No Cigarettes Thread

I never used any type of tobacco products.

I find this weird because growing up my parents smoked and when I was in school it seemed every kid but me smoked.
When I was in the service they called for smoke breaks, non smokers continue.
My wife smokes, both my kids smoke
I feel left out.
It does look cool too
It doesn't look cool to me, anymore. I see smokers and I understand the nervousness....the insecurity....the need to appear to be doing something with their hands -to be occupied with something. So the coolness factor is now unmasked for me. It starts out as a nervous shield against looking uncool....and then it just turns into an addiction after a short time. It looks weak to me now when I see smokers...I look back on my own smoking/nicotine habit and see how UNcool it looks....Then again, I also used to think that bell bottom pants looked what do I know? ;)
I wish governments would raise the price (tax) of cigarettes to level that would deter most people that haven't started Australia they are $25, here they are about 3euros a pack which is way too low. thank god it quit, such a dumb habit, like no buzz really just weak lungs, weak throat, weak everything