Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
So you would work all this time just to get seeds and not any bud?
Leggo bro have a good Xmas man. If u throw 2 of ur only 3 plants out just cuz they are hermies i shalt be very dissapointed. Grow them out clean ur flower room very well and start over next time. Bud with a couple seeds in it is better than none at all.
And going to be better than most smoke floating around as well. Throw it away dude thats what they all say bro. use common sense.

I have no plans to throw the two hermies away... if it was only 1 out of the three, I'd think about it, but I'm can't throw away 2/3 of my crop... I just cant bare to do it.

Afterall, these girls mom was a hermie, and she was some good fluffy smoke. Keep them I will.


Active Member
Holy crap sootron! I love your avy! S13 w/ Silvia front end and possibly SR20 DET!!???

Gotta love drifting

yeah, nothing like going sideways
it was my track car..
s13 coupe built sr20 w/ 30r, it was a blast, off to a new owner now

oh, merry xmas to all~


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas.

So I'm home for the Holiday, away from my girls... so no report on that.


Guess what! Low and behold on our kitchen counter was a PPM meter!! LOL I forgot my mom used to sell Water Purifiers (nice ones too) and she used a PPM meter for demenstrations (to show how much lead, minerals, etc it got out of the water). Who'd a thunk??

Now how do I get it away from her? I know she doesnt use it, but still...


Well-Known Member
DAY 19:
Stretching is "slowing" down... but still had to raise my HPS a bit after I got home from the Holiday.

Sway has QUADRUPLED in size! She was 10" at veg and now 40"... the other two are a little over tripple... both 12" at veg and now around 36" or so

my iPhone isnt working right, and thats my camera LOL so pics right now... hopefully later.


Well-Known Member
Awesome bro. Sounds like ur colas r going to start busting now. Yea its hard to believe how these things grow in flower!


Well-Known Member
Hahah wonder if desperate housewives is on or something. Im gonna go watch mr deeds and find out the name of the crazy butler. Leggo kinda reminds me of him. Pops up and then hes out.Magical


Well-Known Member
Yo! Whatup? Sorry having trouble finding reason to post without pictures... UGHHHHH.

I think tomorrow I'll post another "recap" with pictures leading up to now...

maybe do a vid? maybe....



Well-Known Member

Day 23 of Flower:

I'm HERE!! Sorry for the lack of updates but I'm still fighting with my phone (what I used for my 'camera') so I didnt have much reason to post without pictures. But I wrangled up my old digi cam from 4 years ago LOL

The girls are good... the 'STRETCH" is stopping... Sway is still around 40-41" While Jane and Fox are just over 3 feet. So all are 3-4 times their height since day one of Flower!!

Again, Sway and Jane are hermies... still gonna carry through and get some type of bud off them (they're both more than 50/50 fem flowers), its too late now to avoid pollination anyway. Maybe use more for hash??

Better Picture. I think the buds are coming along nicely... this is the Cola from Fox, my favorite, and now the only 100% female. Though, I dont have a frame of reference...

do these buds look okay for day 23 of flower??

Alls going well,
