Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Do you enjoy looking at NASA photoshop B.S.? The sun and the moon are the same size. The moon is self illuminating and gives off cool light the ying to the suns yang my friend. Nature is in perfect balance. Look at those photos of Apollo 11 on the moon. Do you think they went to the moon in that gold foil covered piece of shit? Where did they put the dune buggy? LMAO !! No moon dust in the landing pods. HA. Don't be so gullible McFly.
Do you enjoy looking at NASA photoshop B.S.? The sun and the moon are the same size. The moon is self illuminating and gives off cool light the ying to the suns yang my friend. Nature is in perfect balance. Look at those photos of Apollo 11 on the moon. Do you think they went to the moon in that gold foil covered piece of shit? Where did they put the dune buggy? LMAO !! No moon dust in the landing pods. HA. Don't be so gullible McFly.
Wernher Von Braun the greatest rocket scientist who ever lived has Psalms 19:1 on his tombstone. "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handywork". He was part of operation fishbowl in 1962 which was high altitude nuclear testing. They tried to blast a hole in the firmament but failed. You don't believe the math? Does math lie? Ships on the high seas use plane trig. not spherical trig to navigate. Repeat that in your head please. Do light beams and water curve? SMDH. Mr. Navy don't you know your fellow midshipmen use pencil beams to track targets on the open ocean? Do those beams curve over the surface? LMAO. You actually believe that moon walk B.S. ? Who is the fool? Who shouldn't procreate? Sheep being led to slaughter like you robots who swallow this rubbish and ask for seconds THATS WHO !!
Do you enjoy looking at NASA photoshop B.S.? The sun and the moon are the same size. The moon is self illuminating and gives off cool light the ying to the suns yang my friend. Nature is in perfect balance. Look at those photos of Apollo 11 on the moon. Do you think they went to the moon in that gold foil covered piece of shit? Where did they put the dune buggy? LMAO !! No moon dust in the landing pods. HA. Don't be so gullible McFly.

I am adding the reflection of light to the facts you ignore in your weird argument.

Sounds like you are starting to have a bit of a breakdown now. Might smoke one before commenting. I do before reading your comments.

The entertainment value is surprisingly high. Lol.
Gravity? You mean density displacement? Why does helium send a balloon up? Because it's less dense than the air around you. It's why a steel ball falls faster than a golf ball. It's more dense. Same reason you have high density salt water that flows along the bottom of the ocean and forms pools that a submarine can't penetrate. DENSITY DISPLACEMENT. Back to 1962 Operation Fishbowl. A interesting phenomenon occurred during high altitude nuke testing. Aurora's were formed in the dome at the blast site AND in the opposite hemisphere. Was this the electrically charged dome's reaction to the electromagnetic pulse sent out by the nuclear blast? Could an electrically charged dome be what powers the stars, moon and sun? Could the dome get it's power supply from the earth's oceans? Everyone knows salt water produces electricity. Hemi=Half Half Sphere = Dome

They are called salt beds or out outcroppings.

Did you know that fresh water can only hold 10lbs of salt before falling out as a solid but the temperature needs to be 0 degrees before the density changes to a solid.

