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It's misguided and obvious. And not everyone here does it.
Hating on sick people that are using an LP is like getting mad at refugees for war.
Considering that refugees refuse to fight for their homes and selling out to a forced business model actual seems like a fairly accurate comparison to me.
I don't see any hate for patients from most, just a dislike of LP's. I don't like cheap shit made in China either and I avoid buying anything with a 'made in china' label, but I don't hate on people who do. I can tell someone I think their choice of mmj supplier sucks just like their choice of hockey team...don't mean I hate anyone.
Don't waste your time on this one Chris. He gets all his weed free at your and my expense. He's the asshole who bragged on here last year that he is happy we all buy his weed. He's a an ass. He's giddy over his own LP he sells his excess as well at our expense.
He pay's FUCK ALL for his meds......WE DO.........his opinion is of course to his own benefit.
Lat year he thugh it was funny and said he didn't care what other pay as long as his sweet deal is good.....ignore the jerk.
Fuck I'd prance away the day too if I PAID ZERO FOR MY LP WEED.
No wonder he like the Lp systems...he's a disgusting little hand wringer of you and me and all the other tax payer who fund his life.
I don't see any hate for patients from most, just a dislike of LP's. I don't like cheap shit made in China either and I avoid buying anything with a 'made in china' label, but I don't hate on people who do. I can tell someone I think their choice of mmj supplier sucks just like their choice of hockey team...don't mean I hate anyone.

I disagree, I was personally attacked last night and some very rude things were said. I came seeking help, while some of you were very helpful, some were quite rude and vulgar. I'm very disappointed with this community, the paranoia and hate runs deep here, and I want no part of it. Congratulations you have successfully chased away someone in need. So much for compassion and caring, very disappointed with my experience here. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Chris helps
Yer here for an anterior motive :blsmoke:

YOu get your meds from the farmer for nothing :idea:
YOu dont need any more info here my dear lady. :-D
I wish you all the best. :wink:
I disagree, I was personally attacked last night and some very rude things were said. I came seeking help, while some of you were very helpful, some were quite rude and vulgar. I'm very disappointed with this community, the paranoia and hate runs deep here, and I want no part of it. Congratulations you have successfully chased away someone in need. So much for compassion and caring, very disappointed with my experience here. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.


I think Kate, if you are being genuine, its time to grow a thicker skin...remember...what others think of you is none of your business...what you think of them is...this is a very confrontational issue and some folk are passionate at either end of the the willow, not the oak...hth

It's really not a valid argument to excuse bad behaviour and divisive rhetoric because someone doesn't have a "thick skin".
I think the point here is that anyone who doesn't agree is ostracised and attacked relentlessly.
Grow thicker skin? The post was removed but being called a cunt, shill and a skank isn't acceptable to me. I am genuine mojo, I'm old school and a lady shouldn't be subject to such vulgarity. I'm still confused on what I said to deserve such profanity. If asking questions and looking for help is grounds for attack, there's no wonder why anybody would want to stick around this hurtful place. It truly saddens me to think that the days of kindness and compassion are over. I'm my day you could count on community and neighbours, I guess I was Nieve to think that total strangers would be willing to help an old lady out. Ahemait was curtious and polite to me as where several others (junglestrikeguy, whatfg, haf2) and I appreciate that more than you know. There is some good information in this site, but I feel the community is too toxic. Chalk it up to a lesson learned, if this community represent the cannabis culture and patients, I may as well stick to my pharma. At least I'm not insulted and disrespected for popping my pills.

yep...thicker skin...I've been in this game 40+ yrs...been called all kinds of things, had family disown me etc...water off a ducks back...I have never disparaged you....just offered a helping hand...I'm set in my ways after 60 yrs on this planet...if I appear gruff...sorry...good luck on your quest...I'll help if I can, but I ain't gonna safe!!!

I disagree, I was personally attacked last night and some very rude things were said. I came seeking help, while some of you were very helpful, some were quite rude and vulgar. I'm very disappointed with this community, the paranoia and hate runs deep here, and I want no part of it. Congratulations you have successfully chased away someone in need. So much for compassion and caring, very disappointed with my experience here. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

See ya......Who asked you to tell us how to behave....take hike is a good plan imo.
Sorry no one held yo hand enough or threw some rose peddles down wanted to know...we told you.
We're not your mentors or care givers....geez. we were here before you found us. Ungrateful much.
To tell more? I thought you were being facetious. If it's a dick measuring contest you want have at er. I'll be waiting for the PM pic with a ruler in it. I'll say now, mines only 7 inches...circumference.

PM me your weapon of mass destruction. Time and date stamp required.
Hi I'm new to Cannabis and this forum, just thought I would say hello and introduce myself. Will be lurking and reading through some threads. So far there seems to be a lot of spam and trolls here. Could anybody point me in the right direction to pertanant threads to help me educate myself.

Thank you, Kate.
This forum is not so bad. You should go to GC. The trolls and kiddies on that forum is rediculous.
I jusr re-read my post in this thread...I was nothing but nice to you. That's done.
Told you some solid advise two. No thank you either. You seem to be masky's alter ego...two accounts again masky??????????
Or did you hire this woman.
I agree boys another masky shill...dirty asses.
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