not flushing chemical fertilizer out of plants

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This may sound stupid coming from a dude who lived/grew buds indoors in Salinas for many years right next to strawberry fields, artichoke fields, lettuce, etc, but how do they feed them crops? Alls i ever see is water being given, and cropdusters.
Is it just whats in the soil/dirt? From rotating crops? Serious question my bro
you can't see the nutes in the water. commercial nutes aren't colored. they feed a 10-1-1 in early season, 10-10-10, midsummer, and 1-1-1- late/harvest season. i bought from the guys who supplied them to fertilize my 2 acre garden.

the dust is a gentile pesticide, the base is baking soda (white stuff you see). all tomatoes are washed before shipping (they have a makeshift building that it's done in, come packing season).
you can't see the nutes in the water. commercial nutes aren't colored. they feed a 10-1-1 in early season, 10-10-10, midsummer, and 1-1-1- late/harvest season. i bought from the guys who supplied them to fertilize my 2 acre garden.

the dust is a gentile pesticide, the base is baking soda (white stuff you see). all tomatoes are washed before shipping (they have a makeshift building that it's done in, come packing season).
Oh, no shit duh!!!!
Forgot about the tanks. Jesus I'm fucking hella high right now sorry lol
This may sound stupid coming from a dude who lived/grew buds indoors in Salinas for many years right next to strawberry fields, artichoke fields, lettuce, etc, but how do they feed them crops? Alls i ever see is water being given, and cropdusters.
Is it just whats in the soil/dirt? From rotating crops? Serious question my bro
are you in lake lure?
Right on lol.
But anyways, don't you think they might just cut off the nutes towards the end because it is indeed the end? I bet there's still plenty in the dirt?
no. at the end, the dirt is spent. you need to feed liquid, because your dirt isn't providing anymore... that's why the cali's use teas at the end. stated here, in this thread...
no. at the end, the dirt is spent. you need to feed liquid, because your dirt isn't providing anymore... that's why the cali's use teas at the end. stated here, in this thread...
Good one!
But kinda also in line with what i was saying, the plants/produce is almost done and they don't use or need as much?
Still some of the salt based ferts kickin it in the dirt.
Good one!
But kinda also in line with what i was saying, the plants/produce is almost done and they don't use or need as much?
Still some nutes left in the dirt
no, dirt is dead and compacted, you still have two or three weeks, you feed with treas (as mentioned). this is the same as me feeding until harvest in 5g buckets of water.

foodstuffs are not flushed. genetics play the big factor. the TYPES of tomatoes used in restaurants are important (strains). any one any where can grow them, if they meet the conditions ideal for growing.

and as i stated, the ones here all go to delmonte, and end up in your refrigerator. catsup is global...

but ours is the most fresh, just ask the ingles corporation... :D
So here's my experience with flushing.

For at least a decade, fuck no!
And than came out and i got convinced I should do it. Lame i am. I did some side by sides and stopped.

At the same time, my best buddy and I at my vacation spot for every summer on the big island, would use osmocote and than 0-10-10. Up in volcano, it rains like a mother fucker and does all the watering for you(good and bad). Best tasting bud ever!!!!!!!
That very same buddy majored in ag at UH Hilo, and he thinks "flushing" is ridiculous also
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So here's my experience with flushing.

For at least a decade, fuck no!
And than came out and i got convinced I should do it. Lame i am. I did some side by sides and stopped.

At the same time, my best buddy and my vacation spot for every summer on the big island, would use osmocote and than 0-10-10. Up in volcano, it rains like a mother fucker and does all the watering for you(good and bad). Best tasting bud ever!!!!!!!
That very same buddy majored in ag at UH Hilo, and he thinks "flushing" is ridiculous also
most people trust majors...
Too funny bro. How can you say you don't need to flush. And I grew up on a 10 acre farm. With everything from corn to Apple's and cabbage to strawberries. Trust me I'm not ignorant on this. I am new to cannabis growing but not farming. So why don't you get your head outta your ass and think. Umm hmmm.we wash out produce right... Well almost every farm that ferts with chemicals has to flush before selling to the consumer