Jump off of Putin's distraction train.
People abandon their own judgement and common sense to accept the ridiculous notion of moon landings and living on a spinning ball of water held in place by a mysterious force called gravity. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary they turn a blind eye. Why? They don't want to be forced to admit that Earth was created by God that's why. This beautiful world was the result of intelligent design with nature balanced perfectly. Why can't they accept that all our lives are meaningful? Our existence is not a cosmic accident created out of the chaos of the big bang. We didn't evolve from primates or from bacteria or from algae. The government has lied to and misled its citizens since even before the JFK assassination which was when shit really got out of control and sent the country on a downward spiral. In Nov. 1963 the military industrial complex and their CIA cohorts took control of the country by murdering Kennedy who promised to smash the CIA into a 1,000 pieces over the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Three weeks before JFK had his brains blown out the CIA sanctioned the murder of South Vietnamese President Diem in a military coup. After that it was full steam ahead with Vietnam and NASA which is a branch of the military industrial complex. NASA has gotten a fat slice of the budget even before the fake moon landings. It's no coincidence that the country is trillions in debt due to excessive defense spending and fake NASA missions. They do whatever the hell they want and the subjects are powerless to stop them. Now, this same lying ass, murdering government wants you to choose their sci-fi fantasy Globe over the origins of creation that's written in the bible. Being that I have a background in archeology and that it is a science that has proven the bible to be correct i have no reason to doubt it. I trust in my senses and think analytically. I'm not down with bombing babies and poor people of the earth in the name of colonialism. God gave us the sun, moon and stars to use to count the days, months, years, to navigate the seas and to plant crops. PS I would like to thank the good folks at CSI for the urkle chem dog cross for the energy and influence it had in producing the above. I pray the herb given to us by God will enlighten the hearts and minds of all Gods children ...
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People abandon their own judgement and common sense to accept the ridiculous notion of moon landings and living on a spinning ball of water held in place by a mysterious force called gravity. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary they turn a blind eye. Why? They don't want to be forced to admit that Earth was created by God that's why. This beautiful world was the result of intelligent design with nature balanced perfectly. Why can't they accept that all our lives are meaningful? Our existence is not a cosmic accident created out of the chaos of the big bang. We didn't evolve from primates or from bacteria or from algae. The government has lied to and misled its citizens since even before the JFK assassination which was when shit really got out of control and sent the country on a downward spiral. In Nov. 1963 the military industrial complex and their CIA cohorts took control of the country by murdering Kennedy who promised to smash the CIA into a 1,000 pieces over the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Three weeks before JFK had his brains blown out the CIA sanctioned the murder of South Vietnamese President Diem in a military coup. After that it was full steam ahead with Vietnam and NASA which is a branch of the military industrial complex. NASA has gotten a fat slice of the budget even before the fake moon landings. It's no coincidence that the country is trillions in debt due to excessive defense spending and fake NASA missions. They do whatever the hell they want and the subjects are powerless to stop them. Now, this same lying ass, murdering government wants you to choose their sci-fi fantasy Globe over the origins of creation that's written in the bible. Being that I have a background in archeology and that it is a science that has proven the bible to be correct i have no reason to doubt it. I trust in my senses and think analytically. I'm not down with bombing babies and poor people of the earth in the name of colonialism. God gave us the sun, moon and stars to use to count the days, months, years, to navigate the seas and to plant crops. PS I would like to thank the good folks at CSI for the urkle chem dog cross for the energy and influence it had in producing the above. I pray the herb given to us by God will enlighten the hearts and minds of all Gods children ...

At least you took my advice and got high. Your tone isn’t much improved. You sound happy and positive. Good for you!

Now the bad news. The pope recently admitted that evolution is a reality.

And now you are simply saying that everything we have learned in the last 15000 years is wrong.

You didn’t mention you were a religious fanatic.

Problem is there is nothing written in religious books to support your flat earth theory.

The entire genesis theory requires the earth to rotate through “days”. You know as the big ball we live on spins and rotates past the suns aspect and we get a dark side. Just like the moon around us. Each rotation of the earth is a day.

The obvious is right in front of you. Just look up. Instead of down into books written by god fearing ancient man.

And then drive to a library and take out a 3rd grade level astronomy book. You have some learning to catch up on. Billions of people are doing better in school than you managed.

If you are a flat earther (I can’t believe that is actually a thing) do you have to hang out with other flat earthers to avoid ridicule and bullying?

I guess observatories and natural history museums are big expensive mis-directions.

And I should be looking to conspiracy theories for my knowledge of science and history.

And bibles too. Question is which version is correct?
there's a great resource I found on Soundly's youtube channel:

you can zoom/pan/move perspective around. it shows the effects of perspective when moving on a model when on a flat earth and on a sphere with earth's dimensions.

when you put it side by side with the videos and pictures he takes - there is no way you can question it. the model matches what we see in the pictures.

you need to explain why the pictures match what we see in the model that says the earth is round, while none of the pictures can show what we would expect as shown in the model if the earth was flat.

you can't.

curve earth model prediction.JPG curve earth still grab.JPG
there's a great resource I found on Soundly's youtube channel:

you can zoom/pan/move perspective around. it shows the effects of perspective when moving on a model when on a flat earth and on a sphere with earth's dimensions.

when you put it side by side with the videos and pictures he takes - there is no way you can question it. the model matches what we see in the pictures.

you need to explain why the pictures match what we see in the model that says the earth is round, while none of the pictures can show what we would expect as shown in the model if the earth was flat.

you can't.

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The bad news is you still believe in fake earth photos from space. You think that water curves as well as beams of light. You think that math lies. You think the bible is a fairy tale. Your indoctrination is powerful my friend. You believe man walked on moon ! Really? Lay off the fluoride bro. All the stars rotate around Polaris. The entire earth sees the same moon phase. Plane (as in level) trigonometry is used to navigate the ocean. Not spherical trig ! Math does not lie. Sorry but your leaders do.
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i'm not really amused.
i'm kind of upset that this kind of stupidity is allowed to propagate.
i'm a little upset that anyone believes this ridiculous shit in this "age of enlightenment".
this is the kind of thinking that kept the dark ages dark for nearly a thousand years.
i had hoped that we had moved past this kind of primitive hide in a cave and the truth will eventually go away bullshit.
quit trying to hold the entire race back because you're afraid of the truth.
let me repeat:

please explain why when using a computer model that can give us perspective on a flat earth and on a globe earth, the model results from every angle show that the pictures are of a round earth.

why is that??

curve earth still grab.JPG curve earth model prediction.JPG
there's a great resource I found on Soundly's youtube channel: lasers

you can zoom/pan/move perspective around. it shows the effects of perspective when moving on a model when on a flat earth and on a sphere with earth's dimensions.

when you put it side by side with the videos and pictures he takes - there is no way you can question it. the model matches what we see in the pictures.

you need to explain why the pictures match what we see in the model that says the earth is round, while none of the pictures can show what we would expect as shown in the model if the earth was flat.

you can't.

