Nirvana Bubblelicious, let's be havin' ya.

Half starving! That's just crazy talk, there's no such thing. :lol:

On the go for 15hrs - that is indeed a long ass day! I'm a stay at home mom, for my sins. Not quite so busy but tedious, life revolves around peppa pig,nursery rhymes and epic tantrums. If I didn't run the risk of having her whipped off me for child endangerment, I'd happy toke away on sativa to get me through the day. For sure it would make me a better parent! Well, more patient at least and I might actually enjoy the millionth rendition of 5 little ducks. Alas, I have to reserve my tootin for evening and whatever I can get my hands on while I wait for my girls to do their thing. Which at the moment is nothing as I'm taking a tolerance break. Pfft......

That's fantastic re your folks, your poor mother baked off her box, lmfao!!!! My mam is somewhat similar, a constant worrier over nothing. I'd have to give her fair warning before dosing her or I'd be disowned, lol!

About the topical meds, I was hoping to pick your brain if you don't mind - you mentioned in your journal making a balm with the roots and I was wondering if it worked? The reason I ask is for my dog! My pup is 13 with chronic arthritis, also minus a back leg. He has the genuine energy of a puppy but his body has been failing him for years. At this stage I know he only has months before I have to call it (dreading it!!) and I want to make those as easy as possible. Any advice, suggestions would be welcome!
I actually decided not to use the roots ... lots of work to clean them off and i didnt have the time, considering i had to chop trim manicure and cure around 3/4 of a kilo lol. But youd clean them dry them and grind them and add them to your recipe!. With topicals i start with a base of concentrated cannaoil in coconut oil and then i add this to whatever shae butter or cocoa butter ya get from like the bodyshop etc. Just dont over heat it when mixing them. Many people make their balm from scratch with coconut oil cannabis and beeswax. If you dont mind the oiliness, you can apply the coconut oil directly on your dog and massage it in. You can make him (or buy him if available where you are) CBD dog treats if yagot some extra time on your hand, check out badkittysmiles on youtube. Watch her videos and read her posts on some of the forums. You will learn a lot ... plus her writings are cool she adds some of her experience as well n ya get a sense of her personality through her posts .... there are other good threads on this subject as well

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Man that's some really helpful advice, thank you so much. I will definitely check her out. ++++ rep! :-D
I'll give the roots a go when my girls are done and will let you know how it goes. I certainly don't mind applying coconut oil directly to his paws but he'll lick himself raw, lol!

No chance of getting edibles in my neck of the woods unfortunately. Backward thinking politics and people, pfft...

3/4 kg. Christ on a bike! *drool*
Yes i know thats what i said when i got the final dried weight .... think about it this way ... its a 4x4 or (1.2x1.2m) grow space and all lighting etc in that tent is running at constant cost. After a certain time period (lets say 5 months) with the fixed cost of lets say $X ...... why shouldnt you maximize the yield. Its $x whether ya get a gram or 1000 (roughly speakin becauee with more plants theres the added cost of nutrients but this is just for easy guestimation). Learn how to perfect your growin skills to maximize return (and consider multuple strains because well variation in the high better than just one strain with one effect).
Now for your puppy you can get high CBD and low THC seeds liie acdc or Charlotte web .... make him and give him the oil thatll help with his pain and inflammation.
Not sure why i didnt think of this but you can also make him oil, glycerin or alcohol tincture thats inactive and wont get him high but itll help with inflammation n pain. The trace amounts of active thc may also help him but hopefully not enough to build up in his system ..... newly harvested buds are probably better than ones that are aged and been curing dor months. Buds that have been cured for months will have more active thc than newly harvested ones.

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Learn your strains well ... take notes describing little details of their growth at different stages and also with any hiccups and howbthey respond .... also perfect the growing technique ... hydro vs soil ... organic vs inorganic etc

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Lmao, it's all good, mj tends to bring out the best and clearly you're very passionate about it. If only everyone was the same eh? It's a funny aul world we live in, to have such a gift from nature only for a bunch of greedy fucktards to ruin it. There'd be a lot less bloodshed if everyone was high... Ah well.

Back to my journal! Update to follow when I'm off mammy duty :lol:
Lmao, it's all good, mj tends to bring out the best and clearly you're very passionate about it. If only everyone was the same eh? It's a funny aul world we live in, to have such a gift from nature only for a bunch of greedy fucktards to ruin it. There'd be a lot less bloodshed if everyone was high... Ah well.

Back to my journal! Update to follow when I'm off mammy duty :lol:
Lol i totally agree ... i got severe anxiety n ptsd ... most times when im not on it, im super super quiet n i feel like a zombie. The smallest hit will make me feel normal again and allows me to talk n when I talk aboit something I love (well i do because nothing else npt a single prescriotion med or a combo for that matter can help me like mj can .. anyway hah) the nerd in me comes out lol .... and when im not talking about something nerdy, well then big pimpin comes out lmfao just kiddin
Happy growin angelicious n let me know if ya ever needed anything :-)

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Aw man, I'm so sorry about your troubles, I don't have experience with ptsd but I can relate with the anxiety - I can only imagine the combo of both must suck great big donkey balls. Yay for mary jane, eh? Feel free to vent here anytime :blsmoke:

Meow, back to my journal.... Last update was day 33 - pics today were taken this morning, day 40.

