NooB Advice


Well-Known Member
sorry man but you will never catch me with my lights that high im a hard core CFL grower and you will never catch me with one of those high amperage house burning electron monsters they call lights... hell riddle i had a 600 cooltube setup and a 1000 cooltube setup give to me and i gave them things away lol i get better intencity with my CFL's without all the bullshit that goes along with the heat monsters.. :bigjoint:
Not trying to tell people to change, this is not anything I would do, I'm not a commercial grower.

You using cfl's is your choice and cfls have to be close to the plant, that is a given

The problem is people get the big lights (HID's) and then try and get them as close as they can without burning/bleaching and as I have put it so many times, cram light down the plants throat, cause that is how they interpret what is being said here in the forum with the hand under the light crap. Instead of getting a light meter and doing it right.

My point was/is hell just look at those plants, how happy and healthy they are, lights are 4 to 5 feet above the canopy (as they should be) Leaves are relaxed on the plants and buds are looking not only great but consistant, I mean look at em, check the canopy, everything about the grow in that pic is dead on perfect.

they say a picture is worth a 1000 words, well folks that is one of those pics! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
heyy riddle, iv gotta quick question. i had my clones ina veg box with 2 23 watt cfls, every 4 or 5 days i added a cfl, but i movevd em from the box to the big closet and put some more light over em, i think it started to bleach the leaves, im just wondering if this could happen under 4 23watt cfls, and a 68watt cfl. thats about 9,200 lumens. is this enough to bleach leaves?? i cant really find ne good info on this


Well-Known Member
heyy riddle, iv gotta quick question. i had my clones ina veg box with 2 23 watt cfls, every 4 or 5 days i added a cfl, but i movevd em from the box to the big closet and put some more light over em, i think it started to bleach the leaves, im just wondering if this could happen under 4 23watt cfls, and a 68watt cfl. thats about 9,200 lumens. is this enough to bleach leaves?? i cant really find ne good info on this
I have not seen it myself, but I have read that a major change in lighting can cause leaf bleaching while the plant adjust to it's new situation

most common when folks take an indoor plant outside into the sun, but I suppose it's entirely possible since you doubled your light output


Well-Known Member
Funny everyone that has had a taste of my Matilda has said it was better than a lot of what is going around and woo ho I only had 1 cfl

Am I Norml

Active Member
Funny everyone that has had a taste of my Matilda has said it was better than a lot of what is going around and woo ho I only had 1 cfl
Ive found with CFL's you don't have to have a million of them to vegg a plant in fact just a couple cool tubes will work good till they are about a foot high but as long as you have the right amount of coverage you don't need dozens to get killer light...i think with CFL's its more important to have the Mylar or other reflectivity then to have 10 zillion CFL's crammed in your grow... just a opinion Ive developed over the last couple years... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Got a couple of things I found during a recent search, yeah I still do research

This first one is a huge find as another forum has taken the time to restore the original grow Faq from Overgrow

Folks this one of the most comprehensive grow faqs there is, Overgrow was the shit back in the day before it got busted/shutdown (you can google it to learn the history)

Also Uncle Ben was a member of Overgrow and some of his stuff is in the grow faq

here is the link

got a question, my plants have 4-6 nodes on them and im having trouble finding information on whether or not i should mix the ff tiger bloom and big bloom together, or to have two seperate watering jugs?


Well-Known Member
First off let me say that I am not a FF user (not into organic), so have no actual experience, others may chime in

But I have a reference guide I got from a hydro store that indicates Big Bloom is for soil and Tiger Bloom is for hydro?