View attachment 4056457 View attachment 4056458
People abandon their own judgement and common sense to accept the ridiculous notion of moon landings and living on a spinning ball of water held in place by a mysterious force called gravity. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary they turn a blind eye. Why? They don't want to be forced to admit that Earth was created by God that's why. This beautiful world was the result of intelligent design with nature balanced perfectly. Why can't they accept that all our lives are meaningful? Our existence is not a cosmic accident created out of the chaos of the big bang. We didn't evolve from primates or from bacteria or from algae. The government has lied to and misled its citizens since even before the JFK assassination which was when shit really got out of control and sent the country on a downward spiral. In Nov. 1963 the military industrial complex and their CIA cohorts took control of the country by murdering Kennedy who promised to smash the CIA into a 1,000 pieces over the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Three weeks before JFK had his brains blown out the CIA sanctioned the murder of South Vietnamese President Diem in a military coup. After that it was full steam ahead with Vietnam and NASA which is a branch of the military industrial complex. NASA has gotten a fat slice of the budget even before the fake moon landings. It's no coincidence that the country is trillions in debt due to excessive defense spending and fake NASA missions. They do whatever the hell they want and the subjects are powerless to stop them. Now, this same lying ass, murdering government wants you to choose their sci-fi fantasy Globe over the origins of creation that's written in the bible. Being that I have a background in archeology and that it is a science that has proven the bible to be correct i have no reason to doubt it. I trust in my senses and think analytically. I'm not down with bombing babies and poor people of the earth in the name of colonialism. God gave us the sun, moon and stars to use to count the days, months, years, to navigate the seas and to plant crops. PS I would like to thank the good folks at CSI for the urkle chem dog cross for the energy and influence it had in producing the above. I pray the herb given to us by God will enlighten the hearts and minds of all Gods children ...
Do your own research. What kind of trigonometry do ocean navigators use? Plane not spherical !!! The oceans are flat and this proves it. Math does not lie. Missile systems use pencil beams to track targets on the high seas. Do these beams of lights curve over the horizon to maintain contact with potential targets? LMAO your sci fi globe earth is crumbling. Go watch the NASA channel sheeple.
Do your own research. What kind of trigonometry do ocean navigators use? Plane not spherical !!! The oceans are flat and this proves it. Math does not lie. Missile systems use pencil beams to track targets on the high seas. Do these beams of lights curve over the horizon to maintain contact with potential targets? LMAO your sci fi globe earth is crumbling. Go watch the NASA channel sheeple.
Do your own research. What kind of trigonometry do ocean navigators use? Plane not spherical !!! The oceans are flat and this proves it. Math does not lie. Missile systems use pencil beams to track targets on the high seas. Do these beams of lights curve over the horizon to maintain contact with potential targets? LMAO your sci fi globe earth is crumbling. Go watch the NASA channel sheeple.

I did do my own research. that is how I found the working perspective model which is free for anybody to experiment with online.

it's the reason I am trying to find pictures of this causeway with the same amount of zoom which show the horizon above eye level and the bridge dissapearing due to distance.

all that can be found online is pictures showing the bridge curving over the horizon due to the earth's curvature.
Gravity? You mean density displacement? Why does helium send a balloon up? Because it's less dense than the air around you. It's why a steel ball falls faster than a golf ball. It's more dense. Same reason you have high density salt water that flows along the bottom of the ocean and forms pools that a submarine can't penetrate. DENSITY DISPLACEMENT. Back to 1962 Operation Fishbowl. A interesting phenomenon occurred during high altitude nuke testing. Aurora's were formed in the dome at the blast site AND in the opposite hemisphere. Was this the electrically charged dome's reaction to the electromagnetic pulse sent out by the nuclear blast? Could an electrically charged dome be what powers the stars, moon and sun? Could the dome get it's power supply from the earth's oceans? Everyone knows salt water produces electricity. Hemi=Half Half Sphere = Dome
So wrong. The steel ball would fall at the same rate as the golf ball.

You know why ash floats? Because it is riding on a thermal current. Heat rises.

Did you know that if you put a bird feather and a coin in a vacuum they would fall at the same rate?

I do believe in God but I also believe in science. Come on man. Its obvious we live on a sphere. I know this from science, common sense and military training.
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