35 days clean. Momma I made it. Decided to stop smoking weed also. Got a volta vaporizer from vapor genie. Liking it a lot. Kept my bong for company tho. Amazing how different weed taste when you only vape for a week then try to smoke bowl. Yuck
Congratulations! It's a very weird thing for me; I took everyone's advice and never started smoking tobacco. The fact that my folks were stoners may have helped; I always loved the sweet smell of the herb and hated tobacco. This might explain my current choice of vocation, lol
Anyway, since I've never been a smoker, I've never been addicted to it- which makes it impossible for me to really know how hard it is to quit. I'm always on the outside looking in.
That said, I'm still thrilled every time I hear that someone quit. It's a big step towards taking charge of your own health. I applaud such a positive effort; because it's hard, success becomes a real accomplishment!
So congrats, and save your lungs for the good stuff!