Yes I do grow my own but still support the odd dispensaries...the fair ones that is.
Some are not that fair I admit that. Not all are perfect. But I've only been in so many as well.
I like some variety and enjoy seeing and feeling what's new as well. Plus most of the folks in them are really nice people. You should look for a fair one and try it. See I'm pretty nice actually. some are thieves I agree..but not all of them and those that are will be weeded out by market selection. I have never said ALL dispensaries. mail order or compassion Club are good. Be selective..but at least you can shop freely in them.
That's very logical. There will always be good guys/bad guys no matter what industry. I should assume the same with theses LP's. I'll do my due diligence in picking my source. I'm all for supporting the little guy, but I also support people who play by the rules. The more I read/educate myself seems to me that dispenceries are simply an unlicensed store front peddling cannabis at black market prices, with no accountability. Buying from an unknown source scares me. Thanks hippy.