no increased yield using seimen, help

im being serious too (shock) I actually hate cricket. omg, so unaustralian!!! I like afl mostly , not rugby, tennis is ok, basketballs ok,
im being serious too (shock) I actually hate cricket. omg, so unaustralian!!! I like afl mostly , not rugby, tennis is ok, basketballs ok,

Haha, me too! But I do so enjoy the rivalry between the Aussies and the Brits - it's mostly really good natured. I like the aussie sense of humour as I believe you like ours?
im being serious too (shock) I actually hate cricket. omg, so unaustralian!!! I like afl mostly , not rugby, tennis is ok, basketballs ok,

I'm from the U.S. and I love Australian football. I watch it on satellite. I'm weird though, I also subscribe to the English Premier league soccer.
Go Manchester United!
hey that's awesome its a great game, I guess I'm biased. I'm not keen on soccer, but I know someone who is a mad MAN CITY supporter, lol