I personally would alternate as opposed to mixing, but that is just me and how I do things

If your going to mix them I would do so at very low levels to begin

Am I Norml

Active Member
The second one is a ditty about lights for indoor growing from a Canada Ag site, I have highlighted the things I found interesting,,,,,,,,,

The part I put in red is more important than black and the blue highlighted was the thing I found most interesting as so many people say to stop feeding, stop watering and leave the lights out at the end,,,,looks like to me that such a practice would cause the plant to simply go dormant

I also found it interesting that they suggest incandesants (but they work for some plants, remember this is not about MJ)

anyway here is the link to the site$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/webdoc1380

i have found after about 5 years of experience with CFL's exclusively you need as little as 150 *equivalent* watts of lighting to vegg just about any strain Ive used over the coarse of the years .. and the list has become pretty extensive
and also for CFL's i recommend vegging to a height of 1.5 feet then on re-pot burying a foot of it in the new pot after lightly scrape the stem to promote new root growth along main stem structure *this helps with more root structure for when the plant starts to thicken up which always occurs with proper CFL use for plant production*
then for flowering i recommend 5 to 600 *equivalent* watts of lighting well spaced to hit the plant from all sides with 2/3 of the lighting source placed above the plant with the other 1/3 placed on either side or around at pot level to light undergrowth fully..(rule of thumb...if you cant see through the plant...your lighting isn't correct and you need more light to penetrate the entire plant structure
if there is any questions as to whether this works please refer to my grow in my signature for how lighting *can be* set up for proper penetration (its not a absolute and will not work for all applications but over the years i have grown ALOT of really Dank bud on CFL's alone and i have found out through ALOT of experimentation that this is *almost* the magic combination for most applications. :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey riddle, i found a killer deal ona 150 watt hps.$ 89.99 for the whole setup =) im just wondering what kinda square footage it will cover? with cfls for side lighting it would flower 4 small 1-2 foots plants right? im leavin ina bout 20 mins to buy it and i jus kinda wanna kno befor i blow my money on somethin dumb again hahaha


Well-Known Member
hey riddle, i found a killer deal ona 150 watt hps.$ 89.99 for the whole setup =) im just wondering what kinda square footage it will cover? with cfls for side lighting it would flower 4 small 1-2 foots plants right? im leavin ina bout 20 mins to buy it and i jus kinda wanna kno befor i blow my money on somethin dumb again hahaha
Yeah I would say that you could do 4 small plants, but I think I would just do 2

I would say coverage is probly 1.5 X 1.5 or 3 sq ft but could maybe do 2X2?


Well-Known Member
Ok Riddle, I remember you saying that you sampled Matilda before your harvest and I was wondering how you dried out your bud/ I know this will not be a representation of the final product but would realy like to try her out.

I know the taste and potency will be effected but really want to try it.



Well-Known Member
Ok Riddle, I remember you saying that you sampled Matilda before your harvest and I was wondering how you dried out your bud/ I know this will not be a representation of the final product but would realy like to try her out.

I know the taste and potency will be effected but really want to try it.

I simply let it set on the light hood for several hours


Well-Known Member
OK so I have my seedlings in there new veg cabinet and I am having issues with temps getting to cold at night. Well since it is only 2x2x3, putting a heater in with them is not an option. I tried putting a heater blowing at the bottom of the door to try and keep them comfy but did not pan out. I thought about 24/0 light cycle but the girls need their rest so switching is not an option. I am at 18/6 and I might go to 20/4 but I still have 4 hrs to deal with.

Anyway I smoked a fatty and came up with the idea to add a black light to the bottom corner of the box with fan left on with it and temps stay at 68. I know that black lights are not good for growing and I know the uv could burn them but the light is not even close to the plants. The seedlings and the clone are doing well so I do not think it is hurting them. I still want the girls to get there rest but is the black light keeping them up. :lol:
I have read some threads that say they have grown with the black lights but, it was in conjuction with either cfls or flouros so I am not sure if the black light actualy helped.

My question is; Does the plant see the light spectrum from the black light or is it the uv that it recognizes and would it be better to go with a green light? I have read that a plant does not see the green but I would like to know what everybody thinks.

Thanks for the help,




Well-Known Member
I told you all that I clone in sand, well I took a clone from Matilda and put it in the sand Sat, so here is a pic of how well it is doing 2 days later

I love clonning in sand :bigjoint:


hello all! I got some updated pics of my little ones for you to see. if you remember i had over watered them. how do they look now?
I cant get it any lower then the temp in the picture of the thermometer.



Well-Known Member

I thought about that, but this is a multi page spreadsheet that has formulas running between various pages. I'm not sure if all of that will go through being uploaded as a text file and then reformatted as an excel file and still work properly. I can always send it to your email if your interested, just need the address.