no increased yield using seimen, help


New Member
No experience in the rockwool ebb and flow . Im really newb so im trying the fox farms trio out in a lot of set ups to see what im capable of. After i get my shit together im gonna try other brands.


Well-Known Member
like wheres the minus rep button. WHERE? ahhh maybe when u give rep and it says "I approve" u click on that to say "I don't approve"?


Well-Known Member
Speak on that!! I don't's a medical issue. I take the high road.....unless the perfect storm begs otherwise.
Hmmmm.....Peach is pondering a perfect storm......Once is brewing right now,...about to tickle my technology and ring my bell......LMAO
ah the things that Peach ponders....sorry...I'm in rare form tonight ;)

you should see me when I'm drinkin and tokin......whew!


Well-Known Member
No experience in the rockwool ebb and flow . Im really newb so im trying the fox farms trio out in a lot of set ups to see what im capable of. After i get my shit together im gonna try other brands.
Soil? I used it outdoor in bomb soil once....2 plants 2elbows.


New Member
I think you can make your friends private critical just like all that other stats i think its in my roll it up. Bessie or bossie is a bad cow. I tried organic soil mixes first. After reading for years never once did i hear about people cooking the mixes for a month or more before they would work. Any who not giving up on organic just figured i better try coco hempy and dwc while im learning with fox farms .


New Member
Your jimmies are like your emotions and or balls genitalia. For example a pretty girl canrustle jimmies. Or a guy starting a sentence with or and or but can rustle an intellectuals jimmies.


Well-Known Member
I think you can make your friends private critical just like all that other stats i think its in my roll it up. Bessie or bossie is a bad cow. I tried organic soil mixes first. After reading for years never once did i hear about people cooking the mixes for a month or more before they would work. Any who not giving up on organic just figured i better try coco hempy and dwc while im learning with fox farms .
FF is a great line dude...Bessie is a fat female milking cow who is always hungry and having to have her udders yanked....coco and perlite are the best 'additives' of sorts for improving roots accessibility to the nutrients and water the plant takes up.....If ya ever need any help mixing FF with other products, give me a shout. I am currently running Earth Juice Bloom and Snowstorm Ultra on my flowering plants...heavier on the one nearing harvest and a lot less on the ones outside. I like to have control over the elements I put into my soil for my plants roots and growth, FF lets me do that, it ranges from ultra mild to extra heavy nutes, for soil and hyrdo.

EDIT:::: AND it doesn't break the bank either if you hit up E bay...Never pay shipping man....never pay shipping


Well-Known Member
Your jimmies are like your emotions and or balls genitalia. For example a pretty girl canrustle jimmies. Or a guy starting a sentence with or and or but can rustle an intellectuals jimmies.
Ha! thanks! I just learned something new that can actually help me!!!!! I know....*pondering*


New Member
Earth juice makes "rainbow mix " bloom powder nutes. Kinda want to try it. If bat guano takes months to break down why does the package say to top dress or add to water ? I think that was the only thing lacking in my mix was no cook time so far the fox farms is really kicking ass in recirculating hempy and in dwc bucket. Also in coco mixes of diff. kinds.