Newbie's please do not germinate you seeds in paper towles. Better Way..

rockwool is a breeze for germing and great for dwc. Condition it, give it 3 good shakes (dont squeeze), make a small hole with a toothpick and put the seed in (up/down/sideways/whatever)pull the rockwool from next to the hole back over the hole and cover the seed, wait 2 days and done.
3 people in here with a combined 103yrs of exp , dr.who ,waterdog, and myself ,not to mention alot of the breeders,all say start them in papertowels. but hell we aint got a clue i guess .so i say best of luck and good vibes to all.
3 people in here with a combined 103yrs of exp , dr.who ,waterdog, and myself ,not to mention alot of the breeders,all say start them in papertowels. but hell we aint got a clue i guess .so i say best of luck and good vibes to all.
103 years of experience definitely beats the eons with seeds that just fell to the dirt and sprouted with virtually no care, rockwool/dirt work great, hard to fuck up, paper towel works, easy to do but also easy to fuck up, just sayin
103 years of experience definitely beats the eons with seeds that just fell to the dirt and sprouted with virtually no care, rockwool/dirt work great, hard to fuck up, paper towel works, easy to do but also easy to fuck up, just sayin
.if you want to leave youre 75-100$ seeds up to mother nature go 4 it
well mother nature decided a long time ago that if you keep it warm and moist it will pop so we both rely on her, if you found a way to germinate in the cold with no moisture you wouldnt be relying on her, tighten up, just sayin
well mother nature decided a long time ago that if you keep it warm and moist it will pop so we both rely on her, if you found a way to germinate in the cold with no moisture you wouldnt be relying on her, tighten up, just sayin
whatever chief , paper towel and a heating pad aint mothernature , if it is , i live in an alternate universe
103 years of experience definitely beats the eons with seeds that just fell to the dirt and sprouted with virtually no care, rockwool/dirt work great, hard to fuck up, paper towel works, easy to do but also easy to fuck up, just sayin
Dont drag me into this lol. I never said PT is better fyi, it just works better for me lol. Also 103 years huh, jeezus I'm old lol. Perhaps someone who has a few hundred seeds could try all the methods side by side and see what seems to work the best. I fear that really wont stop the debate though. With all things pot related, people seem quite passionate as to how things should be done lol. I try really hard to state in all my posts that even after all these years I know crap! I do know how to grow some pretty good smoke outdoors and how not to get caught and that was my main goal in all this. Now its grow enough to keep me happy and high lol.
whatever chief , paper towel and a heating pad aint mothernature , if it is , i live in an alternate universe
Ok, il type slower so you dont have to think so fast princess, the seed needs warmth and moisture to pop, nature decided that for us, what does a moist paper towel on a heating mat provide more than what nature decided the seed needed to germ? You are providing the same things. Im not trying to convert you buttercup, if iv learned anything from these forums it is this, you cant convince a guy using the paper towel method that hes wasting time, you cant convince a guy using the paper towel method that flushing is worthless, you cant convince a guy using the paper towel method that he doesnt need 13 different bottles of nutes, seems like the paper towel guys always have several pk boosters, a few different bottles of carbs, a finisher, a flushing agent etc
lmao ive PTM'd 4 seeds, direct planted 4 seeds and guess what ????? they have all come up within a few hours of each other. ive just planted one in a root riot cube so we can see how long that takes.

no method has out done any other method so far
Dont drag me into this lol. I never said PT is better fyi, it just works better for me lol. Also 103 years huh, jeezus I'm old lol. Perhaps someone who has a few hundred seeds could try all the methods side by side and see what seems to work the best. I fear that really wont stop the debate though. With all things pot related, people seem quite passionate as to how things should be done lol. I try really hard to state in all my posts that even after all these years I know crap! I do know how to grow some pretty good smoke outdoors and how not to get caught and that was my main goal in all this. Now its grow enough to keep me happy and high lol.
sorry to drag u into it waterdawg , with that said im done arguing opinion . good luck to all & may all your buds be baseball bats ...
If you soak your seeds in vinegar for 12 hours, preheat your oven to 125° F and bake for 6 hours, then place them inside your shoe right beneath the heel and walk 500 paces in a circle they're guaranteed to sprout when you order new seeds and then use PT to germ.
lmao ive PTM'd 4 seeds, direct planted 4 seeds and guess what ????? they have all come up within a few hours of each other. ive just planted one in a root riot cube so we can see how long that takes.

no method has out done any other method so far
Thats pretty much the point, both methods work but 1 has more of chance to fuck up as you handle it
.if you want to leave youre 75-100$ seeds up to mother nature go 4 it
I am a newb with a brown thumb, I will KILL my seeds in paper towel or rock wool! This is the newb section right? I put mine in "light warrior soil" and leave it to mother nature. I dont understand what is soo cool about paper towels, def not natural! I actually hate "playing surgery" with my expensive seeds!
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Ok, il type slower so you dont have to think so fast princess, the seed needs warmth and moisture to pop, nature decided that for us, what does a moist paper towel on a heating mat provide more than what nature decided the seed needed to germ? You are providing the same things. Im not trying to convert you buttercup, if iv learned anything from these forums it is this, you cant convince a guy using the paper towel method that hes wasting time, you cant convince a guy using the paper towel method that flushing is worthless, you cant convince a guy using the paper towel method that he doesnt need 13 different bottles of nutes, seems like the paper towel guys always have several pk boosters, a few different bottles of carbs, a finisher, a flushing agent etc
Hey, I used to be THAT guy lol! Going organic now!
Paper towels are cheap and effective, place paper towels on dish or in dvd case and place on warm surface.

Have been usung PT for all six years of growing. Never had a problem, never lost a seedunless I let them sit for more than four or five days.

For those worrying about breaking the taproot or wasting time I say this: your only supposed to leave the seed in until thethe tap root pokes out at that moment when it's barely poking out you plant it.

There is no time loss if you do it that way, and also germinating this way is efficient when dealing with large amounts ofseeds (100s personally) and you end up saving time and money, because you know what has popped and whatwont.

Honestly all you turds on here shoving expensive techniques down people's throats is getting tired. You read the benefits of all this bs : props, plugs ect, you don't need that shit.

Growing is already hard/expensive enough for new growers, going out and telling them to buy expensive lights and gear because that's what the people selling the gear write about and want you to do.

What's the point when they're gonna fuck upanyway?

So many people stick there nose up at proven techniques because they buy into the you need this ifyour pro bullshit.

Go ahead spend money kiddies, and waste money, on something already retardedly expensive
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Perhaps someone who has a few hundred seeds could try all the methods side by side and see what seems to work the best.

There's not one method that works better than others. Germinating cannabis seeds does not require a 'method', just a bit of water and acceptable temps. The rest is just to get a false sense of control.

Yeah I ever for the life of me understood why you would sprout a seed on a paper towel.
Well then let me clear that up for you: it's because teachers in school show kids how seeds germinate, by putting them in paper towels they don't have to mess with "dirt" in classrooms... Somehow that stuck with (too) many people as some sort of clever way to germinate... which it is not.
I've thrown seeds in the yard at the end ofthe summer, after being out all winter, two plants sprouted and grw by themselves the next year, I didn't touch em, they got four foot tall, got a couple doobs worth lol.

They were growing literally in an oily scrap metal pit.