Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Amazing how deep into the psyche these conspiracies can nest. There’s no talking them off the ledge. Logic and fact is simply a nuisance to be dispelled by some asswipe on YouTube.

Much easier to believe all the smart people have been fooled for centuries.
this is just fucking ridiculous.
if fucking idiots want to believe this stupid shit, let them.
it makes no difference to anyone who's not a fool who believes incredibly stupid shit.
i've now wasted all the time i intend to with this idiocy.
if you actually believe this, you aren't worth saving, do us all a favour and at least get sterilized so you don't make any more fucking morons.
Wernher Von Braun the greatest rocket scientist who ever lived has Psalms 19:1 on his tombstone. "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handywork". He was part of operation fishbowl in 1962 which was high altitude nuclear testing. They tried to blast a hole in the firmament but failed. You don't believe the math? Does math lie? Ships on the high seas use plane trig. not spherical trig to navigate. Repeat that in your head please. Do light beams and water curve? SMDH. Mr. Navy don't you know your fellow midshipmen use pencil beams to track targets on the open ocean? Do those beams curve over the surface? LMAO. You actually believe that moon walk B.S. ? Who is the fool? Who shouldn't procreate? Sheep being led to slaughter like you robots who swallow this rubbish and ask for seconds THATS WHO !!
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Wernher Von Braun the greatest rocket scientist who ever lived has Psalms 19:1 on his tombstone. "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handywork". He was part of operation fishbowl in 1962 which was high altitude nuclear testing. They tried to blast a hole in the firmament but failed. You don't believe the math? Does math lie? Ships on the high seas use plane trig. not spherical trig to navigate. Repeat that in your head please. Do light beams and water curve? SMDH. Mr. Navy don't you know your fellow midshipmen use pencil beams to track targets on the open ocean? Do those beams curve over the surface? LMAO. You actually believe that moon walk B.S. ? Who is the fool? Who shouldn't procreate? Sheep being led to slaughter like you robots who swallow this rubbish and ask for seconds THATS WHO !!

Gravity has no effect on you?
Gravity? You mean density displacement? Why does helium send a balloon up? Because it's less dense than the air around you. It's why a steel ball falls faster than a golf ball. It's more dense. Same reason you have high density salt water that flows along the bottom of the ocean and forms pools that a submarine can't penetrate. DENSITY DISPLACEMENT. Back to 1962 Operation Fishbowl. A interesting phenomenon occurred during high altitude nuke testing. Aurora's were formed in the dome at the blast site AND in the opposite hemisphere. Was this the electrically charged dome's reaction to the electromagnetic pulse sent out by the nuclear blast? Could an electrically charged dome be what powers the stars, moon and sun? Could the dome get it's power supply from the earth's oceans? Everyone knows salt water produces electricity. Hemi=Half Half Sphere = Dome
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Gravity? You mean density displacement? Why does helium send a balloon up? Because it's less dense than the air around you. It's why a steel ball falls faster than a golf ball. It's more dense. Same reason you have high density salt water that flows along the bottom of the ocean and forms pools that a submarine can't penetrate. DENSITY DISPLACEMENT.
Sorry. I have to call bullshit here. I do enjoy your crazy ramblings, but this is just 8th grade science. Don't you remember this from school?


Via this experiment, Galileo supposedly discovered that the objects fell with the same acceleration, proving his prediction true, while at the same time disproving Aristotle's theory of gravity (which states that objects fall at speed proportional to their mass).
Gravity? You mean density displacement? Why does helium send a balloon up? Because it's less dense than the air around you. It's why a steel ball falls faster than a golf ball. It's more dense. Same reason you have high density salt water that flows along the bottom of the ocean and forms pools that a submarine can't penetrate. DENSITY DISPLACEMENT.

Like I said. Your arguments are getting weaker.
Equal size dropped from the same height will hit the ground in this order. Steel ball, stone, baseball, paper ball, cotton. You ever see ash float around? It's pretty much void of density. What about balsa wood compared to cedar? Cedar is more dense. So in Gay Lo's exp. a ball of cotton as big as a volkswagon will hit the ground faster than a cannon ball dropped from the leaning tower of pisa?
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Equal size dropped from the same height will hit the ground in this order. Steel ball, stone, baseball, paper ball, cotton. You ever see ash float around? It's pretty much void of density. What about balsa wood compared to cedar? Cedar is more dense. So in Gay Lo's exp. a ball of cotton as big as a volkswagon will hit the ground faster than a cannon ball dropped from the leaning tower of pisa?

You forgot to include atmosphere as a variable this time too.
yes, but idiots who don't believe, who are they going to trust to tell them the truth? you can make all the good valid points you want to, they'll just call them lies, point to some other fucknut morons ridiculous nonsensical explanation, and tell you you're not only wrong, that you're stupid for believing your own eyes, your own sense, and your own common sense.
Wernher Von Braun the greatest rocket scientist who ever lived has Psalms 19:1 on his tombstone. "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handywork". He was part of operation fishbowl in 1962 which was high altitude nuclear testing. They tried to blast a hole in the firmament but failed. You don't believe the math? Does math lie? Ships on the high seas use plane trig. not spherical trig to navigate. Repeat that in your head please. Do light beams and water curve? SMDH. Mr. Navy don't you know your fellow midshipmen use pencil beams to track targets on the open ocean? Do those beams curve over the surface? LMAO. You actually believe that moon walk B.S. ? Who is the fool? Who shouldn't procreate? Sheep being led to slaughter like you robots who swallow this rubbish and ask for seconds THATS WHO !!
Math does not lie. Don't hate the messenger hate the deceivers. PEACE

Sure it does. When you use only certain facts that support your argument and leave out little things like gravity and atmosphere that will disprove your theory.

And I have done no hating here. Only people holding on dearly to silly information as truth call people who correct them “haters”.
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