Day 34 they looked a bit thirsty so I gave them 500mls between them and 0.5mls Alg-a-mig. Some defoliation.
Day 37, the bigger girl on the left was looking droopy and I saw some of the lower leaves starting to look pale green. Possible nitrogen deficiency. Fed 750mls ph'd water with 1ml Alg-a-mic, 0.5mls Bio Grow and gave the first feed of Bio Bloom, 0.5mls. Pistols on the main stem changing from white to red/brown.
Day 38, Biobizz Leaf coat arrived, gave them a good spray all over and did some LST.
Day 40 - I've definitely been too conservative with the nutes and water, looks like boron def on the bigger girl, brown/yellow spots on some leaves and stems. Still droopy and the smaller girl is starting to show the same signs as the bigger one on day 37. I gave the pots a good soaking - 5L ph'd water, (ballpark 6.2) between them, 6mls Bio Grow, 6mls Bio Bloom and 8mls Alg-a-mic. Some defoliation of the smaller plant, (leaving the sick baby alone for a bit), some foliar spray on both. Temps maintained at 26oC. Hopefully this doesn't kill them!

UPDATE: They LAPPING up the juice from this morning! Nice perky leaves. Time for the nutes to do their thing now.


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Btw i can not see those spots y5oire talking about ... only tiny spots in the closer pic. the tiny things on the one pic could be spash burn from watering (tiny water droplers act as magnifying glass n burn the leaves) .... with rusty spots it could be a cal def (in some cases its mg def) and both are essential for mj and they need a lot of it with their growth is accelerated more so after ya flip when they explode in growth (based on my experience) .... also sometimes its not a dif and rather a lock due to salt build up in the root zone (i doubt ya have a lock) ... hope this help

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Subbed for the show been thinking of popping some Bubblelicious beans soon but for now ill just enjoy your grow log :weed:

Welcome, welcome! You might learn what not to do from my screw ups. :D

Btw i can not see those spots y5oire talking about ... only tiny spots in the closer pic. the tiny things on the one pic could be spash burn from watering (tiny water droplers act as magnifying glass n burn the leaves) .... with rusty spots it could be a cal def (in some cases its mg def) and both are essential for mj and they need a lot of it with their growth is accelerated more so after ya flip when they explode in growth (based on my experience) .... also sometimes its not a dif and rather a lock due to salt build up in the root zone (i doubt ya have a lock) ... hope this help

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I don't have pics from the stems, it's fiddly to get in there to get a proper pic on my phone. No other camera. The rust spots are all I have to show at the mo. I took off another leaf that was worse last night, if I had half a brain I would have taken a pic of that but I didn't. Dur.

You're probably right re the def, based on your own experience but they've been well fed now so hopefully that will resolve whatever is going on. They've definitely perked up! I was going to switch them to 12/12 but I'm wondering if there's any point as they're autos...
Thats right theyrw autos ... no dont flip! .... theyre starting to flower and hence the def ... with the increased fees they should do better. Also dont switch to all bloom feed yet. Wait until theyre done stretching a lil (wont be too much of a stretch though) ... during this stretch phase the plant needs lots of N and also cal n mg .... once ya see it shooting mote flowers n slowing the stretch you can switch to all bloom. Also keep in mind rhat autos dont like to be overfed. So youre doing a good job now. Littl def tells ya to up the nutes .... too much nutes will sress them a lot! ... doin a great job and theyre lookin great so far

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I may have to out of necessity - my 8yr old niece is coming to stay with me next week for a few days and she's a nosy bitch. Love her to bits but my god, she has no boundaries. She'll be all questions about the light coming from the locked room, (18/6 cycle, 6am to midnight) and will do her utmost to get in there.

Don't worry, the girls aren't on full bloom yet, they're getting equal measures bloom and grow. In another week or 2 I'll switch to full bloom. There's very little stretch in them at all these days, if any. Most leaves are a lovely dark green so I reckon the n def is fairly new. As I said earlier though, I was being extremely conservative with the nutes and today I upped it, (1.2mls p/l vs 0.5mls p/l.) I may have gone a little OTT but put it down to noob panic and I won't be feeding anything for at least a week, unless they look for it. Bless em they've been stressed since day 1 but they're still going. C'mon Sept!!
Check out my ladies this morning! Bye bye droopy, hello sunshine!! I must say I'm quite impressed with the LED (left), there's quite a difference between the 2 girls. Granted, I've done a bit more defoliation on the right due to lefty's issues, but she's still taller and has more bud sites than righty under the 300W CFL. The LED is 24W.


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Mag def. You were spot on Dr Canna! Upon close inspection I found 2 leaves that had deformed fingers, dark green with an almost luminous yellow trim.

In other news, they were praying to their bulb gods this morning. I'm not religious but it sure was a beautiful sight. 8-)

In the second pic, any suggestions as to what might be causing that curling under? There's a bit of a breeze from the fan in that area, I'm wondering if the leaf is just reacting to it. Will keep an eye on things.


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Morning there .... usually curling under of blades tips like "eagle claws" is a sign of too much N .... however, in your case it is not that! I think your girls are doing wonderfully and that little bit of curling under is ok :-)

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