Day 13 of Flower:
This is the only picture I got today... I forgot to take more before it was time for the girls to go to sleep for the night. Though a crappy phone pic.. you can see the beginning of Jane's cola!!! Wish it was better res.. lots of pistils coming out, and lots of good bud right below it also
Also, 'unfixed' my HPS, and now have it fixed to a separate wood set up than can be raised and lowered (with some ease...) Pics on that tomorrow.
Also will do a res change... pushing it being at 2 weeks :-/ but money is tight right now, and only have one dose left of Bloom nutes (if that). Good on Micro and gro though...
I guess they may all be from the sam strain... just wasn't sure if it was possible. Its not only because Sway is so much taller that I questioned here DNA... its also because she was the RUNT before.... like she's only a completely different growth pattern than the other two... we'll find out come harvest I guess