Nirvana Bubblelicious, let's be havin' ya.


Well-Known Member
Ah, yeah, sorry for the confusion. The cfl was over Righty, and Lefty would have benefitted too but there was a good bit of distance between plant and bulb so I mostly consider her having grown under the led.
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Well-Known Member
Right, so no update in a while, life getting in the way n all that. Anyhoo...

I chopped Lefty last week, hung her and gave her a week to dry before jarring her. All in about 24g dry weight. I had hoped to get the oz but 24g will do just fine. I tried making hash from the trim but there just wasn't enough so I've saved the trim for coconut oil, which I hope to make when Righty's chopped.



Well-Known Member
Now Righty has been having a meltdown since Lefty's departure. She is scorched!!! I may have fucked up with the lights, in that I added the led with the cfl on just one plant and it may have been too much for her. But I took away the led a few days ago and the leaves are still crisping up. Image no ending 3326 I took today, the other 2 pics I took 2 days ago before I trimmed off a lot of the burnt leaves.

I'm back to battling temps with that stupid cfl as well, 28oC despite having 2 oscillating fans in there and the door wide open for ventilation.

Righty isn't frosting up like Lefty did either, no doubt due to all the heat/light stress. I had anticipated chopping in another 10 days or so but I might have to bring that forward of she keeps crisping up.


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Well-Known Member
Hey there Angi .. looking good there. Righty is putting on some weight now and thats probably why shes yellowing and crisping this quickly ... shes sucking the last bits of nutrients in those leaves to add them to the buds ..... id say dont worry about the crisping now as you are nearing the chop chop. Otherwise you just up your bloom nutes .. how much longer do you think? Did ya check the trichomes?? Any amber there?

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Well-Known Member
Hiya doc! Cheers for the feedback as always!

I'm not sure when I'll chop, once she started lagging after Lefty there was about 2 weeks between them, but Righty started frosting about 3 weeks after Lefty so in my mind I was going to chop Righty 3 weeks after Lefty. Now however, I'm thinking of chopping this weekend, which will be 2 weeks. A lot of Righty's pistols are red/brown and have receded. I haven't checked the trichomes as I don't have a loupe or decent enough camera to check, that's a purchase for the next grow.

I would prefer to leave her till Saturday week as she's not nearly as frosty Lefty, but I don't want to waste trichs either. She's already grown well past the normal schedule for autos. What to do.... *rock*me*hardplace*


Well-Known Member
I agree with Aidos. Give it some more time. If ya dont want to wait for another week, give it a few extra days then 48 hours of total darkness (to boost resin production). If you can reduce the humidity thatll also increase resin production. UV light would do that too. Just idease to boost resin production. Also, I have a feeling shes still fattening up now (hence the yellowing) ..... youll be tasting her soon .... dont worry .... also, take a nice nug this weekend and dry faster by setting it behind ur PS4 or any device thats a bit warm n let it go for however long it needs to go

Check out my new QuadStrain grow :