I can say i dont need to "flush" because it doesnt fucking exist. Dont come in here and try to tell all us growers who actually know what the fuck we are talking about that we need to "flush" our plants. cannabis farming isnt strawberry farming. do your fucking research then open your anal hole.
Ok so you would was the pesticides off the outside only huh. Anything you give your plants. Will store them in their fat cell equivalents. And my arguement was on the grounds that not flushing can make for shotty smoke. I'm sure everyone has had a joint that wouldn't stay lit Or ashes were black and not grey. Try smoking a bag of flushed and unflushed then come argue with me

A joint that wont stay lit was just fed to much through its life. a plant wont use up 2 months worth of nutes in 2 weeks. You wont move shit. you will leach the soil and thats it. little fact. it wont stay lit? dont feed so much nitrogen. stop reading jorge cervantes fucking bullshit bible
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .
I stopped at page 3. You are full of shit and obviously baiting people. That shit didn't get tested let alone test unsafe.

You start a thread to spread ancedotal unproven shit then you back it up with websites that spread ancedotal unproven shit.

A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom--- Thomas paine.

As a matter of fact I'm sure I can find more links to sites saying weed is bad for you and dangerous than you can find about flushing.
Does that mean they're right. Is weed dangerous?

How many grandpa's out there would tell you weed is bad? They must be right because that's what they were told. Probably got some anecdotes about crazy negros causing trouble on weed.

Hey you like ancedotal info so maybe you should quit fucking with weed.

As for flipping burgers, I'm not saying your stupid. Your approach to thus subject sure the fuck is though. You want someone to prove to you that flushing is unnecessary. Get a book on horticulture. I just got one. Stoner myth . Why do we have to prove it wrong.

The burden of proof is on the one who posited the idea. You tell us how flushing magically makes nutrients dissappear. You'll be the first one as far as I can tell. I can't find shit on it. Hence the horticulture book.

And spreading your bullshit is irresponsible. I ran 1300-1500 ppm until 2 minutes before chop. I had nute burn at every stage of growth. The pics are on this site. Light burn too.

I dried 7or 8 days and cured 3 weeks before I put it to market.
Now I'll admit I'm no connoisseur. It sure seems good to me. Doesn't make me cough like some shit does. Fucks me up real good.

Now I can tell you that alot of everyday smokers have bought my shit and they all say it's good. Alot of repeat buyers. I've gone through 13 ounces. I'm almost out.

People say it's sticky and full of crystals. Gets then high. One guys sister has some fucking illness and she loves it. This young guy is all big into the strains and shit. He hits it the other night right out of my dirty hitter rod and says that tastes good man. And on and on. The market has spoken. So your bullshit about crackling and popping.... please. Your fucking something up or I think your just lying.

I think my dope was good because the seeds were good. They have a lot of trichomes because my environment was right and because I fed them and waited to harvest until they were close to peak.

When someone proves flushing works maybe I'll try it. Probably not since I know that not flushing works just fine.
I can say i dont need to "flush" because it doesnt fucking exist. Dont come in here and try to tell all us growers who actually know what the fuck we are talking about that we need to "flush" our plants. cannabis farming isnt strawberry farming. do your fucking research then open your anal hole.
lol, right? also, a ten acre farm? that's a garden, not a farm...

my family had the smallest plot in the county, 163.something acres. we didn't even grow most of it, only the direct back forty. corn, cotton, soy, whatever was selling higher price.

here in nc, you don't have an 'orchard' unless you have at least 20 acres. a farm is 100 acres or more. you know, people who live it and do it for a living...

ten acres can be planted in half a day. harvested even faster. that is not a farm. that is a garden.

btw, our personal garden was 1.5 acres, and i watered all of it by hand as a child.
lol, right? also, a ten acre farm? that's a garden, not a farm...

my family had the smallest plot in the county, 163.something acres. we didn't even grow most of it, only the direct back forty. corn, cotton, soy, whatever was selling higher price.

here in nc, you don't have an 'orchard' unless you have at least 20 acres. a farm is 100 acres or more. you know, people who live it and do it for a living...

ten acres can be planted in half a day. harvested even faster. that is not a farm. that is a garden.

btw, our personal garden was 1.5 acres, and i watered all of it by hand as a child.

Lol i just thought of that actually. Of all the real "farms" i see up here in maine. none are 10 acres lol. fuck if any are 100 acres minimum like you said. alot of fields go on for a mile down the road lol.

Just a wordWarrior trying to stir the pot. too many idiots out there who are unwilling to learn. fuckin sickening
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