NOR CAL Where can I get my prop 215 card?

Maybe make an appointment when your doctor isn't there, and you will get one of their helpers or something, and you can tell them your work needs to see the paperwork for insurance purposes. That might work.
Ohh sounds like it might work. I'll try, but for the time being my goal is to get proof of the accidents. That may help me at the doctor as well.

Hoping to have a paper or card saying I'm legal by the end of the week.
an accident report is NOT medical paperwork. i wouldn't waste my time.
I realize that, it's a start, though.

I figure if the accident report says that in #1 i hit a tree head on, deployed airbags and #2 That we hit a car and then smashed into the center divider on 99 north maybe I'll be able to pull off some claim of whiplash and pain in my neck/back easier. Especially with my physician, or as dude mention try and get a doctor that I don't know. Thanks for the help
Whatever happens, stay safe and ALWAYS stay within your counties plant limits.:bigjoint:
Yup, thanks. That's my reasoning behind getting the card. The area I live in has a lot of police traffic daily. So if I take them out of the equation, then all I have to worry about is the thieving ass kids around here. I have a surprise for THEM;-):bigjoint:
I got mine online. lol I signed up at this website and they called me to set up an appointment to talk with the doctor. Talked with Dr Tom O'connel for and hour or 2. Didnt need any papers or any of that shit. They were very friendly too. I paid and within a week i had my signed recamindation and my card with my photo id. Its
In so-cal, you go in for like twenty minutes, and right afterwards get your doc. recommendation and card. That sucks you have to wait for it.
I got mine online. lol I signed up at this website and they called me to set up an appointment to talk with the doctor. Talked with Dr Tom O'connel for and hour or 2. Didnt need any papers or any of that shit. They were very friendly too. I paid and within a week i had my signed recamindation and my card with my photo id. Its
Cool, filling it out right now, you need a skype to talk to him?
Not really...Lived here a couple years ago. Moved around a lot the last couple years. Then I came back a couple months ago...I'm actually closer to chico, tho.
Cool shit, I'll let you know how it goes. send me a PM if you're ever in town and I'll burn 1 with you. :bigjoint:;-)
Cool shit, I'll let you know how it goes. send me a PM if you're ever in town and I'll burn 1 with you. :bigjoint:;-)
Haha. cool shit. The whole reason I live out here cuz my whole family lives in elk grove. So, I'm in Sac a lot. We shold def. burn one. U live in the city?
Thank you that was more of what I was looking for. The paper is all I need to grow or go to the club, right?

I know medicann is good. I also heard that they're one of the more legit companies, meaning that they actually require a previous dr. recommendation. maybe im wrong

with just the green releif paper and not an id card not all clubs will let u in but im pretty sure all the ones in san francisco will let u in because that place green relief is in sf and theres a phone # to verify for police and u can use it to get your ocbc then go to most clubs
Nope, All has went smooth so far:-P

Went in to BPG in berkley and they sat me down and i had to wait like 10 mins while they verified it. And it was smooooth sailing after That:bigjoint:
Nope, All has went smooth so far:-P

Went in to BPG in berkley and they sat me down and i had to wait like 10 mins while they verified it. And it was smooooth sailing after That:bigjoint:
Sweet man! Talked with him a couple days ago and I'm getting the rec. Just gotta wait for thanksgiving to end so I can straighten shit out at the bank and pay for it. Should have my id card in about 2 weeks. Thanks! I'll keep everyone posted as to how it goes.:bigjoint::peace:
Sweet man! Talked with him a couple days ago and I'm getting the rec. Just gotta wait for thanksgiving to end so I can straighten shit out at the bank and pay for it. Should have my id card in about 2 weeks. Thanks! I'll keep everyone posted as to how it goes.:bigjoint::peace:

Thats awesome man! The dudes pretty chill to talk to huh:lol:.
Definitely chill. So... the question is, did I get my recommendation?

I'm still waiting on the ID card, but I've been going to the club for almost a month now with my signed recommendation and have started my first "real" grow. Overall it's been a great experience and going behind the door at the club for the first time was kind of crazy. It's crazy when you can go to the store and buy a $30 1/8 of some GRAPES that someone on the streets would charge 45-50 for.

Thank you