No room prep very simple $200 budget grow


Active Member
"Now you got the meds to fix your back to finish the grow room to grow another 3+."

Technically now I have what it takes to bribe other people to do the work.


Now I just need to find someone who wants to trade insulation and drywall and the work to install it.
That looked pretty sweet.Doing that with a carpet on the wall.Makes me think mine should explode.Just started growing inside walls painted white in and out fan circulation.My buddy's gonna show me how to add pics soon i'll be back.peace.oregon024:leaf:


Well-Known Member
wow, giving low tech hope, what a find this thread was, +rep for sure, and well deserved!


Well-Known Member
That looked pretty sweet.Doing that with a carpet on the wall.Makes me think mine should explode.Just started growing inside walls painted white in and out fan circulation.My buddy's gonna show me how to add pics soon i'll be back.peace.oregon024:leaf:
Ultra pure flat white paint is within two or three percent as good as mylar when it's perfectly clean and brand new so don't worry it'll work great. I actually prefer paint over mylar myself for the ease of just throwing on another coat instead of the troubles of trying to clean sticky mylar without ruining it.

I really don't think it would have made much of a difference in my grow if I had covered the walls in mylar or painted them, the walls were too far from the light to expect much reflection and the plants were too big no light got through them anyway.

Low tech is fine it's all about the light the soil and the food and keeping the other factors just within reason. The high temps in that room may have exceeded 90 at times but with that big of a light and enough branches all around the light to choke a horse it would be hard not to get a decent yield.


Well-Known Member
I'm of the same mind. I've got a very simple set-up and have no problem growing out enough bud for me and make a small return. I also do the same as you OM, I wake and put my girls to bed manually. I spend alot of time chilling in the green room.


Well-Known Member
Damn Oregonmeds...... I didn't know you finished this up. THis may have sealed the deal on my grow. I can veg longer if neccesary. I would say they are 18" from soil to top. Nice and Bushy..... Im thinking about between 3-4 feet and then flip. 3 feet at least. Will be posting some diagrams..... If you ever feel like sharing where you bought those 11 1000w, or even what route you too it would be great. Im ready to buy them right now.....


Well-Known Member
I just got the lights off ebay, but check craigslist too.

I made a series of lowball offers on pallets of lights that hadn't sold for months until someone accepted. He was asking $50 ea, I got him to accept $20 ea if I bought them all and all his bulbs and all he had to do was throw them all on a pallet. Shipping wasn't bad under $200 I think.

I was really lucky to get new multitap warehouse ballasts for that price, odds are you'll only find used and probably closer to $40-50 but that's ok, it's still worth it. With all the places going out of business there's a slog of warehouse ballasts available out there and a very very small to almost no audience to buy them so if you can take your time and maybe make some offers crazy deals are actually possible.


Well-Known Member
I just got the lights off ebay, but check craigslist too.

I made a series of lowball offers on pallets of lights that hadn't sold for months until someone accepted. He was asking $50 ea, I got him to accept $20 ea if I bought them all and all his bulbs and all he had to do was throw them all on a pallet. Shipping wasn't bad under $200 I think.

I was really lucky to get new multitap warehouse ballasts for that price, odds are you'll only find used and probably closer to $40-50 but that's ok, it's still worth it. With all the places going out of business there's a slog of warehouse ballasts available out there and a very very small to almost no audience to buy them so if you can take your time and maybe make some offers crazy deals are actually possible.
Thank you. I do have time. Essentially I am planning for bachelordom, god forbid that happen. I would be happy to pay 50 a piece for 10 of them. Bulbs though. Any reccomendation on HPS conversion bulbs for a price? Im stoked......


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I do have time. Essentially I am planning for bachelordom, god forbid that happen. I would be happy to pay 50 a piece for 10 of them. Bulbs though. Any reccomendation on HPS conversion bulbs for a price? Im stoked......
Well the conversion bulbs I got work great and can be a bargain if you can find a decent source. Eye Sunlux Ultra Ace

They sell for around $80-90 new wholesale (because they aren't marketed for grow use, they're marketed as general purpose conversion bulbs) Compared to their Eye Hortilux which is marketed at growing and costs much more.

I don't know where you live but there are a couple guys near me on craiglist now with a few 1kw halide warehouse ballasts for $50 ea just make sure you are getting multitap (multivoltage) ballasts or at least the right voltage for your home. Many are oddball voltages that will never work in a home and not multitap. Or you can find some deals on hps ballasts and avoid the whole conversion bulb thing too, that would be even better I just went with what I found deals on.


There's plenty of shwag allright, these suckers were supposed to get lights all around them but now because that didn't happen only the sides I left facing the light are good nugs, all around the outside is a bunch of wasted fluff.

I guess I'll just have to cook with all that or something but I'm still looking at well over a pound of the good parts.
im a noob so dnt laughif my Q is dumb but why didnt u just rotate the pots a lilbit evry now n then ,,,,,then ;) ?j/w


I have to open the door to that room before the light can come on or it would burn the hell out of the plants because there's no a/c or exhaust in that room. I wake them up and put them to bed manually every day.

What's hard to believe?
Thats pure love :)