No Cigarettes Thread

Surgery made me quit..
.the whole world STUNK to high hell after .....
Quitting smokes was the best thing I got from it...

It's easy for some to quit and harder for others..
Everyone is different.
Some have more addictive personalities than others do..

I wish anyone who wants to quit all the best!!!
Keep at it and

I quit cold turkey after 22 years of 2 packs a day. Just got to be more stubborn than the cravings.

This. ^

Willpower wins this game. Even with patches and magic pills etc, willpower is still the driving force.

Cold Turkey 7 years ago. Fuck that shit forever.

I still have dreams about it though, and cravings. Few times a year I have a craving so bad I literally have to restrain myself from going to the store. Usually 10-20 minutes and I forget that shit exists again.

1 pack a day, 2 cans of cope a week.
2 day, 4 hours, 25 minutes. Definitely the longest I've gone so far. Made the mistake of getting drunk earlier so that made it super hard. But a box of star crunches kept me from cracking. Thanks little Debbie.

21 days and you are there. Hang in there, after you set a new pattern, it really does get much much easier. You are in hell right now. Fight like a nasty son of a bitch!
This. ^

I still have dreams about it though, and cravings. Few times a year I have a craving so bad I literally have to restrain myself from going to the store. Usually 10-20 minutes and I forget that shit exists again.

1 pack a day, 2 cans of cope a week.
Funny you say that bc I had a dream last night that I caved and bought of pack of cigarettes. I was smoking a cigarette, felt bad about it and threw it away. Then I threw the whole pack away. Then I reached in my pockets and pulled out like 10 different pack of cigarettes. All different brands and they were all open and had a different amount smoked out of them. Anyway.........yeah really weird dream.

5 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes......btw for anyone trying to quit the "My Last Cigarette" app is pretty nice. Yeah I'm like 100% sure I won't cave in at this point. Might only be 5 days in but they were like the longest 5 days of my life. I'd be so pissed off at myself if I had to start over again.
Funny you say that bc I had a dream last night that I caved and bought of pack of cigarettes. I was smoking a cigarette, felt bad about it and threw it away. Then I threw the whole pack away. Then I reached in my pockets and pulled out like 10 different pack of cigarettes. All different brands and they were all open and had a different amount smoked out of them. Anyway.........yeah really weird dream.

5 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes......btw for anyone trying to quit the "My Last Cigarette" app is pretty nice. Yeah I'm like 100% sure I won't cave in at this point. Might only be 5 days in but they were like the longest 5 days of my life. I'd be so pissed off at myself if I had to start over again.

My dream is almost the same every time. I buy a can of chew, somewhere, and put a dip in and it grows choking me because I can't spit it out fast enough.

Never dream about the cigs and my cravings are always for chewing tobacco.
35 days clean. Momma I made it. Decided to stop smoking weed also. Got a volta vaporizer from vapor genie. Liking it a lot. Kept my bong for company tho. Amazing how different weed taste when you only vape for a week then try to smoke bowl. Yuck:o
35 days? Wow that's amazing.

I quit smoking last week and I want to punch a baby.

I've also noticed I don't like my pipe or bong as much as I used to. They taste like soot.

I have a nicotine vape thing. I don't think I'm into the whole subculture. And I think the store dude lied to me when he said "better" than smoking.

Better for me? For sure. A salad is way better for me than McDonalds but I still love the cheeseburgers. And you don't make friends with salad.
Agreed. Fuck those e-cigs, they just prolong it and make you want to smoke a cigarette more. Go cold turkey, watch the documentary that's posted earlier in the thread. It will help you a lot. Sure helped me a lot.
35 days clean. Momma I made it. Decided to stop smoking weed also. Got a volta vaporizer from vapor genie. Liking it a lot. Kept my bong for company tho. Amazing how different weed taste when you only vape for a week then try to smoke bowl. Yuck:o

Congratulations! It's a very weird thing for me; I took everyone's advice and never started smoking tobacco. The fact that my folks were stoners may have helped; I always loved the sweet smell of the herb and hated tobacco. This might explain my current choice of vocation, lol

Anyway, since I've never been a smoker, I've never been addicted to it- which makes it impossible for me to really know how hard it is to quit. I'm always on the outside looking in.

That said, I'm still thrilled every time I hear that someone quit. It's a big step towards taking charge of your own health. I applaud such a positive effort; because it's hard, success becomes a real accomplishment!

So congrats, and save your lungs for the good stuff!
Oh I full on have the vape, and I like it better than no cig for sure. I just think it's kinda gay the way people blow themselves about vape shit. Or is that a phase that has already passed? I'm so out of any and all loops.

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Don't get me wrong I don't think that vaping is gay or anything. I used one myself for a while. It's just that it was way easier for me to quit cold turkey than using a vape. Only reason i went cold turkey in the first place is bc the batteries in my vape kept dying and I got pissed and chucked it. And by the time I had the cash for a new one I was already like 5 days in so I was like fuck it. To each his own but to me the ape was just a tease. I hate to be teased.
Im drinking random beers outta the fridge this evening and I'm substituting bong hits of golden goat for smoking a cigarette so I'm really fucking high right now. I havent had a cig in over 6 weeks though. I still fucking crave it.
I haven't smoked since September 9th?
I still crave them lol

It's never ending
I watched my dad die from lung cancer from when I was 15-16 and he was 40 I stopped smoking cigarettes after that it was pretty easy cancer must be the worst way to die. But I wasn't smoking more than like a pack a day or too long.