and low temperature day - which made visibility much better than normal and light refraction is hardly noticeable.

please explain how on a flat earth, a flat and level bridge appears to curve in an inverted U shape, instead of extending out into the horizon at eye level.

Here is a screenshot of the model I referenced before.

Assuming he is using 2000mm lens - this is more or less the view the model predicts if looking at the same cause way from the same height and angle. the elevation is more or less 10 meters above water level.

now which of those two look like the video embedded?? exactly.


We are not spinning at 1,000 mph. Once you look at things from a density displacement perspective you can do away with gravity. That's the best and easiest way to put it. The apple hit sir Isaac newton on the head because the apple was more dense than the surrounding air so it displaced it. Compare a helium balloon to a lead ball. Opposite ends of the spectrum.

haha I was about to post the same vid, they will just say he is lying and its all fixed. Thats the only answer you will get to anything that they cant argue with.

The Greeks said in the 14th century the earth was a round and its been proven correct ever since but dont forget people we are living a 600year old lie hahaha.

I still don't know why they would need to lie about this shit in the first place.
math does not lie math does not lie math does not lie math does not lie
ok, if we aren't spinning at 1000 mph, what causes day and night?
does the entire universe revolve around the earth? are you seriously going back to the dark ages? The catholic church, one of the most monumental, unmovable, monolithic organizations that ever existed, admitted hundreds of years ago that the earth isn't the center of the universe, or even the solar system. that the earth revolves around the sun.....are you telling me you aren't as enlightened as the catholic church?
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